Elon Musk Targets These Altcoins After Metaverse and Web3!

In his most recent tweet, Tesla CEO Elon Musk targeted the non-fungible token (NFT) space. Elon Musk had fun pointing out a new mode in Doom II. cryptocoin.com We are giving the details as…

Elon Musk laughed at a tweet making fun of NFTs

Elon Musk threw a laughing emoji in a tweet where a game account called Niche Gamer shared the NFT mode in Doom II. The video features pictures of NFTs from the Bored Ape Yacht Club collection, which has recently surpassed all enemies in the game with this new mod, CryptoPunks, at a base price. In Doom, which is an FPS game, with this mod, players do not need to kill enemies. Instead, it is necessary to take a quick photo of the Bored Ape Yacht Bluc NFTs, which are sold in large quantities. Players who do this get a large amount of money with the new mode, instead of the points they get by killing the enemy. Thus, attention is drawn to the sale of NFTs for large sums.

The concept refers to an ongoing joke among NFT critics called “right-clickers” who argue that crypto art is truly worthless because anyone can download it for free. Elon Musk recently shared a meme where a therapist asked his patient if he was hallucinating or dreaming of NFTs.

Musk, who came to the fore with the wave he passed with NFTs, seems to have declared war on popular concepts. He also said recently that Web 3.0 and the metaverse just sounded like “fashionable” words. Musk thinks that these will gain momentum in the future or cannot replace something that is happening now.

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