Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Create a Threat

A group of researchers conducted research to identify safety issues at charging stations for electric cars. In the research, in which security threats were detected in many subjects, solutions were sought to the problems that emerged.

Electric vehicles have become very popular in the automobile market in recent years. While many automobile manufacturers are making investments in this area, users have changed their preferences in this direction. Demand for electric cars is driven by electric vehicle stations and internet-based management systems increased the need.

However, the management systems that developed in parallel with the electric car technology brought with it a series of cyber security problems. A group of researchers from the UTSA Center for Cybersecurity and Analytics investigated security vulnerabilities. to cyber system problems sought a solution.

Security threats detected

Internet-based management systems in electric vehicles have many functions such as remote monitoring and billing. For this reason, it is targeted by malicious users, revealing some cyber security problems. Elias Bou-Harb, director of the Center for Cyber ​​Security and Analytics, said that cyberattacks against charging systems of electric cars to reduce the negative effects and investigated the cyber security measures that can be prepared.

Elias Bou-Harb stated that although electric vehicles have become widespread today, their management systems are still quite sensitive. at Computers & Security According to the published research report, the research team discovered 16 different vulnerabilities in the system. 13 of these vulnerabilities include missing authentication and cross-site scripting. serious threats was forming.


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Security measures to mitigate cyber attacks, guidelines and improvement practices developed. It also created some measures to fix the discovered vulnerability. Explaining that they will continue to analyze more charging stations for a better understanding of security vulnerabilities, the researchers emphasized the importance of developing security products.

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