Erdogan’s Next Move Coming for Gold

Announcing the new model that will affect the dollar, gold and Turkish lira after the cabinet meeting, President Erdoğan gave important messages regarding the economy. However, it is said that new moves may come. According to Alpaslan Çakar, Chairman of the Board of the Banks Association of Turkey, Erdogan will soon take new steps for those who have gold under the pillow. We are giving the details as…

Taking a step for the gold under the pillow

After the cabinet meeting, President Erdoğan made statements affecting the markets and drew attention to a new model and economic instruments. Stating that there is 5 thousand tons of gold under the pillow, Erdoğan stated that new moves will be made in order to reintroduce these to the economy. The total value of these gold is thought to be equivalent to 280 billion dollars.

People began to wonder whether a transaction such as the exchange rate guarantee, which would be applied to the remaining deposits in TL, would also be carried out for the precious metal. Thereupon, regarding Erdogan’s statement, Alpaslan Çakar, Chairman of the Board of the Banks Association of Turkey (TBB), stated that action will be taken against the gold under the pillow in the coming days.

Stating that the amount of gold under the pillow is quite a wealth, Çakar stated that if it is included in the financial system, it will be a great saving and will constitute a source for investment. Stating that they will be a little more aggressive in securitizing the gold of the citizens in the coming period, Çakar said, “We will take some actions to facilitate the lives of our citizens and facilitate their financial access in the coming period, so that the gold under the pillow can participate in the system and be included in the system.” Çakar explained that as public banks, they have been carrying out such work with the Istanbul Gold Refinery for a while.

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