The Posts with the Most: The Best Postnatal Vitamins of 2022

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All the essentials for bleary-eyed mornings and long nights with your newborn — they’re lucky they’re so cute and cuddly.

But really, more vitamins, after having to choke down a prenatal on the daily for at least the past 9 months? What’s the deal?

Postnatal vitamins help make sure you’ve got everything nutrient-wise that you need to recover from childbirth, produce super-nourishing breastmilk if you’re nursing, and make it through those late nights with your little one.

Here are our top picks for the best postnatal vitamins of 2022.

Best postnatal vitamins

What are postnatal vitamins and why are they important?

Postnatal vitamins are a type of multivitamin specifically designed to meet the needs of postpartum and/or breastfeeding peeps.

Like prenatal vitamins, which support your bod during pregnancy and make sure all your nutritional needs are covered (esp in a time of out-of-left-field food aversions), postnatal vitamins are there to support you *after* pregnancy — when your nutritional needs still aren’t quite back to “normal” as you recover from childbirth, produce breast milk, tackle sleep deprivation, and adjust to life with a very needy +1 (or +2 or +3 *gulp*).

Postnatal vs. prenatal vitamins

So, we’re gonna let you in on a little secret. Whatever prenatal vitamin you took during your pregnancy is probably gonna be a great choice for a postnatal, too.

In fact, specific postnatal formulas really aren’t a huge thing. That’s why you’ll see several prenatal vitamins on this list.

How to choose the best postnatal vitamin for you

We picked the brains of two perinatal dietitians — Eleana Kaidanian, RD, CDN, CPT-WFS, owner of Long Island Nutritionist, as well as Aubrey Phelps, MS, RDN, CLC, owner of Matrescence Nutrition — to distill the most important factors you should consider when shopping for a postnatal supp:


Postnatals can be as inexpensive or as expensive as you’re comfortable with. No matter your budget, you’ll find an option that will provide what you need.

If you’re on a limited budget, Nature Made vitamins are OK — and in fact carry the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) seal, which is one of the most prestigious third-party vitamin standards.

On the other hand, more expensive vitamins are more likely to contain ingredient forms that are easier to absorb and higher in quality.


Hate swallowing pills? Not a problem. You can get a postnatal in liquid, gummy, chewable, or powder form to make it a part of your daily routine that you don’t have to dread.


If you have a specific concern related to your postpartum needs, you may be able to find a vitamin that can help address that issue specifically. For example, you may want to support a healthy breastmilk supply, help promote c-section recovery, shake the baby blues, or prevent postpartum hair loss.

Nutrients included

Here are the key nutrients that you should look for in a postpartum vitamin:

  • Omega-3/DHA. Kaidanian says that many of her clients don’t get enough omega-3 fats in their diet, but that they’re essential for the baby’s proper brain and eye development. For this reason, it’s important to find a postnatal that includes DHA (especially if you don’t like fatty fish like salmon, which is one of the richest food sources of omega-3/DHA). One thing to note, though: often, omega-3 must be included separately — so you won’t find it in most prenatals unless they’re formulated as a liquid softgel.
  • Choline. Kaidanian and Phelps agree that choline is a really important consideration — especially if you’re breastfeeding. “This nutrient is essential,” explains Kaidanian, “but the body cannot make it on its own. It must come from food or supplementation. And when mom’s milk is baby’s sole nutrition through exclusive breastfeeding, supplementation in the form of prenatal is a good back up plan.”
  • Vitamin D. Phelps explains that “pregnancy demands higher vitamin D,” so a postnatal with vitamin D can help restore your vitamin D status and provide vitamin D to your baby if you’re nursing or pumping.
  • B vitamins. According to Phelps, childbirth can deplete B vitamins. B vitamins also play a key role in transforming food into energy your body can actually use, and uhh… do we even need to say that you need as much energy as you can possible get rn?
  • Others. “Mom’s body has just been through one of the most stressful experiences a body can undergo,” Phelps says, adding, “Stress depletes magnesium, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, and selenium.” So these are other nutrients you may want to look for in your postnatal.

How we chose the best postnatal vitamins

Here’s how we assembled this list of the best postnatal vitamins:

  • Key nutrients. We looked specifically for postnatal vitamins that had at least MOST of the nutrients above that are recommended by Phelps and Kaidanian.
  • Testing and certifications. The FDA doesn’t keep as tight a leash on supplements as they do medications, so choosing one isn’t quite as simple as grabbing the first one on the shelf (or the first Amazon result). You want to choose a supplement that, ideally, has a third-party seal of approval from USP, NSF International, or another third-party supplement testing lab. This helps ensure that the label is an accurate representation of what’s in the bottle. The next best thing is a Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) certification, which signifies that the facility where the supplement is manufactured meets FDA standards. Quality is key 🔑.
  • Dietitian recommendations. We also made sure to include any vitamins that came recommended by our dietitian experts.

Pricing guide

  • $ = under $0.75 per serving
  • $$ = $0.76–$1.50 per serving
  • $$$ = over $1.50 per serving

14 best postnatal vitamins

Best overall postnatal vitamin

FullWell Prenatal Multivitamin

FullWell Prenatal Multivitamin
  • Price: $$$
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, selenium, choline
  • Type: capsule
  • Dosage: 8 capsules daily
  • Certifications: third-party tested
  • Pros: dietitian formulated, contains important nutrients, designed for preconception/pregnancy/postpartum
  • Cons: 8 pills per day, no DHA, some high dose B vitamins

This vitamin receives RAVE reviews from Phelps, which is why it’s our top overall pick. She says, “They’ve done a LOT of research on meeting women’s nutrient needs, and the brand is founded by a registered dietitian who specializes in maternal health and nutrition.”

It checks all the boxes, as it contains all the important nutrients noted by Kaidanian and Phelps with the exception of DHA. It’s also third-party tested and made with easy-to-absorb, active forms of nutrients.

However, the dose (4 pills twice daily, for a total of 8 per day) can be a big burden for some — especially if you don’t like swallowing pills.

Top dietitian-recommended postnatal vitamin

Seeking Health Optimal Prenatal

Seeking Health Optimal Prenatal
  • Price: $$$
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, selenium
  • Type: capsule
  • Dosage: 8 capsules daily
  • Certifications: GMP registered
  • Pros: highly absorbable vitamins
  • Cons: DHA separate, some high dose B vitamins, 8 pills per day

Another prenatal recommended by Phelps, this one from Seeking Health, is a simple formulation that contains the nutrients pregnant and postpartum folks need. Although it doesn’t contain DHA, Seeking Health is super choosy about which nutrient forms are included in its vitamins — so everything in it is highly bioavailable and ready to get to work. The company also provides a prenatal DHA supplement that can be paired with this prenatal.

On the downside, the instructions state not to take the supplement within 5 hours of bedtime, and some reviewers say that it does keep them up at night. This one also has a standard dose of 8 capsules, which is kind of a lot.

Best postnatal vitamin for breastfeeding

Milkies by Fairhaven Health Nursing Blend

Milkies by Fairhaven Health Nursing Blend
  • Price: $
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium
  • Type: capsule
  • Dosage: 2 capsules per day
  • Certifications: GMP certified
  • Pros: inexpensive
  • Cons: no choline

Made specifically for breastfeeding peeps who want to increase their milk supply, this prenatal also contains a blend of herbs that might help your body produce more breastmilk — like fenugreek.

However, this formulation doesn’t contain choline — which both Kaidanian and Phelps identified as important for breastfeeding moms.

Best gummy postnatal vitamin

Hello Bello Prenatal + DHA

Hello Bello Prenatal + DHA
  • Price: $
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, choline, DHA
  • Type: gummy
  • Dosage: 2 gummies per day
  • Certifications: asdf
  • Pros: inexpensive, contains DHA
  • Cons: minimal choline, no magnesium or selenium

Not a pill person? We feel you. Hello Bello (yes, the diaper subscription people) now offer a prenatal gummy vitamin that’s perfect for postpartum — and you can add it right to your diaper order! Talk about one-stop shopping.

Note, though, that a serving of these gummies contains 5 grams of sugar — so if you’re doing keto or other lower sugar diets, it might not work for you. These gummies also don’t contain very much choline — just 2 percent of the Daily Value (DV).

Best liquid postnatal vitamin

Mary Ruth’s Liquid Multivitamin Prenatal + Postnatal

Mary Ruth’s Liquid Multivitamin Prenatal + Postnatal
  • Price: $$
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, choline, magnesium, selenium
  • Type: liquid
  • Dosage: 1 milliliter (ml) daily
  • Certifications: GMP certified
  • Pros: liquid form, contains several key nutrients
  • Cons: thick consistency, no DHA

Ready to unlock that muscle memory of all the shots you took in college?

This liquid multi is designed for pregnancy and postpartum and might be a little bit easier to take if you despise pills. It contains everything Kaidanian and Phelps identified as important for a postnatal vite — except DHA.

However, some reviewers say that it’s got a pretty thick consistency and the smell is a little off-putting. But nobody’s takin’ this stuff for the taste, right?

Best low cost postnatal vitamin

NatureMade Postnatal Multivitamin + 200 mg DHA Softgels

NatureMade Postnatal Multivitamin + 200 mg DHA Softgels
  • Price: $
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, DHA
  • Type: softgel
  • Dosage: 1 softgel daily
  • Certifications: USP
  • Pros: USP approved, contains DHA
  • Cons: no choline or selenium, sub-optimal vitamin forms, some additives

Need a solid postnatal without breaking the bank? These from NatureMade are USP verified, contain DHA, and require only 1 pill per day.

However, some of the nutrient forms aren’t as optimal as they could be, so you may not absorb some of the nutrients as well as you would from other supplements, like the FullWell prenatal. Some reviewers also say that they taste really fishy, thanks to the fish oil in the capsule (which provides the DHA).

Best postnatal vitamin with iron

Rae Wellness Prenatal

Rae Wellness Prenatal
  • Price: $
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, DHA
  • Type: capsule
  • Dosage: 2 capsules per day
  • Certifications: GMP certified
  • Pros: inexpensive
  • Cons: no choline

Phelps explains that, while most postpartum people don’t need as much iron as pregnant people do, you may need extra iron if you had a lot of blood loss during delivery. These prenatals from Rae Wellness contain 75 percent of the DV for iron, so they provide that little extra boost if you need it.

Additionally, this is one of the few we came across that includes a vegan DHA source — algae! It also contains relaxing chamomile and l-theanine to help you chill (bless it!).

Added bonus? Reviewers say they smell minty-fresh AMAZING.

Best postnatal vitamin with choline

Beli Women Prenatal Multivitamin

Beli Women Prenatal Multivitamin
  • Price: $$$
  • Key ingredients: vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, choline, magnesium
  • Type: capsule
  • Dosage: 3 capsules per day
  • Certifications: GMP certified
  • Pros: designed to cover conception/pregnancy/postpartum, bioavailable vitamin forms
  • Cons: no DHA, subscription required

Beli is a set-it-and-forget-it vitamin subscription service that sends a prenatal supplement to you each month, but not just any prenatal — it’s specifically designed to address preconception and fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum or breastfeeding needs. It contains highly absorbable forms of nutrients and plenty of choline.

If you’re not a big fan of the subscription model, you can cancel it any time.

Best postnatal vitamin for hair loss

Perelel Health Mom Multi Support Pack

Perelel Health Mom Multi Support Pack
  • Price: $$$
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, choline, magnesium, selenium, DHA
  • Type: capsule
  • Dosage: 1 pack (5 capsules) per day
  • Certifications: GMP certified, third party tested
  • Pros: contains all the nutrients Kaidanian and Phelps recommend, contains hair/skin/nails and mood support
  • Cons: subscription required

Perelel Health makes subscription vitamin packs for wherever you are on your parenthood journey, and their Mom Multi Support Pack is *chef’s kiss*.

It’s got absolutely everything that Kaidanian and Phelps want to see in a prenatal, plus some extras — like a biotin and collagen capsule to potentially help with that pesky postpartum hair loss, and an ashwagandha and l-theanine (literal) chill pill.

Reviewers even say that they can really tell a difference with their hair when taking these. It is a subscription — but it looks pretty easy to cancel if it doesn’t end up being a good fit.

Best single pill postnatal vitamin

Rainbow Light Prenatal One Multivitamin

Rainbow Light Prenatal One Multivitamin
  • Price: $
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, choline, magnesium, selenium
  • Type: tablet
  • Dosage: 1 tablet daily
  • Certifications: GMP certified
  • Pros: 1 pill per day
  • Cons: no DHA

Major mom brain? This one (admittedly, large) pill has got everything you need in a good postnatal except for DHA, and it’s got some extras — like ginger, digestive enzymes, and probiotics — to help it go down easy.

Reviewers say that it smells terrible (as most prenatal tablets do), but the convenience of only needing to take 1 pill per day made it oh-so-worth-it. You can pair it with the company’s Prenatal DHA Omega-3 Fish Oil to get your DHA in too.

Best organic postnatal vitamin

New Chapter Perfect Postnatal

New Chapter Perfect Postnatal
  • Price: $$
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, selenium
  • Type: tablet
  • Dosage: 3 tablets per day
  • Certifications: GMP certified
  • Pros: organic, moderately priced, fermented nutrients
  • Cons: no choline, no DHA

It’s actually kinda hard to find a 100 percent organic prenatal/postnatal vitamin, especially one that’s more moderately priced. But this one from New Chapter is made from organic veggies and herbs, and contains fermented nutrients that are easy on the stomach. The added herbs — like lavender, turmeric, and lemon balm — may be mood-supportive and may help you with recovering from the stress of birth.

Reviewers rave about these vitamins, too, and you can pair them with New Chapter’s Wholemega for Moms fish oil to get your daily dose of DHA. Unfortunately, though, this postnatal doesn’t contain any choline.

Best postnatal vitamin with DHA

Ritual Essential Postnatal

Ritual Essential Postnatal
  • Price: $$
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, choline, magnesium, DHA
  • Type: capsule
  • Dosage: 2 capsules per day
  • Certifications: GMP certified, third party testing
  • Pros: vegan, contains DHA
  • Cons: subscription required

OK, we’re always gonna be obsessed with Ritual’s capsule aesthetic — it’s the only one we’d describe as beautiful. (And no, not the packaging, the actual capsules.) The company’s delayed-release capsule actually makes it easier to digest these vitamins, so Ritual says they can be taken with or without food.

They’re also vegan, including the DHA (normally from fish oil in most supplements) sourced from microalgae.

However, Ritual does require a subscription, and some reviewers complain that the vites cause (vegan) ocean-y burps.

Best postnatal vitamin if you’re not breastfeeding

Binto Personalized Vitamin Kit

Binto Personalized Vitamin Kit
  • Price: $+ (varies)
  • Key ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, selenium
  • Type: tablets
  • Dosage: 2+ tablets per day (depending on what your pack contains)
  • Certifications: GMP certified
  • Pros: customized to your unique needs
  • Cons: prescription required

Binto is a really cool customized vitamin service that specializes in all things, fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum. The company was founded by a postpartum nurse, and even works hand-in-hand with some fertility clinics.

Take the company’s quick little quiz about your health and reproductive status, and it’ll match you with just the right vites for where you are in your parentin’ journey. They offer vitamin packs for men too!

Your postpartum pack will include the Binto Prenatal Plus, which contains everything that Kaidanian and Phelps recommend except for DHA — and Binto also has both a vegan and fish oil-based DHA tablet.

Best postnatal vitamin for c-section recovery

Mommy’s Bliss Postnatal Support Energy + Recovery

Mommy’s Bliss Postnatal Support Energy + Recovery
  • Price: $
  • Key ingredients: vitamin E, vitamin C
  • Type: gummy
  • Dosage: 2 gummies per day
  • Certifications: GMP certified
  • Pros: formulated for postpartum healing
  • Cons: not a complete postnatal

If you’re looking for a vitamin to help you recover and heal after having a c-section, you might want to consider this one.

While it’s not specifically marketed for c-section recovery, it contains biotin, collagen, zinc, and vitamin E “to support postpartum healing.” Additionally, it’s got some vitamin C, which is an important nutrient for wound healing — although you’ll want to make sure to supplement it with lots of fruits and veggies, which are naturally vitamin C rich. Oh, and it’s a GUMMY!

However, this supplement isn’t a complete postnatal, so you may want to pair it with another product.

How to take postnatal vitamins

When should I take a postnatal vitamin?

You can take your postnatal at any time of day — the important thing is just that you take it.

Check your specific vitamin’s instructions to see if the brand recommends taking it once or twice a day. Also double check to see if the brand advises against taking it near bedtime, since some vitamins have energy support and aren’t the best option for before bed.

You also might want to take your postnatal with a meal — especially if it contains iron, which can upset your stomach when taken on an empty belly.

For how long should I take a postnatal vitamin?

You can continue taking a postnatal or prenatal for as long as you want, really. In fact, many healthcare providers recommend taking a formulation such as a prenatal for as long as you’re in your child-bearing years because they do such a great job at providing the nutrients women need.

Just make sure the one you decide to stick with for the long haul doesn’t contain a lot of vitamin megadoses, because this could cause some issues with vitamin toxicity down the line if you’re consistently taking waaaay too much.

Frequently asked questions

“@context”: “”,
“@type”: “FAQPage”,
“mainEntity”: [
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Why should I take postnatal vitamins?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “A specific postnatal vitamin definitely isn’t a requirement, but you should keep taking your prenatals after you give birth, at least until you finish the bottle. Birth is hard, and a prenatal or postnatal can help make sure you’ve got what you need to recover.

So, strictly necessary? No. But, explains Phelps, “Conception, pregnancy, and postpartum needs are VERY similar” — and a good prenatal can give you a good nutrition foundation for the years that you’re in baby making/birthing/feeding mode.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What should be in a postnatal vitamin?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “According to Phelps and Kaidanian, DHA, choline, vitamin D, and the B vitamins are particularly important for a good postnatal. However, most — especially if you’re choosing a prenatal that doubles as a postnatal — will contain many more nutrients than this.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Are postnatal vitamins the same as prenatal?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Yes and no. Your prenatal will usually make a perfectly fine postnatal, but a specifically-formulated postnatal may not be a good choice to take as a prenatal (while you’re pregnant). When you’re pregnant, you’ll need more folic acid, which helps prevent neural tube defects in the baby. A vitamin made specifically for postpartum needs may not contain enough folic acid, or other key nutrients in the amounts that are optimal for pregnancy.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What vitamins do breastfeeding people need?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “”All of them?” jokes Phelps, adding that vitamin D and choline are key. Kaidanian adds that DHA is another important one for nursing.

But really, says Phelps, “A good, well-rounded supplement is likely to meet most, if not all of your breastfeeding needs, especially when paired with a nourishing diet.””


Why should I take postnatal vitamins?

A specific postnatal vitamin definitely isn’t a requirement, but you should keep taking your prenatals after you give birth, at least until you finish the bottle. Birth is hard, and a prenatal or postnatal can help make sure you’ve got what you need to recover.

So, strictly necessary? No. But, explains Phelps, “Conception, pregnancy, and postpartum needs are VERY similar” — and a good prenatal can give you a good nutrition foundation for the years that you’re in baby making/birthing/feeding mode.

What should be in a postnatal vitamin?

According to Phelps and Kaidanian, DHA, choline, vitamin D, and the B vitamins are particularly important for a good postnatal. However, most — especially if you’re choosing a prenatal that doubles as a postnatal — will contain many more nutrients than this.

Are postnatal vitamins the same as prenatal?

Yes and no. Your prenatal will usually make a perfectly fine postnatal, but a specifically-formulated postnatal may not be a good choice to take as a prenatal (while you’re pregnant). When you’re pregnant, you’ll need more folic acid, which helps prevent neural tube defects in the baby. A vitamin made specifically for postpartum needs may not contain enough folic acid, or other key nutrients in the amounts that are optimal for pregnancy.

What vitamins do breastfeeding people need?

“All of them?” jokes Phelps, adding that vitamin D and choline are key. Kaidanian adds that DHA is another important one for nursing.

But really, says Phelps, “A good, well-rounded supplement is likely to meet most, if not all of your breastfeeding needs, especially when paired with a nourishing diet.”

The bottom line

Postnatal vitamins are an excellent way to make sure that your post-birth nutrition needs are covered, so you can focus on your new little bundle and snagging all those precious Zzz’s whenever you get the chance. Make sure to choose one that contains key nutrients like DHA and choline and is third party tested or GMP certified.

Now go take a nap!

Our process and why you should trust us

This article was written by a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). We also consulted with two registered dietitians to get tips for choosing the best postnatal vitamins. We used those tips to pick the products above.

Before writing about those products, we put them all through a thorough vetting process that checks for unsupported health and disease claims, shady business practices, FDA/FTC warning letters, and lawsuits involving a company’s products. We also made sure that the company is transparent about the ingredients it uses, doesn’t use any illegal ingredients, and provides dosage information. Only products that passed vetting made this list.

After wrapping up our recommendations and tips, we sent this entire article to a fourth medical professional (in this case, Stacy A. Henigsman, DO) for review.

So basically, you can feel good knowing that we put in WORK to get you these recommendations.

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