Elden Ring’s PC System Requirements Announced

Before the long-awaited RPG game Elden Ring meets PC players on February 25, 2022, Elden Ring system requirements have been officially announced. Below, we talked about what kind of game Elden Ring is, we transferred its trailer and listed the Elden Ring system requirements for you.

The Action RPG game Elden Ring, which especially those who love the RPG game genre, have been waiting for with great excitement, will officially meet with PC players on February 25. 2 weeks before the game is released Elden Ring system requirementswas leaked by SteamSpy after it was accidentally listed on Steam and immediately removed.

With the sharing made on the official Twitter page of Elden Ring Elden Ring system requirements officially announced. Is the generation that watched GTA V from afar in its first years here? Get the pen and paper ready, because we’re adding another game to be released this year: Elden Ring.

Before Elden Ring system requirements, what kind of game is Elden Ring?

Probably what most of us will watch on YouTube Elden RingDeveloped by From Software, the name behind the Game of Thrones saga George R.R. Martin set in a fantasy world designed with it’s a role playing game. The game has a life-giving ring that can control the stars in a dark and cruel world, and you might like the name: Elden Ring.

So what will be the story of Elden Ring? Elden Ring Named this ring, it has a mysterious design that allows the world to exist. Elden Ring is falling apart and we will be playing a character who finds a place for himself in the chaos that follows this situation. In the gameplay part of the game, a souls-like* gameplay will await us.

*(A term used for games with gameplay similar to Dark Souls.)

Elden Ring trailer

First announced to be released on January 21, 2022, but later postponed due to the pandemic and finally meeting with PC players on February 25, 2022. In the trailer of Elden Ring We can see the gameplay of the game better. Without making you wait any longer Elden Ring system requirements let’s see.

Elden Ring PC minimum system requirements:

  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-8400 or AMD Ryzen 3 3300X
  • RAM: 12GB
  • Display card: NVIDIA GTX 1060 (3GB) or AMD RX 580 (4GB)
  • Storage: 60GB

Elden Ring PC recommended system requirements:

  • OS: Windows 10/Windows 11 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 8700K or AMD Ryzen 5 3600X
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Display card: NVIDIA GTX 1070 (8GB) or AMD RX VEGA (8GB)
  • Storage: 60GB

Elden Ring system requirements What do you think about it? Not only Turkey, but even players from around the world are quite reactive to the fact that the system requirements are such high hardware. At least it looks like we won’t be watching Elden Ring on YouTube alone. Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Social media reactions to Elden Ring system requirements

‘If you look at the previous Souls games and Sekiro, these requirements seem overkill. So my computer does, but… these system requirements are a bit “thick”.’

my computer and me

‘Can I open this game with my 8 GB RAM?’

‘These system requirements are embarrassingly high… This is a PS4 game. Sekiro was wonderfully optimized.’

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