Ethereum And These Altcoins Are Whaling Invasion: Here’s The List!

Bitcoin (BTC) rose to $42,000 on March 9 as the bulls recaptured support levels. Terra (LUNA) accompanies this momentum with 20% gains, while Ethereum and Solana are trying to make up for the losses of the last days with slight gains. In this article, let’s take a look at which tokens the biggest Ethereum whales tracked by WhaleStats are positioning in current market conditions. Details‘in.

Ethereum whales bought the 10 most altcoins in the last 24 hours

The WhaleStats chart below shows the top-selling altcoins in the last 24 hours by the top 100 Ethereum wallets with an average value of $1.3 billion and an average of 170,677 ETH, 149 tokens and 3 NFTs after excluding known exchanges and project wallets. According to the data, Ethereum whales sold stablecoin giants such as USDC, BUSD, USDT, HUSD during the rise. The cryptocurrency of FTX exchange FTT and cloud storage platform Storj’s native cryptocurrency STORJ are other best-selling tokens during this period. Meanwhile, the announcement of Andre Cronje, one of the legendary DeFi developers, to leave the crypto industry has dragged Phantom (FTM) among the bestsellers in recent days.

The general view of the list is as follows, with Polygon (MATIC) in the tenth place.

  1. USD Coin (USDC)
  2. Ethereum (ETH)
  3. Binance USD (BUSD)
  4. Tether (USDT)
  5. FTX Token (FTT)
  6. Zrx (ZRX)
  7. Phantom (FTM)
  8. HUSD (HUSD)
  9. Storj (STORJ)
  10. Polygon (MATIC)

Whales traded the most in these small-volume altcoins

The chart below shows the cryptocurrencies that Ethereum whales have traded the most since last week. We see Populous (PPT), which aims to create invoice financing for invoice buyers and sellers, in the first place. The altcoins on the list are usually projects with market caps in the $5–15 million range.

Here is the list of small-volume cryptocurrencies that whales have traded the most since last week:

  1. Populous (PPT)
  2. UniTrade (TRADE)
  3. LinkEye Token (LET)
  4. DOS Network Token (DOS)
  5. NucleusVision (nCash)
  6. DigitexFutures (DGTX)
  7. DAI/USDC/USDT (3Crv)
  8. Bidao (BID)
  9. Seele Token (Seele )
  10. Pantos Token (PAN)

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