Ethereum Consolidation May Be Postponed Once Again, Here’s Why

Just Drake, Ethereum He stated that the so-called difficulty bomb is set to be active in August, which could delay the Ethereum Consolidation.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has previously stated that he wants to complete the merger in August 2022.

Buterin believes that the issues that emerged during testing at Ropsten on June 8 will be critical to the merger timeline.

While Ethereum’s difficulty bomb is scheduled to explode in August 2022, slowing down the ETH blockchain. Altcoin co-founder Vitalik Buterin warned that a change in plans could cause a delay in the Ethereum Merger.

Ethereum Consolidation May Be Delayed!

co-founder Vitalic Buterine, announced to the community at the “Shanghai Web 3.0” developer summit that the Ethereum Convergence could happen as early as August 2022. Buterin remained optimistic about the timeline for transitioning to Proof-of-Stake (proof of stake), but remained realistic that there could be a delay if the testnet implementation fails.

The Ropsten testnet will test Consolidation on June 8, and a smooth transition to Proof-of-Stake is the critical key to the event’s timeline. Should problems arise, developers can delay Ethereum Consolidation by having to identify issues that need to be resolved. Buterin thinks a delay could push the Merger to September or October 2022.

“If that’s okay, the Ethereum Merger will be completed in August but there is always a risk of problems, of course, there is also a risk of delay and so September 2022 is possible, and I would even say October 2022.”

The problems Buterin mentions are that with all decentralized applications and protocols, blockchain is out of Proof-of-Work. Proof-of-StakeThese are the difficulties that arise when you switch to . Therefore, scheduled testing for the Ropsten testnet is key to the timely execution of Consolidation. Merge may be delayed if critical issues identified during testing take a long time to resolve.

The Difficulty Bomb On The Blockchain Is On Its Way

Ethereum researcher Justin Drake explained that the merger is currently on the way and is at the top of the development team’s priority list. Drake stated that he had “a strong desire to make it happen before the difficulty bomb in August.”

By difficulty bomb, Drake refers to a program coded on the Ethereum blockchain that aims to slow down the blockchain. This is at a critical stage to drive the transition from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. Bomba aims to achieve this by increasing the difficulty for miners running the Post-Merge Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism.

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