Elon Musk sued Twitter founder!

Tensions between Elon Musk and Twitter continue to escalate. Elon Musk former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, summoned the court to speak about the acquisition of the social media company. The Tesla executive underlines that the $44 billion purchase was suspended because of bot accounts.

Elon Musk wants Jack Dorsey to speak for Twitter bots

Musk, who withdrew from the $ 44 billion Twitter bid, was in court with Twitter. Before the hearing to be held on October 17, the lawyers of the parties are heard. Finally, Elon Musk’s lawyers called Twitter founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey to court.

We don’t know if Jack Dorsey will go to court and testify, but spam and bot account He has remained silent on the matter until now. Dorsey, who has a close relationship with Elon Musk, especially because of cryptocurrencies, can detail how accounts on Twitter are measured.

Again, Musk got what he wanted!  Twitter has been authenticated

Again, Musk got what he wanted! Twitter has been authenticated

Although Twitter could not provide the data Elon Musk wanted, it broke the ice with the new phone number and authentication feature.

Twitter said in its latest financial reports that bots or fake accounts make up less than 5 percent of its user base. Saying that he withdrew from the $ 44 billion Twitter deal, Elon Musk said that more than 10 percent of fake accounts thinks it is.

The issue of bots and spam accounts between Elon Musk and Twitter has become the main issue in the legal fight. Last week, Elon Musk Extra information requested from Twitter allegedly received some of it. This information includes analytics about bots and spam accounts.

After all these developments from Twitter shares experienced movements. The stock, which fell 2.1 percent throughout the day, $43.06 declined to its level. That’s about 21 percent behind the $54.20 price Musk committed to buying Twitter in April.

So what do you think about the development between Elon Musk and Twitter founder Jack Dorsey? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section.

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