E-Commerce Company Opens Shopify Platform to NFTs

Canada-based e-Commerce company Shopify has opened its platform to NFT mint and sales by partnering with GigLabs, which offers tools to transact with NFTs.

Shopify CEO Tobias Lütke announced the new service they will offer on Twitter.

NFT Beta program This platform, which will be put into service under the name of US-based users only will be accessible for GigLabs Payment methods such as Shopify payment methods, Shop Pay, cryptocurrencies, debit and credit cards can be used in the partnership with the company.

The Shopify team said users can request their NFT via email and add it to their wallet.

The company allows users to use contracted applications. Ethereum, Polygon, Near and Flow NFT on based platforms mintHe stated that he could.

in 2020 BTCPay as a result of its partnership with bitcoin Shopify, which entered the crypto money market by agreeing to receive payments with, has taken its first step into the NFT sector with this partnership.

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