Do Women Gossip More Or Men?

Although most people say “I don’t like gossip”, “I don’t gossip”, we all know that this is not true. Gossip is very common especially in the understanding of socialization in our social structure. Amongst you at least once in your life; Some have questioned whether women or men gossip more. Let’s see your answer.

Usually gossip more women do is considered. In fact, when the images with gossip on Google are analyzed by experts working on this subject, it is seen that gossip is represented by women with a rate of 62%. The representation rate of men in gossip images is 7%.

Of course, this situation ‘men don’t gossip’ Although it seems to reinforce his belief, this is not the case at all. Studies have shown that men gossip at least as much as women. You will be very surprised when you hear the results of the research…

In fact, gossip did not have a negative connotation in traditional times as it does today.

When we look at the oldest use of gossip; We can say that it is a way of socially gathering and transmitting information about who is bad, who is good, who cannot be trusted, or who speaks nonsense. Even evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar; your tongue, that humans evolved to gossip suggests. Pretty interesting isn’t it?

In fact, gossip is a tool that ensures social cohesion and prevents people from conflicting with each other. communication format can be said to be. For example, when we look at the meaning of gossip during the Middle Ages, we see that it was a form of speech used by women who gave birth to support each other.

The meaning of gossip changed over time and turned into a negative behavior of anyone who makes empty talk (gossippers), including friends or acquaintances. This situation is 16-18. century in Europe, accused persons of witchcraft bad communication style was accepted as Especially in medieval Europe witch hunts, women were accused of gossiping. Subsequently, gossip was perceived as negative statements made by women and took its place in society in this way.


For example, conversations (that is, gossip) in which men displayed their intelligence and intellectual abilities in English coffee houses in the 17th and 18th centuries were also included in the category of serious conversations. So gossip is called a kind of serious conversation. At this very point, in a research conducted by a psychologist, it is stated that gossip is actually used as a political discourse by men. Because usually men “I don’t gossip but…” saying, continuing to talk about gossip, actually gossiping. So men make it a strategic and ideological tool. In other words, you might think that men are covering up what they do by describing their gossip as another type of conversation.

In fact, gossip is a way of expressing positive and negative emotions:

Gossip Woman

For example, you can often see people gossip about each other in the workplace. A kind of gossip to social injustice We can also think of it as a counter-reaction. In this case, we can see that gossip is a very human condition and independent of genders.

For example, some may criticize unethical or unprofessional attitudes in the workplace by gossiping with another person. In a sense, this situation can improve things and everyone who works can start to do their part more carefully. Again, when a case of sexual abuse is seen in an institution, people who have studies in this field, that gossip is better than silence what they say is seen. Because, according to researchers, it is possible to reveal a truth that everyone avoids telling. Of course, these were the acceptable aspects of gossip. For example, gossip made to criticize and defame a person without reason is a type of bullying that damages a person’s reputation, which is considered quite bad by most people.

Both men and women gossip, but the purposes of gossiping are different from each other.

Gossip Girl Series

A study published in the Journal of Gender Studies examines whether gossiping differs by gender. A survey is applied to a group of 2230 participants, and in the survey, the participants are asked to describe someone they have just met as if they were describing them to a friend. In the research findings on this, women and men gossip at the same rate being detected.

Although similar results have been found in other studies on gossip, there is an important nuance difference. That is, the purpose of using gossip between men and women is different. In research, women’s physical appearance or relationships with others about social issues It is stated that they gossip more.

Man Gossiping

Men are more likely to gossip. aggressive, competitive their use is detected. In other words, the purpose of gossiping for men is to exclude people they see as rivals from the environment. In short, we cannot say that a group of women or men gossip more. We can only mention that both sexes gossip but the way they do it is different. What do you think, apart from what you’ve read, what kind of relationship does gossip have with gender? You can write your thoughts in the comments.

Editor’s Note: “If men and women gossip equally, I would like to warn our esteemed readers who come to comment, “Why are most of the women in the pictures?” The pictures she made are very few. Also, most of the pictures in which men are associated with gossip are not suitable for our visual usage policy, so I could not include them in this article. Therefore, the pictures of women were used more compulsorily. Love.

Resources: Taylor and Francis, BBC, Academia, The Hungry JPEG, The Outline


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