Dogecoin Inventor Surprised by Price Comment: Unsustainable!

The co-founder of the popular meme coin Dogecoin (DOGE) urges the community not to focus on price. Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus argues in his statement that the hype is unsustainable and draws attention to the need to think long-term. Details of the topic‘in.

Price comment from Dogecoin partner

Billy Markus is one of two engineers who created DOGE in 2013. Billy Markus sold his DOGEs, which were released as a joke, shortly after. Billy Markus hadn’t been a Doge for a while, but he still continues to be influential in the popular meme coin community. Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus urged the Dogecoin community not to focus on the hype, which he described as unsustainable, in a recent statement on Twitter. Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus advises investors of the popular meme coin to shift their focus away from price speculation. Billy Markus also argues that investors should shift their attention to building and developing promising projects with long-term potential. Popular meme coin DOGE has dropped more than 80% from its record high. Even making a “meme” about DOGE will be a positive contribution to the community, according to Markus.

Dogecoin Inventor: I'm Hitting This Meme Coin!

Billy Markus, one of the two software engineers behind DOGE, the most famous prank cryptocurrency, claims that toxicity will negatively impact the DOGE brand, thereby hurting adoption. He encourages people to have fun with his creations without being too “crazy” and “righteous”. Extracted from the source code of Litecoin fork Lucky Coin in 2013, Dogecoin exploded in popularity and reached mainstream adoption in 2021. As we previously reported as, Elon Musk’s Tesla allowed its customers to purchase some products with the meme token. Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk recently made a statement that closely concerns crypto money investors. Elon Musk announced on his Twitter account that Tesla products can be purchased with Doge. Later, Dogecoin prices of some products began to appear in the Tesla online store. This move led to a significant increase in Dogecoin prices. On Wednesday, Litecoin founder Charlie Lee praised Dogecoin for its role in bringing crypto into the mainstream.

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