Elon Musk Is Not DOGE! He Mentioned This Altcoin!

Elon Musk named another meme project instead of Dogecoin (DOGE) at a recent Twitter meeting. The news failed to trigger the expected price increase this time….

Elon Musk talked about the biggest Dogecoin (DOGE) rival this time

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk jokingly said in a recent Twitter Spaces that his Shiba Inu dog Floki had taken over Twitter. In part of his speech, he humorously said, “I am no longer the CEO…. My dog ​​Floki took over,” he said.

Musk is known for his influence in the cryptocurrencies market, especially on meme tokens, and his comments, tweets, and jokes in the past have caused prices to fluctuate. This time, however, Musk’s comment on Floki Inu (FLOKI) did not have the expected effect.

FLOKI failed to realize the expected price rally

Floki Inu stands out as a meme-based cryptocurrency and has experienced significant price movements, often responding to Musk’s comments. This time, however, FLOKI remained in the local downtrend, even though it picked up slightly right after Musk’s comments. The faint reaction of the markets suggests that Musk’s comments are not as effective as before.

Floki Inu news feed

Indonesia’s largest cryptocurrency exchange Indodax announced today that it has added the Floki Inu (FLOKI) token to its platform. According to the announcement, users can deposit Floki Inu with the BEP20 network from 14:00 on April 12, and trading will begin on April 13 at 14:00.

Formerly known as Bitcoin Indonesia, Indodax has been operating since 2014 and has a user base of 5.7 million. The exchange offers a wide variety of cryptocurrencies for trading, including Bitcoin and Ethereum. It has a daily trading volume of $9.93 million and is ranked 69th on CoinMarketCap.

DEXTools partnership

To further expand the reach of its brand, Floki has partnered with DEXTools, one of the popular decentralized token data analytics platforms. The partnership in February comes just after the release of Floki’s 2023 roadmap, which outlines various goals to drive the growth of the project.

Coinmarketcap report

Floki Inu was also one of the most viewed metaverse projects in the Coinmarketcap Q1 2023 report.

Additionally, PIP has integrated FLOKI to allow its users to send and receive FLOKI on Twitter, Discord, Reddit, Twitch and other social networks.

FCF Pay collaboration

In another news dated April, FCF Pay also expressed the excitement of working with FLOKI. FLOKI was recently added to the FCF Pay list to offer the possibility to purchase Visa/Mastercard virtual debit cards.

cryptocoin.com We have included the latest developments in Floki’s agenda in this article. A recent Elon Musk tweet was perceived as referencing the new Floki.

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