Domestic Mobile Radar System Started to Use

The Medar Mobile Speed ​​Detection System (MTS), which was first tested in Manisa, is now in use. Here is the new stop of domestic production MTS!

Another step taken by Turkey for ‘domestic’ systems has borne fruit. About two months ago, it started to be tested in Manisa. Medar Mobile Speed ​​Detection Systemof (MTS) new stop has been announced. towards the end of March to Çorum While the installed system can adapt to all weather conditions, it can be used on a vehicle or as a mobile.

Medar Mobile Speed ​​Detection System, which can detect rule violations at night thanks to its night vision feature, today in Ağrı It was made available to the Gendarmerie. MTS, which has started to be used by the traffic teams of the Provincial Gendarmerie Command, can be watched instantly from the tablet in the vehicle. This increases the ease of use of the system.

MTS will now be used in Ağrı

MTS, which can work both day and night, can track multiple vehicles simultaneously. Domestic production system; Vehicles are tracked with their speed, lane, class, location and time information, and the necessary records are recorded with the relevant information of the vehicles that violate the speed. automatic as forming.

In the coming days, Medar Mobile Speed ​​Detection System (MTS), which can track violations of multiple vehicles simultaneously on 4-lane roads, will be launched. in more cities expected to be made available.


Speed ​​Test Images of Domestic Car Togg Shared [Video]

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