What’s the Deal With CBDistillery? We Tried It to Find Out

With so much growing interest in the therapeutic effects of cannabidiol (CBD), it’s safe to say CBD is officially the popular kid.

Tons of CBD products are flooding the market, which can make it hard to find quality stuff. And because not every CBD product is legit, it’s important to do your research and buy from a reputable company.

So, how does CBDistillery, a subsidiary of Balanced Health Botanicals, stack up? Since its founding in 2016, the brand has sold to millions of customers and worked hard to say #ByeFelicia to cannabis stigma.

Below, we go into the good and bad, digging into CBDistillery’s rep and product quality to let you know whether the brand’s stuff is worth your money. Read on to find out the deets.

CBDistillery at a glance: The pros and cons

Before we get into the nitty-gritty: The CBDistillery brand passed our vetting process for CBD brands and products. But not every product passed. (Want more info on how we vet CBD products? We get into it below.)


  • Transparent AF. The brand is certified by the U.S. Hemp Authority, which means it’s gone through some hefty vetting and meets strict ingredient and labeling standards. It also provides third-party testing results for allll of its products on its website.
  • High quality and safe processes. CBDistillery says it makes its products with non-GMO hemp grown right in the US of A. The brand also uses an extraction process called carbon dioxide (CO2) supercritical extraction to create its full and broad-spectrum CBD products, a process considered both safe and eco-friendly
  • Great reviews. Lots of customers are happy as clams about their CBDistillery purchases. We also tried all the products below ourselves and agree that they’re awesome.
  • Wide product range. Not super into CBD oil? You’re covered with CBDistillery’s giant variety of product offerings.


  • Shipping issues. Despite having many positive reviews, some customers complain about shipping delays and customer service probs.
  • Some products failed our vetting process. Some CBDistillery products contain added vitamins and supplements (like melatonin or vitamin B12) or other cannabinoids like CBN or CBG. The brand also offers pet products. These kinds of products don’t meet our standards ATM bc there’s very limited research on their safety and effectiveness.

CBD Glossary

Need a little refresher on the most common CBD terms? Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Cannabidiol (CBD). One of many (over 100) cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Research has shown it to be helpful for improving anxiety, chronic painsleep issues, epilepsy, and inflammation.
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Another cannabinoid in the cannabis plant known for creating the infamous psychoactive effects of weed.
  • Full-spectrum CBD. Contains alllll the naturally-occurring cannabis plant compounds, including terpenes, flavonoids, and a teeny tiny amount of THC (less than 0.3 percent in federally legal products).
  • Broad-spectrum CBD. It has no THC but like full-spectrum CBD, contains the rest of the compounds you’d typically find in the cannabis plant. 
  • CBD isolate. This is 100% pure CBD.
  • Terpenes. These are aromatic compounds found in the cannabis plant that have shown to have therapeutic benefits of their own.
  • Flavonoids. Other plant compounds with antioxidant properties.
  • Entourage effect. This theory states that keeping all the compounds of the cannabis plant together boosts CBD’s therapeutic effects.

What is CBDistillery?

Founded in 2016, CBDistillery is a popular online CBD retailer with a wide selection of CBD products.

The company was originally owned by Balanced Health Botanicals, which was acquired by Village Farms International in 2021.

According to the brand’s website, a group of Coloradans founded the company in 2016 with a mission to create high quality, fairly-priced, U.S-grown hemp products. The brand is also committed to educating consumers on CBD through its #CBDMOVEMENT.

So… did they pull it off? We’ll dive into that below (spoiler alert: Yes!).

Quality and transparency

It’s clear that CBDistillery is committed to creating high quality products.

The brand is certified by the U.S. Hemp Authority, which means it meets strict standards for the sourcing, manufacturing, and labeling of all its products. This cert is the best in the industry and has to be renewed annually, so the brand undergoes regular audits to keep the U.S. Hemp Authority seal on its products. Two thumbs up from us.

Also, while the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate CBD products the way it regulated prescription medications, it will send warning letters to companies if they violate rules surrounding CBD marketing and labeling. Often, this happens when a company makes wild AF claims about a product. CBDistillery hasn’t received any FDA warning letters.

To top it off, the company received self-affirmed generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status in 2019 after an independent review by toxicologists. The brand also sits at the cool kid’s table, meaning it’s part of the U.S. Hemp Roundtable and the National Hemp Association.

An important note: CBDistillery labels its products as “Hemp supplements,” which is technically against the FDA’s rules. Other companies have received FDA warning letters for this.

Hemp sourcing/extraction process

CBDistillery claims to source its hemp from U.S. farms in Oregon, Kentucky, and Colorado — the big three hemp farming states. The hemp is industrially grown and non-GMO.

CBDistillery is also pretty clear about how it extracts CBD for its broad-spectrum and full-spectrum products. A process called carbon dioxide (CO2) supercritical extraction pulls CBD from the cannabis plant without getting rid of goodies like terpenes and flavonoids. The process is considered safe, environmentally friendly, and the “cleanest” extraction method.

To extract CBD isolate, CBDistillery uses ethanol extraction, a process that can leave behind solvents unsafe for human consumption. But the brand makes sure to test products for solvents, so you’re not gulping them down or rubbing them into your skin.

Third-party testing

Speaking of third-party testing, every CBDistillery product is tested by ISO 17025-accredited third-party labs and comes with a certificate of analysis (COA).

Testing checks and COAs show results for:

  • potency
  • cannabinoid profile
  • terpene content
  • contaminants like
    • heavy metals
    • pesticides
    • residual solvents
    • mold
    • bacteria

You can find the COAs by checking the product images on product pages and accessing the QR code. If you already have a product in hand, scan the QR code for testing results.

Manufacturing standards

Oh, and did we mention CBDistillery’s manufacturing plant is Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment-approved? It’s also ISO-9001-certified and NSF international certified for following current good manufacturing practices (CGMP).

Types of products and how much they cost

CBDistillery offers broad-spectrum, full-spectrum, and CBD isolate products in a range of potencies and forms, like:

The price of each product depends on how much CBD is in it, ranging from $30 to $260. Most products hover around $45 to $80.

The brand also offers products with added ingredients like vitamins (like melatonin for sleep and vitamin B12 for energy), other cannabinoids (CBG/CBN), and CBD for pets.

We don’t recommend these products because of the limited research behind them. There’s little info about how added ingredients like vitamins and supplements interact with CBD.

There’s also very little info about the effectiveness and safety of CBD for pets. There’s no dosing standard, either, making it tricky to make sure you’re giving the right amount. If you really want to try CBD for your furbaby, you need to be ultra-careful since THC is toxic to animals.

We prefer to be extra cautious and recommend skipping CBD for pets altogether until more research indicates whether it’s safe and how much to give based on pet weight.

If you gotta try it, talk with your vet first.

Company policies and customer reviews 

Shipping, returns, and other policies

You can save a little moolah (as much as 20 percent off) by signing up for a subscription. You can have your CBD delivered every 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 weeks.

CBDistillery offers free shipping on orders over $75. If you spend less than that, you’ll pay around $9 for standard shipping.

The brand has a 60-day money-back guarantee that promises to give you a full refund on your product if you don’t love it. Caveat: You need to try it for 2 weeks before you can try to get your money back. And you only get your money back if it’s the first time you’re buying the product.

You can file claims for damaged products, but you’re out of luck if you change your mind and no longer want a product.

Customer reviews

Balanced Health Botanicals has a stellar A+ Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating and is BBB accredited. (Though Village Farms International doesn’t have a rating and isn’t BBB accredited.)

There are some complaints on its BBB page about shipping and returns (ugh), but reviews on CBDistillery’s site are absolutely GLOWING. Most products have hundreds (if not thousands) of reviews, so it’s super easy to get a good idea if a product is worth trying.

Best CBDistillery products

How we chose the best CBDistillery products

The FDA hasn’t yet established standards for CBD testing and labeling, so the quality and potency of CBD products can vary a lot — even products from the same brand.

First off, we’re confident in recommending products from CBDistillery because the company:

  • provides proof of third-party testing by an ISO 17025-compliant lab
  • uses U.S.-grown hemp
  • has not received an FDA warning letter
  • does not make any unsupported health claims
  • has a good track record with customers

Additionally, we only recommend products that:

  • don’t contain additional vitamins and supplements
  • have an up-to-date certificate of analysis (COA) — either unexpired or issued within the last year
  • contain no more than 0.3 percent THC, according to the COA
  • get passing results for pesticides, heavy metals, and molds, according to the COA
  • are accurately labeled for potency, within a certain margin of error (less than 30 percent)

If you haven’t noticed, we take this sh*t seriously. So, you might not see every CBDistillery product you’re curious about recommended below.

Here’s a brief overview of some of CBDistillery’s products. 

Best oil

CBDistillery Full Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture

CBDistillery Full Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture
  • Price: $45
  • CBD type: full-spectrum
  • Total CBD: 500 milligrams (mg) per 30 milliliter (mL) bottle
  • CBD per serving: 17 mg
  • COA: available on product page

Summary: CBD oils offer a little more flexibility than gummies or pills. You can use the dropper to customize each dose. You can also ingest the oil on its own, add it to food or drinks, or put it in your favorite lotion to use topically.

This oil is made with full-spectrum CBD, so it contains all the compounds found naturally in the cannabis plant (reminder: including a little THC). That means you might benefit from the entourage effect.

CBDistillery’s full-spectrum CBD oil is available in a few diff potencies. This one has 17 mg of CBD per serving — which is a good dose for peeps newer to the CBD game — but you can get the same oil in potencies as high as 167 mg of CBD per serving.

Stick to the lower potency stuff unless you’ve been using CBD for a while and need something with a bit of extra oomph. Just keep in mind that higher potency means more $$$.

Almost every review for this product is positive except for some not-so-happy comments about the high pricing for higher potencies. Reviewers love the quality and say they’re experiencing less pain and sleeping better.

What our tester says: “CBDistillery sent me this product to try and I was v happy with it. It has a super smooth flavor (very limited icky aftertaste) and works like a charm. I use CBD to manage low back pain related to osteoarthritis and the high potency version of this oil worked so well that it’s now my go-to CBD product. I wish it wasn’t so pricey, but honestly, it’s worth it for me.” – Ruby Thompson, Market Editor

Shop now at CBDistillery.

Best softgel

CBDistillery Relief + Relax CBD Softgels

CBDistillery Relief + Relax CBD Softgels

Summary: If the taste of CBD edibles like oil makes you wanna gag, you might want to consider something like a softgel. These easy-to-swallow pills won’t leave a bad taste in your mouth.

They’re also pre-dosed, so you don’t have to mess around with a dropper every time you want to take it. So, while you have less flexibility with a product like this, they’re def easier to take on the go.

Each softgel contains 30 mg of broad-spectrum CBD. Remember that broad-spectrum CBD THC-free, but still contains other compounds like terpenes. While the full-on entourage effect isn’t a possibility, you might still reap the benefits of terpenes like reduced anxiety and better sleep.

People who love this oil say they find it easier to pop a softgel than deal with oil and droppers. They also appreciate knowing they’re getting the exact same dose every time.

What our tester says: “I typically don’t use broad-spectrum CBD or softgels, but I really enjoyed these. They come in a plastic bottle (rather than glass like the oils), so you just can throw them in your purse or backpack. I like that you avoid any weird aftertaste with soft gels, but if you don’t eat after taking one you might experience some weird CBD burps later on.” – Ruby Thompson, Market Editor

Shop now at CBDistillery.

Best balm

CBDistillery CBDol Topical

CBDistillery CBDol Topical

Summary: Achy breaky heart? More like achy breaky joints. Some people find that CBD topicals are better than edibles for targeting pain from things like arthritis and neuropathy because you can put ’em right where it hurts.

Topicals also typically have other pain-relieving or hydrating ingredients to give them a little boost.

In addition to full-spectrum CBD, this salve has hydrating shea butter and coconut oil — plus camphor and wintergreen and peppermint oils to help relieve pain.

Customers say you don’t need a lot to feel the effects and that it provides effective relief. A few people say they don’t love the scent, though.

What our tester says: “I actually really love the smell of this balm. It definitely smells medicinal, but that’s what I like about it — it makes me feel like I’m actually healing. It’s a little bit greasier than I’d ideally want and it takes forever to soak in all the way, but that also makes it perfect for massaging.” – Ruby Thompson, Market Editor

Shop now at CBDistillery.

Best gummies

CBDistillery Broad Spectrum CBD Anytime Gummies

CBDistillery Broad Spectrum CBD Anytime Gummies
  • Price: $65
  • CBD type: broad-spectrum
  • Total CBD: 900 mg (30 gummies per bottle)
  • CBD per serving: 30 mg
  • COA: available on product page

Summary: Not into oils, hate swallowing pills, but want the full-body effects of CBD? It’s gummy time.

Like pills, they’re pre-dosed and super easy to take on the go. But unlike pills, you get a yummy snack in the meantime. These are tropical fruit-flavored, and each contains 30 mg of broad-spectrum CBD.

These have a near-perfect rating from over 100 reviewers. They say they like the flavor (keep in mind that they’ll have a hint of a hemp taste) and that the gummies help them feel calm.

What our tester says: “Tropical is a great way to describe this flavor. They don’t have a super-strong smell, but they def give me vacay vibes every time I open the container. They’re sugar-coated and pretty tasty — but you do get a bit of an earthy after taste in your mouth for a little while. It’s nothing terrible but avoid them if you hate that flavor.” – Ruby Thompson, Market Editor

Shop now at CBDistillery.

Best stick

CBDistillery Isolate CBD Relief Stick

CBDistillery Isolate CBD Relief Stick

Summary: All the benefits of a salve in a convenient stick format that you can bring anywhere and use mess-free. This extra-strength formula is designed to help relieve pain and soothe the skin.

Like the CBDol Topical, this THC-free relief stick contains hydrating coconut oil, shea butter, and wintergreen oil. But what sets it apart is the addition of icy menthol and arnica, which are both known for helping to relieve pain.

Reviewers say the stick is easy to use and works wonders. They also love that applying it doesn’t cause a huge mess.

What our tester says: “I was skeptical of this one. It has twice as much CBD as the other topical I tried, which makes it seem like it should be a miracle worker. TBH, it didn’t feel twice as strong as the other balm and I could hardly feel the cooling effect of the menthol. But I definitely noticed it reduces minor aches and pains. Just make sure you use a good amount — one or two swipes of the stick doesn’t do it justice.” – Ruby Thompson, Market Editor

Shop now at CBDistillery.

Best THC-free oil

CBDistillery THC-Free Pure CBD Oil Tincture

CBDistillery THC-Free Pure CBD Oil Tincture

Summary: If you’re not comfy with the idea of CBD oil with even small amounts of THC, CBDistillery also offers a CBD isolate oil. Each bottle contains 1,000 mg and offers 33 mg of CBD per 1 mL dropper serving. 

Like every other product on this list, it gets amazing reviews. One customer calls it the best THC-free CBD oil they’ve tried. And some reviewers say that it works pretty quickly.

What our tester says: “This oil is flavorless with no aftertaste. I didn’t notice a ton of relief from it, but that could be because I needed a higher dosage. I definitely recommend this for anyone looking for a high quality oil without any THC in it.” – Ruby Thompson, Market Editor

Shop now at CBDistillery.

Is CBDistillery right for you?

If having a lot of product options is important to you, CBDistillery is a solid CBD brand pick.

But product range aside, we also love how transparent the brand is about where it sources its hemp, how it manufactures its products, and lab testing info.

With CBDistillery, you don’t have to choose between isolate, broad-spectrum, or full-spectrum. All the options are available to you. And many products are available in higher potencies.

The cost of some products is a bit steep — over $200 for a full-spectrum oil is def an investment! — but customers are in agreement that the quality is worth the cost.

And by the way, customers are almost universally happy with their CBDistillery purchases. But if you’re a stickler for quick shipping, just keep in mind that there are a few complaints about delays.

There are only a handful of complaints on the BBB website from the last 3 years, so take them with a grain of salt.

After all, some companies we’ve reviewed have hundreds of recent complaints lodged against them. So, this is peanuts in comparison. Plus, the brand has responded to all the visible complaints, which gives them extra brownie points.

How to choose a CBDistillery product

CBDistillery has a load of products, so how the heck do you choose?

That depends on what you’re looking for and whether you’re new to CBD or a seasoned pro. 

CBD type

Research suggests that a combo of THC and CBD provides a greater punch than either ingredient alone. That means full-spectrum CBD may offer more benefits than CBD isolate or broad-spectrum CBD. This effect is known as the entourage effect.

But that doesn’t mean other types of CBD don’t have their place. If you prefer to steer totally clear of THC, CBD isolate might be a good choice for you.

And broad-spectrum CBD contains flavonoids and terpenes, which evidence suggests may have their own positive effects.

Product type

With so many options — gummies, softgels, oil, and balms — you might be wondering which to consider.

That depends a bit on your personal preference. Do you prefer to swallow a capsule, or are you looking for a small chewy treat?

The type of product you go with also hinges on what you’re planning to take CBD for. A targeted topical might do the trick if your hands are aching because of arthritis. But if you’re searching for a solution to your sleep troubles, an oil or softgel you can quickly ingest before bedtime might be a better choice.


When taking CBD edibles, it’s a good idea to start with the smallest dose possible — 5 to 10 mg is a good place to start.

Many CBDistillery products offer wayyyyy higher potencies, so make sure to read the label before you buy and pay for something a bit too intense for your first time.

Where to buy CBDistillery products

You can buy CBDistillery products right on the brand’s website.

We recommend going this route since it’s the best way to avoid fake products on third-party retailer sites. Plus, you can get discounts for starting a subscription or if you’re a veteran, in the military, or a service official.

How to use CBDstillery CBD

Read the deets on product labels to make sure you’re using them correctly, but here’s some general guidance on how to use different types of CBD products:

  • Capsules, pills, softgels. Super simple: Take these with water, making sure to follow the directions on the label. 
  • Gummies. Also simple: Chew and swallow. Boom.
  • Oils. Follow the directions on your product, but you’ll generally put these under your tongue for 15–30 seconds before swallowing. It’s especially important to read the label for oils since they’re sometimes meant for topical use and not intended for swallowing. Most oils are fine to use orally and topically, though.
  • Topicals. Apply right where it hurts, massaging it into the skin to experience the full effects. 

Other options

If CBDistillery doesn’t seem like the right fit for you, that’s okay. There are still tons of quality brands out there. Here are a few options.

Best for organic products: Joy Organics

Joy Organics CBD Oil

USDA Organic-certified products FTW. Joy Organics offers a range of product offerings, including topicals, gummies, and oils, all containing organic ingredients. You’ll find both broad and full-spectrum options and low potency products for CBD beginners.

Best budget-friendly: Lazarus Naturals

Lazarus Naturals CBD Softgels

This popular CBD brand offers full-spectrum and THC-free products, including edibles and oils. Bonus: Pricing is super affordable compared to the competition. (Read our full review of Lazarus Naturals here.)

Best luxury brand: Lord Jones

Lord Jones Old Fashioned CBD Gummies

From pretty packaging to quality products, this high quality brand is a good choice for treating yourself or your BFF. They offer a range of product options, including topicals, oils, and fancy gummies. 

Safety and side effects

You’re unlikely to become addicted to CBD or experience major side effects from taking it, but some people can experience side effects like:

Your risk of side effects increases if you take CBD with certain substances. A 2020 study found that consuming CBD with high fat foods or alcohol increased CBD exposure.

If you’re curious about CBD, just make sure to talk with a doc before trying it, especially if you’re taking any medications, since dangerous interactions can sometimes occur.

Frequently asked questions

“@context”: “https://schema.org”,
“@type”: “FAQPage”,
“mainEntity”: [
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Are CBDistillery products FDA approved?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “There’s only one FDA-approved CBD product — Epidiolex — that’s used to treat seizures.

Otherwise, the FDA doesn’t regulate CBD products the way it regulates prescription medications.

BUT it will send warning letters to companies if they violate rules surrounding CBD marketing and labeling. This usually happens if a company makes some wild claim about what its products can do. CBDistillery hasn’t received any FDA warning letters.

CBDistillery is U.S. Hemp Authority-certified though, which is currently the best certification you can get in the CBD world.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Is CBDistillery a reputable company?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Yes. The company is legit and has a good reputation based on its transparent business practices and stellar customer reviews.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Who owns CBDistillery?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “CBDistillery’s parent company is Balanced Health Botanicals, which was acquired by Village Farms International in 2021.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Is CBDistillery organic?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Nope, CBDistillery’s products aren’t certified organic.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How long does CBDistillery take to ship?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “According to the brand, it takes about 2 to 4 days to ship out products and then 7 to 9 business days for them to arrive.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What is the most trusted CBD brand?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “With its U.S. Hemp Authority certification, CBDistillery is def up there with some of the most trustworthy and reliable CBD brands.

Check out the U.S. Hemp Authority’s list of certified brands for more trusted CBD brands.”


Are CBDistillery products FDA approved?

There’s only one FDA-approved CBD product — Epidiolex — that’s used to treat seizures.

Otherwise, the FDA doesn’t regulate CBD products the way it regulates prescription medications.

BUT it will send warning letters to companies if they violate rules surrounding CBD marketing and labeling. This usually happens if a company makes some wild claim about what its products can do. CBDistillery hasn’t received any FDA warning letters.

CBDistillery is U.S. Hemp Authority-certified though, which is currently the best certification you can get in the CBD world.

Is CBDistillery a reputable company?

Yes. The company is legit and has a good reputation based on its transparent business practices and stellar customer reviews.

Who owns CBDistillery?

CBDistillery’s parent company is Balanced Health Botanicals, which was acquired by Village Farms International in 2021.

Is CBDistillery organic?

Nope, CBDistillery’s products aren’t certified organic.

How long does CBDistillery take to ship?

According to the brand, it takes about 2 to 4 days to ship out products and then 7 to 9 business days for them to arrive.

What is the most trusted CBD brand?

With its U.S. Hemp Authority certification, CBDistillery is def up there with some of the most trustworthy and reliable CBD brands.

Check out the U.S. Hemp Authority’s list of certified brands for more trusted CBD brands.

The bottom line

With so many CBD products out there, the market for cannabidiol products is kinda like the Wild West. And many companies are trying to take advantage.

CBDistillery has been around since 2016 and has received many positive customer reviews. The brand offers a wide range of products great for both beginners and pros alike. The company also passed our intense vetting process, and we’re even happy to recommend a few CBDistillery products.

Whatever brand you decide to go with for your CBD, doing your own research can help you filter out the Fool’s Gold and find the good stuff.

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