Elden Ring came to the fore with a new record

Popular shortly after release Elden Ring, came up with a new record. Game makers have announced that Elden Ring’s sales record announced that it was broken.

Elden Ring, which was released on February 25, managed to win the acclaim of players and critics. Many players stated that they liked Elden Ring in general, although there were some errors in the game.

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Elden Ring is on the agenda with its sales record

FromSoftware and Bandai Namco have released a joint press release. Elden Ring’s 14 March 2022 More than 1 million copies have been sold in Japan alone.

Elden Ring is on the agenda with its sales record

Worldwide in about 2.5 weeks 12 million copies Announcing the sale, the team underlined that the number includes both box and online purchases. Hideta Miyazaki, FromSoftware President and CEO, said, “On behalf of the entire development team, I would like to express my sincere thanks. Elden Ring is based on a mythological story written by George RR Martin. We want players to enjoy a high level of freedom as they adventure through the world of Elden Ring. Thanks again to everyone who supported.” made statements.

President and CEO of Bandai Namco Yasuo Miyakawa “A lot of work has gone into Elden Ring to meet the expectations of our worldwide fans. Similarly, we will continue to take the brand beyond the game. We will work tirelessly to be closer and communicate with our fans around the world.” said.

Developed by FromSoftware Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, It reached 2 million sales in 10 days. Bloodborne, which was released only on PlayStation 4, was sold over 1 million in two weeks in 2015. Dark Souls 3 became the fastest-selling game in Bandai Namco’s history, selling over three million copies nearly a month after its worldwide release in April 2016.

What do you think about Elden Ring’s sales record? You can share your ideas in the comments section and on the SDN Forum.

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