‘Estimated time’ is coming for WhatsApp file sharing

Popular communication application WhatsApp had previously increased the maximum file sharing limit of 100 MB to 2 GB at the request of users. Not long after this innovation, the company tackled another problem in practice.

In iOS, Android and computer versions of WhatsApp, a photo, video and similar file can be sent in “document” format. However, the time to transmit the file to the other party is not displayed in the application and the user is only informed with a progress bar. According to WABetaInfo that will soon change.

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WhatsApp will show percentage of progress while sharing files

Announcing upcoming features to WhatsApp, WABetaInfo is sharing a file with the messaging app. estimated time of arrival Said it would show. Thanks to this feature, the sender will be able to see how many seconds / minutes the file will be sent to the other party. This time will vary depending on the quality of the internet connection.

whatsapp file
Estimated arrival time is in beta version of WhatsApp. Photo: WABetaInfo

You need to use WhatsApp in beta version to see estimated time of arrival information. The company released the feature last month for those using WhatsApp Desktop on their computer, and this week for phones with Android and iOS operating systems. in a short time The beta process will be completed and will be made available to the general public.

To use WhatsApp beta on iPhone, you need to sign up for TestFlight, but currently no new members are accepted. On Android, you can download and install the .apk file of the application through various APK download sites. But since this method is risky, it is not recommended to install it from anywhere other than the Google Play Store.

When you sign up for WhatsApp after installing the beta version on your device, you will see the estimated time of arrival information while sending a file. Moreover, you can not only be limited to this, but also experience the features of WhatsApp that are currently only available to beta users.

How did you find the new feature of WhatsApp? You can share your thoughts in the comments or on the SDN Forum.

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