Differences between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Thanks to initiatives such as ChatGPT, Midjourney and DALL-E, the concepts of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are frequently on the agenda. So what are their differences?

Artificial intelligence is more famous than it has ever been, thanks to its stunning breakthroughs in image creation, writing and similar skills. Even when searching YouTube and Instagram and even applying for a job reluctantly We interact with artificial intelligence.

Although we currently use this technology regularly, where did you come from And how it developed either we don’t know or we don’t really care. Have you ever wondered how everything works in this industry?

The more data you feed the artificial intelligence, the more its learning ability improves. The learning logic can be compared to throwing coal into a locomotive.

But every time the coal is thrown, the locomotive to know coal And to imitateand afterwards to produce coal Consider it started.

This learning process, where artificial intelligence needs as much data as possible, machine learning it’s called.

Artificial intelligence visual database

For machine learning to happen, as above thousands of similar images You may need to use

deep learning layers

Artificial intelligence during machine learning with brain cells creates databases. To the parts that are like this brain cell Artificial neural networks Also called. Thanks to these, artificial intelligence begins to recognize what is shown to it over time. That too deep learning trying. Deep learning has layers as above.

Now let’s go with a simple example. Thus, we reinforce the differences of these three different concepts.

A robot drawn by artificial intelligence

Let’s take an AI that creates images like Midjourney. Let it be called “Tablebot”. This artificial intelligence, The resulting product will be itself.

To train Tablobot, you need to use images and photos. This learning process of Tablobot is machine learning.


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The more images you give Tablobot, the better it will memorize what it needs to do, creates its own database. Think of the database like a brain. The brain is a very “deep” and complex database. Everything learned is stored here. That’s why we call it deep learning.

In short machine learning, learning ability of artificial intelligence. deep learning, the part that deals with the database or brain of machine learning. Artificial intelligence is the final product.

Now that we’ve eliminated the differences, let’s get to the conclusion.

  • to Tablobot 50,000 images Let’s say we gave it, now it is ready for service. From this point on, he will be able to create images like the ones above. All that remains is to give instructions.
  • tablebot, machine learning And deep learning transcended its stages.
  • Congratulations! Tablobot is now an artificial intelligence!

Of course, as with every technological breakthrough, artificial intelligence has its pros and cons. It is likely to leave millions of people unemployed around the world because it can do some jobs that people can do.

artificial intelligence and human

The general outlook on artificial intelligence is positive for now. What even doctors don’t realize Artificial intelligence, which can detect traces of disease, create practical routes for us in our messy cities, and have many more benefits, just at the beginning of the road.


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But we should not forget that artificial intelligence is a sector and technology that can make most of the professions of people history as it develops. For this reason It is possible to cause a large wave of unemployment.


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