“Digital Key of Istanbul” Presented to Erdogan

An NFT was presented to President Erdogan. The work called “The Digital Key of Istanbul” is adorned with important elements related to Turkish History. Here are the details…

There is an interest in cryptocurrencies in Turkey and that these technologies are being followed closely apparent. Moreover, this is not only true for us ordinary citizens, but also for politicians. For example, in one of our content we shared with you a while ago, President Erdoğan gave an NFT to billionaire businessman Elon Musk. we talked about. Now such a situation has happened again. But this time, An NFT was presented to President Erdogan.

AK Party Istanbul Provincial Chairman Osman Nuri Kabaktepe, to President ErdoganDigital Key of Istanbul“. A representative image of this NFT was also handed over to Erdogan as a painting. President Erdogan has received countless gifts so far, but this gift made history for the first time.

Here is the NFT gifted to President Eroğan

The NFT, a copy of which you see above, is actually special meanings contains. For example, the projections on the left of this key represent Anadolu Hisarı and Rumeli Hisarı. In the body of the key, it was built by Fatih Sultan Mehmet for Istanbul. Shah Cannon available. While you see the symbolic places in Istanbul in the lower and upper parts of the body, there are details that are important for Turkish history on the right side of the key. For example, 16 gear wheels, Turkish States in Historyrepresents the . Also belonging to the Ottoman Empire coat of arms and the tughra of Abdülhamid II are also included in the Digital Key of Istanbul.


Interesting Research on ‘Future’ NFTs: Whole Market Is Controlled by ‘Whales’

To be frank, these developments, crypto money technologies in Turkey that you are accepted an indicator. However, President Erdogan has recently passed the bill on cryptocurrencies. ready is and it will come to parliament in the near future. announced. What articles does the bill have and How will it affect the investor? we will see together…

Source :
https://tr.sputniknews.com/20211228/cumhurbaskani-erdogana-nft-tabanli-istanbulun-dijital-anahtari- gift-1052179160.html

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