Elon Musk Announces Artificial Intelligence Tool: TruthGPT

Elon Musk made evaluations on the agenda in an interview he gave. Musk explained what he would do if government officials had access to Twitter data. Musk also announced that he is working on a new artificial intelligence tool, “TruthGPT”.

Billionaire businessman Elon Musk has been on the agenda with an interview for a few days. Tucker Carlson of Fox News This interview with Elon Musk revealed Elon Musk’s assessments, confessions and future projects. Come this details of the interview Let’s take a closer look.

In a news we shared with you yesterday, Elon Musk’s Twitter from his confession we talked about. According to this confession, the US government and some intelligence sources, all data on Twitter – including user messages – they could reach. The first episode, published last night, revealed Elon Musk’s plans on this issue.

End-to-end encrypted message feature is coming to Twitter!

Elon Musk”It blew my mind.He announced that he had taken a step regarding the issue, which he explained with the statements. According to the interview, Twitter developers responded to messages. end-to-end encryption continues to work to bring According to Elon Musk’s statement, the feature being worked on is very likely before the end of April will be announced.

If you want to learn all the details about Elon Musk’s Twitter confession:


Scandalous Confession from Elon Musk: Governments Can Even Access Twitter Messages [Video]

A new artificial intelligence named “TruthGPT” is coming!

Elon Musk artificial intelligence

Elon Musk made a post on Twitter a few months ago and said, “What we need is TruthGPT” their expressions had used. In that post, it was not clear what the billionaire businessman meant. But the Fox News interview changed that. musk, TruthGPT announced that he is working on a new artificial intelligence tool, which he calls . This artificial intelligence is to understand how the universe was formed and ‘seeking the truth’ will be specially designed for

According to Elon Musk, TruthGPT will try to destroy humanity will stand against artificial intelligence technologies. Billionaire businessman, artificial intelligence as it will focus on understanding the universe and since humans are also a part of the universe, TruthGPT cannot aim to destroy humanity.

Elon Musk

It is not clear for now what Elon Musk’s TruthGPT will offer. However, Musk said that this artificial intelligence has OpenAI and ChatGPT. good alternative He talked about what would happen. From here, we can state that TruthGPT can again appear as a language-oriented model. But for now, it’s too early to talk about that. The only solid data we have is that of Elon Musk quietly “X.AIThe fact that he founded an artificial intelligence company called “.

If you want to learn more about X.AI:


Elon Musk Prepares to Compete with OpenAI with New Artificial Intelligence Company

The second part of Elon Musk’s interview with Tucker Carlson, tonight at 03:00 will be published. Let’s see what bombshell statements we’ll wake up to tomorrow morning from Elon Musk.

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