Domestic Stock Exchange Midas Received 11 Million Dollars Investment

Domestic stockbroker Midas completed its second investment round with a fund of 11 million dollars. In addition to domestic stocks, the platform, which offers share trading opportunities for companies such as US-based Tesla and Google, seems to be satisfied with the investment it has collected.

A domestic initiative that has allowed stock market transactions since 2020 with the permission of the CMB. Midascompleted its second investment round. The company is fully engaged in this investment round. 11 million dollars managed to collect Among Midas’ investors In addition to Twitter and Snapchat There are venture capital funds such as Earlybird Digital East Fund, Spark Capital and Revo Capital. It is worth noting that Revo Capital was one of the first investors of Getir, while Earlybird Digital East Fund invested in giants such as Peak. If Spark Capital From Coinbase’s investors.

Statements on the subject, Midas founder and CEO Egem Eraslan It was done by. Erarslan, “We are working to be the most comprehensive investment application in Turkey, in less than a year, we received an investment of over 11 million dollars from important domestic and foreign funds. In the last 3 months we grew 150 percent and we formed an engineering team of 70 people. Today, we accompany the investment journey of tens of thousands of our users.‘ he said.

Midas offers investment opportunities in US companies in addition to domestic stocks.

Midas from similar separating There is one very important point. This domestic stock market, like Google, Apple, Starbucks, Facebook, and Tesla US-based giant companies It also offers the opportunity to invest. Also, when using this exchange, there is no need to pay extra for live data tracking. These features seem to have made Midas attractive to investors as well.


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Egem Eraslan evaluated the services they offer to investors as follows: “A without lower limitWe offer the opportunity to trade on American Stock Exchanges for individual investors with a low transaction fee of 1.5 dollars. Midas users today use Google, Apple, Starbucks, Facebook, like Tesla By investing in world-renowned companies, it can also become a partner in its earnings. We also offer live data for free.”

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