Domestic car TOGG appeared in the testing process

Domestic car planned to be on the roads in 2023 TOGG It had been going through tests for a while. A photo from the testing process was shared on TOOG’s Twitter account today. The new photo from TOGG, which has been busy with some tests for a long time, attracts the attention of automobile enthusiasts.

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Domestic car TOGG in aerodynamic and aeroacoustic tests

The current test observes the vehicle’s contact with air and sound waves while on the road. As a result of these observations reduction of friction and the vehicle aerodynamic the design is preserved. The photo below was shared from this challenging test.

These tests show both the durability and performance of the vehicle. make the most efficient trying to bring We don’t know when this phase will end, but we haven’t heard any negative news about the tests.

One year left for mass production

TOGG’s factory opened in Bursa will be completed and production will begin when the final production details are clear. Mass production according to the latest information at the end of 2022 is expected to begin. Since TOGG has not been produced yet, all tests are carried out on the prototype model, which is produced abroad.

Since the TOGG brand will step into the industry for the first time, the vehicle will probably see a few revisions after its launch. SUV and Sedan of the electric car, which offers body structure options. took place in 2019 We have been waiting for TOGG since its launch.

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