Economist Dates Gold Price: Prices May Jump!

While gram gold is rising rapidly, investors are undecided about whether to buy or not. Experts in this field continue to convey their thoughts. before too Haluk Özdil, whose comments we share with you, gave the date by giving his estimates for the dollar and gold price.

Haluk Özdil: Gold price may rise

Researcher and writer Haluk Özdil announced his estimate of 1,000 liras for gram gold in June. However, he recently mentioned that he has shortened this forecast to March or April. Now, Özdil shared his predictions for the dollar and then gold. The expert said that the speculative movements in the dollar continue; warned those who have invested heavily in this asset. However, he said that “there may be an inflow of money into Turkey in the near future,” and that those who sell their house and car and invest in dollars may face a serious loss.

Talking about gold prices, Özdil stated that ounce gold can support the rise under grams. “Gold has not yet priced hyperinflation in the world. The price is gold within us, that is, the rise is rising due to the dynamics within ourselves,” he said, stating the reason for the recent rise in grams. He said an ounce of gold “would be unbearable” if he started pricing in the current economic situation and inflation in the world.

Stating that what is suppressing an ounce of gold right now is the money injected into the market, Özdil draws attention to Bank of America’s estimate of $2,063. Reiterating that gram gold will be 1,000 lira in March or April, the expert said that there may be a recession if this level is exceeded. However, he concluded his analysis by stating that if the upward movement of ounce gold continues, the increase in value will continue.

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