Economist Turns His Eyes On These 4 Altcoin Projects: Super Boom!

Macro guru Raoul Pal says major altcoin projects Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), Avalanche (AVAX) and Terra (LUNA) will be super explosive in this bull cycle, but with some conditions. Here are the details…

Raoul Pal: Layer-1 Blockchains will be super explosive

In a new interview with Ash Bennington on Real Vision, Raoul Pal said that Ethereum is open to the possibility of going through a long bull cycle coinciding with June 2022, potentially pushing ETH as high as $40,000. According to the macro guru, if ETH grows parabolic, it could become even more explosive than other leading tier 1 cryptocurrencies:

I think almost certainly by March, but possibly by summer, which will give us higher prices and a different cycle structure than we’ve seen before. I could be wrong. I’m not betting on all possibilities. But I think that’s how it’s played. And if I’m right about network adoption, then other Tier-1s like Solana, Terra, Avalanche, Cardano and others will be super explosive.

Pal says the only caveat for these altcoin prices to get past the bull run is that they could be a much riskier choice than Ethereum:

But on a risk-reward basis, they’re riskier. They are not as deep a network as Ethereum. For me, Ethereum remains the best investment in the world from a risk-adjusted perspective.

Leading altcoin approaches BTC’s market cap Former Goldman Sachs executive, whose analysis we share with you, says that the current crypto bull market may close when Ethereum starts to threaten Bitcoin’s market value. Ethereum’s market cap is currently $523.9 billion and Bitcoin’s is $1.14 trillion. Pal shares these predictions:

My guess is Ethereum is getting pretty close to Bitcoin’s market cap. So I think it’s probably doubling in relative valuation relative to Bitcoin somewhere eventually. I don’t think the market expects this. But maybe this short period will be the end of the cycle, when everyone gets in the mood, all the Bitcoin guys are pissed because Ethereum is outperforming, then we get a bigger correction.

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