Disclosure from Solana (SOL)

An official statement came about the Solana (SOL) network, which could not serve for 4.5 hours on June 1st. The team behind the cryptocurrency announced that a feature that has been causing problems in the past has also caused an interruption the other day.

Solana (SOL), one of the popular names in the crypto money world, on June 1 encountered a technical issue that faced backlash from investors. The cryptocurrency, which was above $ 45 before the problem, lost around $ 10 with the problem and fell to $ 36 levels. Now it’s about the technical problem experienced in the past. an official statement came.

According to the statements made by the Solana team, the “durable one-time transaction” feature, which has caused problems in the past, has once again made the blockchain interrupted hurt. Officials, who said that a failed transaction on the chain entered the process twice more, which reduced the stability of the blockchain, as a result of all this. lasting 4.5 hours They announced that there was an outage.

SOL price changed with the start of the outage like this:

*Faded price chart. Source: Coinmarketcap

Solana is the 9th largest cryptocurrency in the market. Investors are very confident in the project. Solana, according to some Ethereum killerAccording to some, it will be the Visa of the future. However, there are problems that the Solana team has not been able to solve for a while. Outage for the first time in September 2021i took about 24 hours and infuriated investors.


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Solana team, to eliminate the disruptions in the blockchain their work continues. However, it is not clear when the studies will start to bear fruit and when the system will be in order. unknown.

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