Weekly horoscope for February 27


MAR 21 – APR 20


Trust yourself to know what to doCredit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

Moving forward from an inner dream to outwards action is the theme of your chart this week – and the moon’s insight helps you assess yourself and your skills so well.

Trust yourself to know what to do, and when.  Love has high hopes and the kind of optimism that inspires you. 

So yes, take a chance on a shared date for shared discovery – and find out more about “J”.


Name Tuesday as your screen-free day to get to grips with admin.

Double up cash on Thursday. 

Find a new friend in an old haunt on Saturday.


Pictures or sounds of the sea. 

Music with a marching beat.

A neighbour with a new baby.


How you look at a whole range of secrets in your life is changing with the new moon’s probing and positive influence.

Yes, you can share some information that’s become a burden to you – just choose the person you confide in carefully. This must be someone who supports and encourages you, rather than criticises.

A complete new set of shared prize numbers, and revisiting the place you first tried a specific taste, or type of cuisine, can all turn out to be lucky too.


APR 21 – MAY 21

Be alert to words and body language this week


Be alert to words and body language this weekCredit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

What may start as a routine family or friendship discussion can carry a deep and exciting undercurrent of new moon new opportunity. 

So be alert to every word, but also all aspects of body language, around you this week. 

Passion is a learning curve that never gets any less rewarding or less fun – so don’t stop now.  A financial U-turn can be the best move, do give it time.


Let yourself be less selfless, more selfish, on Tuesday. 

Thursday is prime time for smart work moves and you can meet a fate mate on some stairs on Saturday. 

Look for bright stripes.


A recipe that includes six ingredients.

The same song played in two versions. 

A family who play lots of sport together.


It’s all about friendships and social contacts for you this week – as  the new moon helps you shift away from needing approval or “permission” and start mapping out your own future. 

And yes, this can mean letting some names, who may be toxic, or just too casual with your feelings, go from  your life. 

When you clear old obstacles from your friendship radar, you can see straight through to some great new possibilities.


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

If you're going to make a leap, do it now


If you’re going to make a leap, do it nowCredit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

Venus, Pluto and Mars are all at home in your zone of personal transformation – for one last week. So if you’re going to take a crucial step, the time to do it is now. 

Fix your goal in your mind, and refuse to be distracted, however tempting any offers. 

Love is intensely physical, but do remember to talk to each other, too. Single? A sensual Scorpio is all you wish for.


Monday and Friday are Big Decision Days – when you trust

your own judgement.  On Sunday, revisit a list – of tasks, times, or love interests.


The friend with the farthest-flung family. 

Three names linked together by travel plans. 

A local story that goes national, maybe global.


Take all those ambitions you have assumed are too big, or bold, or have a way-too-tight deadline.  Because with the new moon energy buzzing in your chart right now, you can get them in, and do it with style. 

At the same time, it’s also easier now to shed goals you know you’ve only taken on because other people admired them, or wanted them for themselves. 

Absolute sincerity and an authentic wish to succeed in something, are the only criteria the new moon approves.


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

Keep an eye out for an amateur sailor - they could be the One


Keep an eye out for an amateur sailor – they could be the One

Your chart is so forward- facing, you have ability to clean slates and start again, especially in terms of studying, travelling or simple life and love lessons. 

So instead of hanging in, you know when to let go, and you can do it.  Passion-wise, a couple are so close to absolute commitment, all it takes is an exchange of truths. If you’re still looking, an amateur sailor can be The One.


Monday and Tuesday are perfect for getting people together, to share information.

Friday is freedom day, even if it doesn’t feel that way.

Inspiration hits at 2pm – or 2am.


Stripes in dark purple and light blue. 

One question with five answers. 

A picture that includes an evergreen tree.


Wherever you have got to on a life and love journey, don’t be afraid to call a halt and start again – or revise a route and with drastic changes. 

With the positivity of the new moon pushing plans forward, you can feel in control again. 

No matter how long contacts, or circumstances, may have made you feel otherwise.  Letter “I”,  return or other two-part tickets and a friend who recently went back to retry a key test, can all be Cancer luck-bringers.


JULY 23 – AUG 23

This is an exciting week for your career


This is an exciting week for your careerCredit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

Venus and Mars fill your career chart with vivid vitality – any business in your own name, or using your own skills, can come closer now. 

Or in the job you have, you can leave the shadows and shine on centre stage. 

Mercury moves a cash deal towards a conclusion – maybe not everything you want, but all you need.  Yes, love has staying power, no matter what.


Monday is your day to stop, look and listen – and realise the right chance is already right there. 

Try a new timetable, or your usual one in reverse, on Thursday. 

Choose even numbers at the weekend.


Your family member with the most infectious laugh. 

A contest linked to memory. 

Your oldest pair of shoes.


This week’s new moon lights ups your zone of deep spiritual beliefs, and the ability to turn these to reality. 

So a set of style or experience goals, that you have started to assume are simply a pipe dream, can be brought out and presented in a whole new way.  Inside your own mind, and confidence centre, but also outwardly, to

other people.  You’ll feel, see, hear and even taste in exciting new ways. And yes, this is just the start!


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

Keep an eye out for an "East" address


Keep an eye out for an “East” addressCredit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

Yes, you’re a gifted deal-maker, but being able to break discussions, and suggest new methods of doing things, is another Virgo chart skill. 

This is something other people will seek out, even be prepared to pay for.  If you’re in love, maybe being impulsive isn’t your usual style, but it feels so right.  Single? An “East” address and artistic skills are your key clues.


Try to delay deep conversations until the weekend – and gather all the necessary facts and figures you can, first. 

Best day for research is Tuesday, and for romance, Friday. 

Saturday is a prime clearing-out day.


Music you hear as you enter a green room. 

Numbers that start or end with “8”. 

The outfit that always makes you feel happier.


It’s all about teamwork for you and the new moon this week – putting unlikely, or even unwilling, people together in a work context. So each finds their true strengths.  

But also finding and reinforcing the deep links under the surface of a marriage or other passion bond – that sustain the everyday structure of love. 

If you’re single, someone who’s recently emerged from a longtime commitment, can be perfect for you.


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

If you need more security from your partner, ask for it


If you need more security from your partner, ask for itCredit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

The sun and Jupiter are your star career team – and bring the kind of energy that stays positive, and pushes through any barriers. 

Coaching yourself, with encouragement and kindness, gets some great all-round results. 

Love is built on security, and if you need more from someone special, you can ask for it.  If you’re single, your dream date has a “D” name.


A winning streak in prize terms on Tuesday and Wednesday leads into a fast decisions day on Friday.  Sunday works for setting new cash limits.


Someone who always wears the same brand of footwear. 

A family of medics. 

The neighbour with the wildest garden.


Your fitness plans get a fresh-start boost from the fresh-start new moon.  Maybe you have had to leave a schedule half-finished, or physical enthusiasm has faded over time. 

But when you give it your attention this week, you can get everything back on track – and heading for success.  New sports, foods, timetables and leisure ideas – all seem so tempting to you. 

And turning any — or maybe all — of these in a business direction can lead to healthy profits too, sooner than you may expect.


OCT 24 – NOV 22

The new moon means new horizons


The new moon means new horizonsCredit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

Setting no limits on how high or far your ideas go – and how exciting new horizons can be – this is how the new moon can have an effect on your whole chart. 

Yes, the entertainment world can make room for you – and at last, you can feel your voice is heard.  Passion is ready to be more honest, and this sends physical connections off the sexy scale.


Your career sensors are turned up to full on Monday through to Wednesday – and you spot gaps in markets, and teams, that others miss. 

Saturday is your day to sample a new type, or pace, of activity.


A story that starts at the end and works backwards.  

The friend who most recently learned to drive. 

A shop that sells food from an “S” country.


You’re not just mega-creative this week, you’re ready to break through boundaries and perhaps invent a new product or service.  And end up presenting it to a panel of wealthy individuals.  

Yes, friends expect a lot of you – and wiping away recent confusion, and starting over with a clear, fair set of two-way rules can be the best way to keep relationships strong.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

Maybe you will readjust cash or family rules


Maybe you will readjust cash or family rulesCredit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

Love and loyalty come to you from Venus – but Mars and Pluto add mischief and disruption.  So yes, maybe you’ll rewrite some cash or family rules. 

But you’ll do it for the right reasons – with the right people.  Self-confidence is on the up, and it’s your own voice that matters, not those around you, however loud.  An address with a weather connection can be lucky.


Family focus is sharp on Tuesday, so get in touch with people you love, even if it’s not your routine day. 

Double check a health message on Thursday. 

You can learn languages super-fast on Friday.


A pattern of spiral shapes. 

The smell of frying onions. 

A set of footsteps painted on the ground.  Yes, follow them!


The new moon has a strong family-based flavour – and reminds you how deep bonds of blood do go, no matter how much may change on the surface. 

Offering simple affection and respect, without expecting anything in return, can be the best way to build a family framework back up. And this works so well with friends, too.  Maybe you’ve shelved a house-moving or remodelling plan, but prize cash is up ahead that could help you.


DEC 22 – JAN 20

You are more confident than ever


You are more confident than everCredit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

This is your final week to gather Mars, Venus and Pluto on your personal star team, to turn goals to gold. Venus enhances passion, and yes, you are more confident than ever before – a new face just needs to say your name, and you’ll “know”. 

Mars ups energies, on every level. When others flag, you power forward.  A new moon of introductions links to a radio voice.


Tuesday is mega-positive for feedback — giving it, and receiving.

Start a health change on Friday to feel willpower rise. 

Save your best listening ear for Sunday.


The relative who always calls you by the same pet name. 

A building with shutters on all windows. 

The face in front of yours in a celebration pic.


Maybe you haven’t felt like talking lately, or breaking a silence that’s easier to keep than it is to cancel. 

But now the strength and courage of the new moon helps you get difficult words out and aired — and start to recognise the secret side of yourself that talks, and writes so well, even against the odds.

A new day for a regular competition can be the luck boost you’ve been looking for.  And triangle shapes can be lucky.


JAN 21 – FEB 18

The new moon brings new perspectives on money


The new moon brings new perspectives on moneyCredit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

When you’re looking for inner confidence and courage this week, you’ve got Mercury and Saturn both on-side, plus the genius of Uranus to help you feel totally at home in any situation. 

Yes, you can be tested, yes you can triumph.  The new moon brings a money reboot into play – you are the leader in a rich switch. Love reads you like a book – a very sexy one.


Any day that includes letter “N” is earmarked for your individual skills to shine.

You cope well with time changes on Thursday.

Saturday, do invite an out-of-touch friend round.


A book with a dog on the front cover. 

Contests where people shout numbers. 

A relative who’s an amateur artist.


On one level the new moon brings a simple message – it’s not too late to turn back time, restart a set of cash calculations. But this must happen when you’re ready, so refuse to be rushed. 

This is also a moon of knowing your own values – and being prepared to stand up for them, and people who represent them. 

Yes, you may need to get firmer with family, or people close to you.  A debt you may have forgotten is ready to be paid back in full.


FEB 19 – MAR 20

You are brave enough to accomplish what you desire


You are brave enough to accomplish what you desireCredit: Yordanka Poleganova at Illustrat

A new moon in your own sign is inspiring in all the ways you secretly hope.  Yes, you’re brave enough to stop a love or life rollercoaster and get off, if that’s what you sense is right for you. 

But you can also start a business from scratch, or take a skill and spread it worldwide.  Instead of waiting around for a love signal, you ask direct questions and get direct answers.


Slow things down and focus on calm, controlled breathing on “S” days. 

Make a to do list on Tuesday, but make sure it’s manageable. 

Re-start a work journey on Thursday.


A TV show that always makes you smile. 

The friend with the zaniest sense of humour. 

A flight of six steps.


Set aside any stale ideas you have of who you are, what you need, and where you’re going – as this week the new moon, with you, can totally rewrite the lot. 

And come up with a set of goals that may be less obvious, but are a lot more unique, and interesting. 

Only you really know you, and now you are ready to prove this, to yourself and others.  Number “1” marks your lucky dip.

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