Earthquake Warning System was Built at Dokuz Eylül University

Prof. Dr. Hasan Sözbilir announced that the earthquake early warning system, which has been working on it for 3 years, has been completed.

Numerous studies have been carried out both in our country and around the world. earthquakes, has been on the agenda for a long time with the issue of whether precautions were taken or not. It is an early earthquake whose importance has been re-understood after the recent earthquakes our country encountered. warning systems Therefore, their work has accelerated.

We have witnessed Google and other applications giving warnings seconds before an earthquake. These seconds should not seem small to you. Because they are of critical importance to take precautions before such disasters. Aiming to contribute to this Prof. Dr. Hasan Sözbilir announced that they have reached the end of the earthquake early warning system project.

3 years of work reaches its conclusion.

Professor, who works as a lecturer in the department of geology at Dokuz Eylül University’s engineering faculty. Dr. Hasan Sözbilir, after a 6-month trial period Will provide second-by-second information about earthquakes in Izmir announced that the system was completed. The system has been worked on for 3 years; It was created by lecturers from the university’s geology, civil, computer and electronics departments.

He can speak; He stated that the system is completely domestic in terms of text, design and mechanism. After the 6-month trial period, this system will be available in Izmir within the scope of the agreement made with AFAD. It will be placed in 12 separate AFAD stations.

Sözbilir explains the system they developed, which can predict an earthquake 16 seconds in advance, as follows:

Prof.  Dr.  Hasan Sözbilir

Earthquake early warning systems, let’s say 70 kilometers away It detects a fault as soon as it creates an earthquake. For example, someone who can come to Bayraklı district We can learn about an earthquake 16 seconds before. In this way, people can be informed or precautions can be taken regarding large-scale structures.

The aim is when an earthquake occurs catch at source. The arrival time of the earthquake varies depending on how far the fault is from us. It will transfer this information to computers online and in real time.

According to Sözbilir, in our country Only 25 of 485 faults were broken in case. This again underlines the precautions that should be taken in advance for an earthquake. Sözbilir also said that the system should be established in many provinces and that it had previously been established in places such as Istanbul, Bursa and Kocaeli. Finally, he added that earthquake-resistant houses should be built before the earthquake.


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