Drinking Too Much Coffee During Pregnancy Is Negative For The Development Of Babies

A study conducted in Japan on caffeine consumption during pregnancy, which has been a controversial issue for many years, may change opinions. According to this research, consuming more than a certain dose of caffeine has negative effects on the development of children.

There are many situations that should be considered during pregnancy. However, the dangers that some situations may pose are still emerging, and these dangers, unfortunately, are based on the coffee that many of us love.

of women coffee consumption during pregnancy There are different approaches to the issue. As the consumption of coffee increases with the spread of coffee, the effects of caffeine in different areas are also the subject of investigation.

Too much caffeine is risky for babies

Apart from the effect of caffeine on people, scientists conducted a study to examine the effect of consuming this substance during pregnancy on the development of children. The study used data from 87,106 mothers across Japan. According to the results of the study in average quantities Even children’s caffeine intake increases walking or crawling time.

In a study by scientists from Hokkaido University in Japan, women’s caffeine consumption during pregnancy and their children’s development of motor skills examined whether there is a relationship between Although the results differed according to the period, they were quite interesting.

The development of babies’ motor skills slows down


According to the study, babies developmental delay in motor skills in the first six months It is less likely to occur in children of mothers who consume high amounts of caffeine. On the other hand, when we increase this period to 12 months, on crawling and walking They are more at risk of falling behind their peers.


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According to scientists, the data for the first six months show that children can develop their mothers’ motor skills at that time. to the extent that they can be considered as healthy undeveloped may be due to its absence. On the other hand, exactly how caffeine affects children is not yet known.

Researchers expect mothers more than 200mg per day He tells them not to consume caffeine. At this point, although coffee comes to mind first when caffeine is mentioned, it should be noted that different coffees and different beverages contain different amounts of caffeine. The amount of caffeine, which is around 100 mg per cup in instant coffee, increases to 140 mg in a cup of filter coffee in the same scale. There is also 75 mg of caffeine in a cup of tea.

Source :
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10983547/Drinking-three-cups-coffee-day-pregnancy-affect-childs-ability-walk-age-1.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito= 1490

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