Dogecoin Creator Complains About Elon Musk

Jackson Palmer, one of the creators of Dogecoin, stated that he was disturbed by Elon Musk’s moves to raise Doge prices. Palmer has reacted to Musk before.

Although there are certain ideas and infrastructures behind the vast majority of cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin, which was created on an internet joke, attracted attention as a crypto money that did not make such a claim. cute as a logo shiba inu breed This cryptocurrency, which chose a dog, attracted great attention.

One of the names showing interest in Dogecoin Elon Musk was. A large amount before bitcoin Despite selling Dogecoins, Musk made moves to “send Doge to the Moon” and multiply its value, especially in 2021, in crypto terms. Jackson Palmer, one of the creators of Dogecoin, made a statement on the subject.

Palmer reveals he is uncomfortable with Musk

Elon Musk and his reddit group SatoshiBetsin 2021 of Dogecoin It almost started an internet campaign to increase its value. Reminding this issue in an interview with Insider, Palmer stated that he was tired of the inclusion of this crypto currency, which he helped create 8 years ago, in these discussions.

Stating that he started Dogecoin as a hobby project at first, Palmer, he said that this situation is disturbing at the moment. Although Palmer deleted all his social media accounts, his connection to Dogecoin itself “that you follow like a bad smell‘ he added.

Other Dogecoin creator Billy Markus Palmer, who did not find Musk’s interest in Doge surprising, said that he thought Musk did this to make the masses a part of his personal cult.

This isn’t the first time Palmer and Musk have faced each other.

elon musk

Palmer previously called Musk “He thinks he is Iron Man.He criticized it by saying ” and the billionaire name “cheat” Elon Musk had previously said in a tweet thread. “that their own children can code better at age 12” and claimed that Palmer hadn’t written a single line of code for Doge.

Musk, who previously announced that he would be paid for Tesla with Dogecoin, had a great impact on the crypto money markets with his tweets over the past year. He was even sued for some Dogecoin shares. Musk previously stated that “I didn’t tell anyone to buy cryptocurrency.‘ he had used.

Currently, Elon Musk is also a party to a $258 billion lawsuit over complaints that he and his companies are committing a cryptocurrency scam.

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