Dragons of the House of Dragon in New York

HBO Max’s promotions continue for the House of the Dragons series set in The Game of Thrones universe. In these promotions, giant dragons presented a visual feast in Times Square, albeit virtually.

For a long time, Americans measured the success of something by whether it appeared on billboards in Times Square. In fact, as a target for anyone aiming to achieve the best in the 1920s. the Big Apple -that is, New York- they targeted. Aiming to be one of the best TV series, House of Dragons has almost bitten the big apple with its new splendid advertisements.

The Game of Thrones HBO, which has also carried out remarkable advertising campaigns for the company, is carrying out a similar campaign for its new series House of the Dragon, which takes place in the same universe. of the Targatian Dynasty For the production in which the story will be told, a three-dimensional digital dragon took its place on the board in Times Square.

The majesty of dragons on the QLED display

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