Do Kwon’s Reaction to Strong Criticism of Himself and Sam Bankman-Fried

The perpetrator of the Terra (LUNA) collapse, which was red-buffed by Interpol, CEO Do Kwon responded to harsh criticism.

DoKwon, twitter to himself and the FTX founder Sam bankmanfriedResponded to a post with harsh criticism of . The post in question is a former director of Ark Invest and crypto analyst Chris Burniske Shared by.

Burniske made the following statements in his post:

Life is hard, there are second chances if people take the time to make up for it and share what they’ve learned. However, recent comments from Do, Davies, Zhu & SBF reveal that these people have learned very little. Don’t take their money or give them money. Don’t let them contaminate crypto any more.

Do Kwon, who made a sudden exit to the content in question, said, “money I do not want and do not offer money to anyone” he replied. Do Kwon added that he is at home now, although he did not give much details. On the other hand, bankrupt Three Arrow Capital, which has been silent for months, (3AC) co-founder Zhu WaterAfter the FTX bankruptcy, he returned to crypto Twitter again and started to stir things up.

Do Kwon, whose escape period continues, is still Interpol Wanted by red notice. Do Kwon, who could not remain silent against all these events, recently commented on the collapse of FTX and said, “At such moments, crisis management is very important.” he had stated.

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