Economist Draws Attention to 5 Altcoin Projects: Looks Solid!

Renowned economist Raoul Pal said he is very optimistic about Bitcoin, Ethereum and the four major altcoins as crypto continues to be adopted on a global scale. We share the details as…

Raoul Pal talked about altcoin projects with real use cases

In a new interview, Pal said that he expects the total crypto market to increase 100 times in the coming years as a result of exponential adoption. According to Pal, who stated that cryptocurrencies are “the fastest adoption area in any technology field in history”, we will increase from 150 million users to one billion users in three and a half years. Total market capitalization as an asset class will grow from $2 trillion to $200 trillion in 10 years. Pal examines the six cryptoassets that he thinks have the strongest potential based on their fundamentals, using the following statements:

What you do is look at these cryptocurrencies and say, ‘How many people are using this? Is this network growing and people are building on it?’ If you can answer these questions with yes, then you have a good investment. What I’m seeing right now is Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Terra and possibly Polkadot or Avalanche. These are the ones with a larger market value. We’re seeing real use cases, lots of people adopting it, and lots of people developing apps on it.

“Ethereum is like the internet of money,” Pal says investors should take a close look at Ethereum (ETH) for those who want to keep their investments simple, noting the enormous network effects.

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