Electric Cars Can Be Charged In Less Than 5 Minutes

A team funded by NASA has revealed that a technology developed for the International Space Station can also be used in electric vehicles. It has been noted that with the technology, the charging time can be reduced to 5 minutes or less.

Space technologies developed over the years continue to find use in different areas of our lives. Finally, a team funded by NASA has developed a method developed for use in NASA missions in electric vehicles. can increase the charging speed tremendously. revealed.

According to the discovery, announced in the blog post also shared by NASA, the “Flow Boiling and Condensation Experiment (FBCE)” technology developed by the team for temperature management in space, allows electric cars to in five minutes or less has the potential to recharge.

The technology developed for the International Space Station can be used in the charging cable of electric cars:

The technology in question, developed by scientists from Purdue University, is actually On the International Space Station and in low-gravity environments It was developed for heat transfer. Thus, while aiming to manage the temperature in the environment, it was stated that the “supercooled flow boiling” method used in technology can also be used in electric vehicles.

So what is this technology and method?

The so-called “Flow Boiling Module” in the technology is mounted along the walls of a flow channel where coolant is supplied in liquid form. heat generating devices contains. As these devices heat up, the temperature of the liquid in the channel rises and eventually the liquid adjacent to the walls begins to boil.

The boiling liquid forms small bubbles on the walls and constantly draws liquid from the inner region of the channel towards the channel walls. This process takes advantage of both the lower temperature of the liquid and the phase change that follows the transition from liquid to vapor. transfers heat efficiently.

The FBCE technology was tested in August 2021 and has also recently moved to the International Space Station. Additional results from the system operating at the station showed the technology could be used in future space systems, while testing continued later on on Earth.

How can technology be used in electric vehicles?

electric car

According to scientists, the passage of the current generated in the charging process of electric vehicles through any conductor produces a limited amount of heat. The higher the current, the higher the temperature. Even currents of 350 amperes that will ‘fast charge’ vehicles in large conductors and requires heavy and useless cables. That’s why many charging stations today use 150 amps.

In order to reduce the charging time to five minutes or less 1,400 amp capacity needs. While this was not possible with current technologies, the team behind FBCE decided to test their new system in electric vehicles. With the new technology, the non-conductive liquid refrigerant is pumped through the charging cable, where it takes advantage of the heat generated by the current-carrying conductor.

As a result of this test, the team was able to remove up to 24.22 kilowatts of heat, producing the fastest electric charger ever developed. Moreover, the specially developed cable It even offered support for 2,400 amps of current.

Of course, it is not yet known how such a high current will affect vehicle batteries. However, the new charging technology can be used to eliminate one of the biggest problems of electric vehicles in the future.


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