Does it make sense to invest in gold and silver?

Investing is a popular choice to finance your retirement. But when it comes to precious metals, few people know that their investment can go beyond buying and selling gold bars. The yellow metal is often seen as one of the most stable and lucrative investment opportunities, but investing in gold doesn’t start and end with hiding a nugget under the bed. Bullion supplier Sharps Pixley shares its expert insights on how gold and silver can finance a platinum retirement for the British. we too We have prepared expert opinions for our readers. By the way, it should be noted that no investment is guaranteed and every investment carries a risk.

Are gold and silver ideal for retirement investments?

The biggest selling point for many investors when it comes to precious metals is the wealth protection it offers. Market analyst Samantha Leathers notes that unlike digital investments such as cryptocurrencies or volatile exchanges, a physical piece of gold or silver is one of those items that can be traded instantly when a return is sought on their investment. This makes precious metals ideal for retirement investments. Because it takes very little effort to ensure that it gains value over time. Lawrie Williams, an expert at Sharps Pixley, shared some insights and comments on how to invest in precious metals for retirement:

In a complete financial collapse it probably makes sense to keep some small gold bars or coins that can be traded instantly in your home for possible use.

But instead of keeping these incredibly valuable assets at home, Lawrie Williams notes that it’s often best to keep them in a secure storage facility offered by businesses like Sharps Pixley:

When looking at precious metals investment in general, ETF holdings offer an option that can be traded as easily as gold stocks.

“For new investors, they can be a popular investment option”

The expert notes that gold mining stocks are also a valid investment option, but investors are encouraged to take due care in examining the companies they choose, and continues his views in the following direction:

If one sticks to large gold mining stocks it is more reliable as they tend to control various mining operations which reduces the risks. The potential for a rising stock price may be more limited in gold investments. But most first-level miners pay dividends that often yield higher returns than those offered in financial markets, thus providing a welcome bonus for investors.


Precious metals and other alternative investment types are becoming increasingly popular in light of recent market fluctuations. In addition to the stability of such continuously appreciated assets, gold has recorded a steady rise over the last two decades compared to mainstream investments such as real estate. Since 2001, housing prices have increased by 175%, while gold has increased by 556% in the same period.

According to the expert, gold and silver can also be a favorite investment option for new investors, as the starting price will usually not require them to re-mortgage a home. At a time when the £10,900 minimum for a single person is required each year to survive retirement, it’s not surprising that more retirees are turning to passive, long-term investments with some dividends to keep their lives going, according to Samantha Leathers.

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