Donald Trump Will Receive Payments in Crypto for His Nomination Campaign

Former US President and new US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump announced that he will accept donations in cryptocurrency for his election campaign.

As the elections in the USA approach, presidential candidates also begin to be determined. Donald Trump, one of the possible presidential candidates of the Republican party, announced that he will accept donations in cryptocurrencies for his campaign before the elections. Elections to be held on November 5, 2024 Beforehand, candidates run their election campaigns with the donations they collect.

Cryptocurrency payments in Trump’s campaign, Coinbase Commerce will be carried out via. In the statement, “MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters will now establish a crypto army that will lead the campaign to victory on November 5, with the new cryptocurrency option.” expressions were used.

Democrats have not been very positive about cryptocurrencies until now

Trump’s support for cryptocurrencies, on the other hand against the democratic party It is seen as a move. When we look at it historically, we see that Democrats are distant towards cryptocurrencies. Senator Elizabeth Warren, in particular, was known for her campaigns against cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, this year, it was seen that some Democratic candidates also started to support cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies this year before election campaigns It was discussed a lot. The basis of these discussions was the statements made by Donald Trump. However, there is no statement that Trump will support crypto assets and the growth of blockchains after the election.

US Presidential elections in the fall of this yearon November 5 will be carried out. Trump has previously claimed that Bitcoin is a “fraud against the US dollar.” Let’s see how this campaign will affect Trump’s views.


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