Do Cats Cause Us to Get Schizophrenia?

A new study suggests that growing up with a cat can have effects on the mind that can lead to schizophrenia. So can such a thing really happen? What’s the real lining?

Many of us consider this before deciding to share our home with a pet. “I wonder if their feathers are harmful?”, “Will they make my child unhealthy?”, “Will the disease go away?”, “Will I get an infection?” Questions like these have been asked, but probably never “Will I become schizophrenic?” We didn’t think so.

The aforementioned study revealed a puzzling finding, but after reading the content to the end, you just The importance of not being fooled by reading the title you will understand.

It is suggested that exposure to the virus at an early age may increase the risk of schizophrenia.

In fact, this claim is not new. It is a subject that has been talked about and studied for at least 40 years. Some studies such a thing would not be possible While some of them proved that it could actually happen.

Researchers in Australia also decided to examine the research done so far on this subject and Based on 17 studies conducted in 11 different countries for 44 years. They looked. As a result, they found a positive relationship between cat ownership and increased risk of schizophrenia.

So what could cause something like this?

“Toxoplasma gondii” The parasite called can be found in rodents. This virus enters the brain and changes their behavior, making them more fearless.

Of course, this causes them to become prey for cats. But your cat doesn’t leave the house and does not come into contact with other infected animals It is unlikely that the parasite will be transmitted.

How does it infect us?

cat parasite

The single-celled parasite called T. gondii can enter the brains of humans and other animals and infect them in the same way. By cat bite or feces It can infect us by contact, but not only in this way; We can also become infected by eating undercooked meat, drinking dirty water or having a blood transfusion.

It should not be forgotten that schizophrenia is a very rare disease.

cat schizophrenia

Although research says cat parents are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as other people, the general human population has only 0.32% have schizophrenia. In other words, even with the risk of schizophrenia arising from growing up with cats, our probability of contracting the disease is very low.

The research already done indicates that much more studies are needed between cats and the risk of schizophrenia. In addition, cats need to be done regularly parasite vaccines is happening. Not getting this vaccine not only causes T. gondii but also other dangers for animals. So let’s not forget to get parasite vaccinations every two months!

Additionally, there are a number of studies that have proven the positive effects of pets on human health. Let’s list some of them:

And much more than these…


Cat and Dog Breeds That Suffer Throughout Their Lives Even Without You Realizing (Don’t Buy a Breed, Adopt from the Street!)


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What Determines the Average Lifespan of Living Things? For example, Why Do Humans Live Longer Than Cats?


It Has Something to Do with You, Too: Why Do Cats Need to Hide Their Feces in the Sand?

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