Dogecoin Comments from Elon Musk, Person of the Year!

Time magazine declared Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, “Person of the Year”. Elon Musk, known in the crypto market as a Dogecoin supporter, now says that Dogecoin is better for transactions than Bitcoin. Details‘in.

“Dogecoin is actually disinflationary”

In a recent interview with Time Magazine, Elon Musk said that Dogecoin is more suitable for transactions than Bitcoin:

Bitcoin has a low transaction volume and a high cost per transaction. At least at its fundamental level, it is suitable for a store of value, but fundamentally Bitcoin is not a good substitute for transactional currency.

Next, Musk explains that Dogecoin is “slightly” inflationary, but the meme coin’s percentage inflation actually decreases over time:

It encourages people to spend rather than accumulate a store of value.

  • Musk was named Person of the Year by Time Magazine, joining Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (2010) and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos (1999).
Dogecoin Comments from Elon Musk!

With a single tweet in early 2021, Elon Musk managed to fuel the meme coin craze and also helped make Dogecoin, a jokingly created parody of Bitcoin, one of the most valuable cryptocurrencies. It single-handedly skyrocketed the price of Bitcoin by getting Tesla to buy the largest $1.5 billion cryptocurrency and accept it for car purchases, then crashing the entire market in May after it suspended payments. Earlier this year, Tesla became a trillion-dollar company, with Musk’s net worth exceeding $300 billion, solidifying his status as the world’s richest person.

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