Dogecoin Inventor Explains The Way To Earn In Cryptocurrency!

Created as a joke by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer in 2013, the cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE) has now become the 12th largest cryptocurrency with a market cap of $25 billion. The Dogecoin inventor advised crypto investors in a tweet he shared today.

Don’t listen to shill bots and influencers. Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose. Realize that cryptocurrencies are a gamble and you are responsible for your choices.

Advice from the inventor of Dogecoin

Meme coin projects almost marked the year 2021. Dogecoin, which Tesla CEO Elon Musk also supports with his posts on social media, broke records on top of records. However, after a certain time, interest began to fade and shift in other directions. Investors who acted for fear of missing out on the climb suffered as prices receded from their peaks.

In this process, Dogecoin inventor Billy Markus made some warnings. Finally, he shared that investors should not get caught up in crypto phenomena, but invest as much as they can afford to lose, and that they are responsible for their choices, not others.

dogecoin As we reported earlier, on December 27, Billy Markus stated on his official Twitter account that he has around 220,000 DOGE and is not working on the Dogecoin project, but is a regular member of the DOGE community. He also said that he wouldn’t be coming back to be a part of the project because the more he was committed to the project, the worse the community treated him.

Billy Markus also stated that he owes nothing to the crypto community and is free to talk about anything he wants. He also stated that he supports people working to improve the crypto space and is disappointed for those who don’t make it better. Let us remind you that these are not Billy Markus’ first posts about Dogecoin this year.

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