Epic Games gives free games for 33 TL

33 TL in Epic Games Store Terraforming Mars game temporarily free. The company starts a new campaign every Thursday at 18:00 Turkish time. Once you add the games that are given free for 7 days to your library, they stay with you for life.

You control a company with a certain profile in Terraforming Mars, which is free as part of this week’s campaign. The turn-based strategy game developed and published by Asmodee Digital runs on Windows and Mac platforms. It also supports single and multiplayer modes.

Amazon Prime Gaming made games worth 260 TL for free!

Amazon Prime Gaming announced in May that it made some computer games worth 260 TL for free.

33 TL game free on Epic Games Store

To download Terraforming Mars for free, go to the Epic Games Store and click the “Install” button. Press “Place Order” after accepting the user agreement. At this stage, click on the “Open Epic Games Launcher” link and press the “Add to Library” button on the screen that opens. Then you can download it for free.

epic games free game

Epic Games explains the subject of the game as follows:

Companies compete to turn Mars into a habitable planet, spending vast resources and using innovative technologies to raise temperatures, create a breathable atmosphere and create oceans. As terraforming progresses, more and more people will migrate from Earth to live on the Red Planet.

Play project cards, build production, map your cities and green spaces, and compete for milestones and prizes!

Epic Games

Terraforming Mars game Until 12 May at 18:00 You can download it for free from the Epic Games Store. After this date, the campaign will expire, so you will need to purchase it to add it to your library.

System requirements Minimum Suggested
OS windows 7 Windows 10
Processor Dual Core 3.0GHz Intel Core i5
Memory 4GB of RAM 8GB RAM
GPU Intel HD4000 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Storage 250MB 250MB
Supported languages French, English, Italian, Germany, Swedish, Spanish (Spain)

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