Dollar Rate Started the Day at 27.02 TL

According to today’s exchange rate and financial market data, the dollar exchange rate was at 27.03 TL at the closing time of Turkish markets, and started the new day with a slight decrease at 27.02 TL. However, it rose to 27.19 TL in international markets during the hours when Turkish markets were closed. Currently, as of 14:30, it is moving at the level of 27.03 TL, with an increase of 0.07 percent.

After rising up to 29.16 TL in the shallow market, Euro is currently at 28.9371 TL with a 0.27 percent premium.

The dollar index is currently at 104.99, with a decrease of 0.20 percent. Euro/dollar parity is currently moving at 1.0621 levels.

As of 14:30, Borsa Istanbul is at 7,844.66 with a premium of 0.76 percent.

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