Does Wearing Someone Else’s Prescription Glasses Damage Your Eyes?

When you put on someone else’s prescription glasses, you will definitely say, “Oh, your eyes will be spoiled!” You’ve heard the phrase. So, can this common belief among the people be true?

“Does it hurt the eyes to watch television closely and look at the computer and phone screen a lot?” Everyone will surely answer “yes” to the question. Among these questions is “Does wearing prescription glasses damage the healthy eye?” Let’s add the question, what would your answer be?

A lot of information, which is common among the public but not correct, causes people to get wrong information. So what do we know wrong, what is the truth?

Wearing prescription glasses that belong to someone else does not actually harm the eye.

According to the information given by the specialist doctors, we can safely say that you can try someone else’s glasses as much as you want! Minor visual defects, fluctuations, gives headache and dizziness though this is actually quite normal.

Since the main function of the eye is to see, there is no damage to the eye while it is performing its main task.

Since we have refuted the judgments that wearing glasses spoils the eyes, let’s clarify this situation. Eyelash, when performing any function involving seeing There is no such thing as a breakdown.

The discourse of “reading a book spoils the eyes”, which is widely used in society, is thus rotten. eye during sight ultraviolet light, laser light Such a situation does not occur unless you are exposed to strong lights such as

But does wearing glasses really make the eyes lazy?


In fact, there is some truth to this situation: If a person’s vision without glasses is around 90% this person can easily do all of his daily activities, a slight decrease in his vision level will not affect him. But if this person wears glasses and increases his vision level to 100%, he will see everything more clearly and after a while he will get used to it.

When he takes off his glasses, he will feel that his vision is getting blurry and his eyes are getting worse. However, there is no change in the eye; Only perception changes.

Increase and decrease in eye numbers It is not related to the use of glasses. This change develops depending on other factors. As a result, trying on someone else’s glasses neither harms nor improves your eyesight. But in terms of hygiene, get yourself a pair of glasses anyway, it’s from us.


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