Elon Musk is coming to visit Duzce!

Crazy billionaire Elon Musk and his projects continue to be on the agenda. Musk, who has a different sincerity especially with Türkiye and the Turkish government, is also from Düzce. When allegations of a business partnership and a visit to Düzce began to be made between Erciyas Holding, which produces tubes in Düzce in accordance with Hyperloop technology, and Elon Musk, a statement was made by the company. Here is the statement and details made by Erciyas Holding regarding Düzceli Musk…

Is Elon Musk coming to Erciyas Holding, which produces in its Düzce factory?

One of the latest crazy technologies put forward by Musk is undoubtedly Hyperloop technology. To put it briefly, thanks to these tubes that use both high-speed train and induction current technologies at the same time, it is aimed to cover distances with heavy passenger flow, such as between Istanbul and Ankara, in shorter times.


We can actually say that the system is an advanced version of Maglev train technology. As you know, the High Speed ​​Train moves on rails and loses energy by being exposed to a certain rail friction. This problem is solved by elevating the train onto the rail with the electrical field in Maglev trains. But there is a huge force acting on both trains: air friction.

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I wish you had held on for a while: The final version of the F-35 that hit the bird was surprising!

Unfortunately, the F-35 that hit the bird was retired. A bird strike, which is a common occurrence in aviation, caused an F-35 to be scrapped. Here are the details…

In order to reduce this friction to the closest value to zero, an environment without air is required. The only way to do this is to vacuum the environment in which the train moves. Here, Elon Musk starts with the YHT concept and first eliminates the obstacle of rail friction, as in Maglev trains. Later, it switches to Hyperloop technology.

With Hyperloop, you build a tunnel along the line you want. By vacuuming the air inside these tunnels, you prevent air resistance. Afterwards, you eliminate the friction of the vehicle with the ground by going on airbags on a train or capsule (whichever vehicle will carry passengers and cargo in the tube) or by elevating it on the rail.

In addition, thanks to the electric current passing through the copper wires around the tube, an electric field will be created and acceleration will be achieved by applying electrical force to the vehicles. In this way, the vehicles in question will be able to reach speeds of up to 900 kilometers per hour. To understand this more easily, make a tube by rotating copper wires. Then put a charged battery inside. You will see that the battery will accelerate and come out of the other end of the tunnel on its own.

The tubes in question have a diameter of 4 meters. There is only one company in the world that produces these tubes and it is in Turkey. These tubes, produced by Erciyas Holding in Düzce, are the type of tubes Elon Musk is looking for. Regarding this, while claims were made that a visit to Düzce would be made, Erciyas Holding made a statement that such a visit was not the subject and false information was shared on social media.

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