Elon Musk May Have Invested In A New Cryptocurrency Project!

Cryptocurrency following the market closely and popular meme token Dogecoin advocate Tesla CEO Elon MuskHe is frequently on the agenda with his posts on his Twitter account.

But Elon Musk, this time NFT came to the fore with his claim.

famous on twitter NFT The well-known collector “Deepak.eth” shared, “Bored Ape Yacht Club #1837Claimed it was sold for 569 Ethereum (ETH) and bought by Elon Musk via a MoonPay.

However, Deepak.eth’s claim that Elon Musk took the NFT in question has not yet been confirmed by Musk, who criticizes Twitter’s NFT feature.

Elon Musk’s Twitter NFT Criticism!

As it will be remembered, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Twitter’s NFT He criticized the decision he made about profile pictures and said that he found this feature disturbing.

In addition to these criticisms, Musk also warned the Twitter management about scammers commenting under twitter posts about NFTs and cryptocurrencies.

Elon Musk stated that Twitter should take action against crypto fraudsters instead of focusing on the NFT feature.

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