Economist Dates Gold Price and Warns: Don’t…

Gram gold reached 835 liras with a sharp rise. Gold, on the other hand, is falling and changing hands at around $1,768 at the time of writing. Meanwhile, researcher and writer Haluk Özdil, who made new predictions about the price of gold, brought forward his 1,000 lira estimate. We are giving the details as…

Haluk Özdil made a prediction for the price of gold: He cut his forecast to March

Haluk Özdil, who correctly predicted that gold will rise to 650 and 800 liras before, draws attention to the fact that investors with gold should hold the precious metal in their new statements. In addition, Özdil, who previously thought that gram gold would reach 1,000 liras in June, revised this forecast to an earlier date. According to the expert name, grams of gold can now reach 1,000 liras in March or April.

Apart from that, commenting on the general economic outlook, Özdil states that gold is heading towards 1,000 liras and that people who do not want their money to melt down choose such a path. He also says that the real estate bubble is now inflated, and the small investor is not in a position to buy a house.

Özdil thinks that the gold price will now proceed independently of the dollar, and says that many people are waiting for June in terms of the dollar’s suppression. “There is speculation. If measures are to be taken against this, it should be taken,” says the expert, and states that the dollar may also increase when these are taken into account. Saying that “something will happen in Turkey in June 2022”, Özdil advises investors not to sell their gold. Finally, according to the expert, “it’s good to stay calm”.

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