The 19 Best Medieval TV Shows (According To IMDb) | ScreenRant

There’s been quite the upswing in shows centered around the Middle Ages – or are at least influenced by the culture and events during this significant era. With The Last Kingdom just starting to film Seven Kings Must Die and the Vikings spinoff, Valhalla, also beginning its first season, it doesn’t appear as if this interest will be slowing down anytime soon.

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It’s not surprising that viewers would be intrigued by such efforts, whether fantasy-based, historical fiction, or an accurate portrayal of real events. After all, this turbulent, dark, and often violent period of human history makes for some gripping settings and engrossing narratives. But which ones have proven to be the most memorable? If someone takes a look at the ratings on IMDb, then they will find that these ones are the most unique.

Updated on February 25th, 2022 By Kayleigh Banks: With The Last Kingdom about to release its final season and the third season of The Witcher yet to have a release date, some might be wondering what they can now binge in their spare time.

The good news is, there is a wide selection of options for those looking for the best medieval TV shows, whether it be for their tone, their battle sequences, or compelling protagonists. However, viewers who would like to know which ones are the best might want to look at their ratings on IMDb for better clarity.    

19 Berserk (2016–2017) – 6.7

Available On HBO Max

Given its over-the-top (albeit entertaining) bombast of epic action and fantastical themes, the manga-turned-anime Berserk is just as memorable as a historical documentary. This thrilling animation stars the contrasting and often conflicted duo of Guts and Griffith, as they fight to make a name for themselves and survive in a hostile medieval-inspired setting.

While this chaotic, action-packed series has been compiled and spruced up in a more recent trio of films, The Golden Arc, the original anime still feels as in-depth and captivating as ever. It features a slew of emotional character-driven plots, strengthened by its rough, darkly-tinged medieval environments.

18 El Cid (2020– ) – 6.7

Available To Stream On Amazon Prime

One of Amazon’s latest projects, The Legend of El Cid has managed to capture the attention of several users around the world. Set in the 11th century, the Spanish historical drama follows the life of Ruy, a young squire who uncovers a scandal that involves a conspiracy to murder and a plan to commit regicide. However, by bringing this to everyone’s attention, Ruy is unaware that he has just put himself and his loved ones in even more danger.

Partially inspired by the story of the real-life knight and nobleman, El Cid has received much praise for the way it manages to build suspense and gripping cliffhangers. The fact that the characters aren’t one-dimensional and the protagonist is quite likable has also compelled the viewers to stick with the show. With season 3 already confirmed, fans can hardly wait to see where the showrunners will take the plot next.

17 Knightfall (2017–2019) –  6.8

Available To Stream On Netflix

Although it only ran for two seasons, Knightfall still managed to have a profound effect on fans. Set in the 14th century, Knightfall was a series that explored the lives of several soldiers in the Knight Templar as they try to keep their power and influence in the Holy Land.

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While there were a few who criticized the plot and uneven storytelling, many believed that the directors more than made up for it with the battle sequences and the fight choreography. There are also some dynamic characters too as well as some compelling and complex villains (which viewers will love to hate).

16 Medici (2016–2019) – 7.9

Available To Stream On Netflix

With three seasons and a star-studded cast under its belt, some history fans might want to check out Medici. Chronicling the rise and fall of the infamous Italian family, Medici is a series that is full of corruption, rivalries, and political strife (which has viewers engaged from the get-go).

It’s not all full of drama either, as the writers also managed to find a perfect balance between romance and action. While the show wasn’t always historically accurate since they had to dramatize a few events for the sake of some storyline, it does provide an insight into how influential and powerful the Medicis were in 15th Century Florence.

15 Merlin (2008–2012) – 7.9

Available To Stream On Netflix

Since many people associate King Arthur with the medieval period, then it wouldn’t be surprising if some naturally gravitated towards Merlin. Whether it’s the cool battle sequences, the interesting storylines (that are inspired by the Legend), or because it has some of the best characters, Merlin has managed to captivate the audience for years.

Although it isn’t historically accurate (especially in terms of costumes and doesn’t exactly follow the classic tales), some viewers might not care since the show does focus a lot on fantasy and include a lot of mythological creatures. There’s not a lot of blood or gore either, so it’s great for those who want something light-hearted and fun.

14 Marco Polo (2014–2016) – 8.0

Available To Stream On Netflix

Honing in on Polo’s years in the court of Kublai Khan of the Mongol Empire, Marco Polo mostly diverges from Western themes, focusing instead on China circa the Yuan Dynasty.

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Although this Netflix series only lasted 2 seasons, it’s rich with character drama containing twists and turns, along with lavish set pieces loosely based on Eastern history. Its robust budget of $200 million can be seen in its rich cinematography and sleek production value.

13 The Pillars Of The Earth (2010) – 8.0

Available To Stream On Starz

Being based on a historical novel, this miniseries crams a wealth of interesting backstory and authenticity into each of its 8 episodes. As viewers would imagine from a show based on an English civil war called “The Anarchy,” there are plenty of gripping, dramatic moments to be had.

The show keeps a narrow focus on the one hand – revolving around the construction of a cathedral while granting a deep and vast narrative involving several unique characters. Lavish backdrops, along with standout performances by Ian McShane and Hayley Atwell, give The Pillars of the Earth an enriching sense of authenticity.

12 Cadfael (1994–1998) – 8.1

Available To Stream On BritBox

The cutthroat era of Europe 1,000 years ago seems rife with potential when it comes to compelling murder mysteries. This British series from the mid-90s takes advantage of this, crafting engaging crime plots dressed with 12th-century English settings. The show takes the premise of Columbo and fuses it with Game of Thrones motifs, making for a distinctly entertaining show.

Even with the fun potential of the protagonist’s background as a Crusader-turned-Monk, Cadfael focuses on dynamic writing and interesting plots to keep its viewers enticed rather than action.

11 The Tudors (2007–2010) – 8.1

Available To Stream On Showtime

While Michael Hirst is perhaps most known for his work on Vikings, a similarly dense, compelling historical drama of his found its way on BBC years before. The Tudors takes place several centuries after that show, honing in on England in the period between the Dark Ages and Modernity; the Renaissance.

This transitional era sets the stage for a wealth of major events, and Hirst takes advantage of this. While it runs with some creative liberties, the show uses both fiction and history to round out this interesting drama about King Henry VIII. Although it’s received mixed reviews partly for relative “cheapening of thematic conflicts” (via The New York Times), The Tudors has earned a slew of nominations for the Irish Film and Television Awards.

10 Redwall (1999–2002) – 8.2

Available To Stream On Tubi TV

It’s true that a cartoon centered around talking mice isn’t exactly authentic to history. Yet, this whimsical fantasy uses medieval themes to paint this majestic scene while also appealing to kids.

This Canadian animation draws from the popular fantasy novels by Brian Jacques, with each of its 3 seasons comprising a different book. Focusing on a once-poor mouse named Matthias, the show captures the often gritty nature of medieval living, while balancing it with lighthearted humor. A number of colorful characters and fun fantasy themes round out this charming cartoon.

9 The Witcher (2019– ) – 8.2

Available To Stream On Netflix

Another, more recent example of an epic medieval-inspired drama – The Witcher reaffirms the notion that a nice foundation of real history and myth, coupled with majestic fantasy, can make for a fun watch.

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In the case of this action fantasy drama, based on the hit video game and Andrzej Sapkowski books, The Witcher draws from Eastern European folklore and uses it as a backdrop from which the dynamic antihero Geralt flourishes. The show has fast proven to be a uniquely enticing watch, rounded out by some colorful fantasy, rich mythology, thrilling action, and three-dimensional characters.

8 Isabel (2011–2014) – 8.3

Based largely upon the reign of Queen Isabella of Castile, Isabel has proven to be quite an underrated drama. Like GoT, this series shows the rise to power of various major figures of royal families, along with the inevitable drama, struggles, and clashes that come with them.

This short-lived Spanish show, produced by Jaume Banacolocha and Joan Bas, features terrific performances by Michelle Jenner as Isabel, Rodolfo Sancho as Ferdinand of Aragon, Pablo Derqui as Henry of Castile, and many others. This is enhanced by some authentic Spanish settings and complex societal/political happenings, including the voyage of Christopher Columbus and the Spanish Inquisition.

7 The Hollow Crown (2012–2016) – 8.3

Available To Buy On Amazon Prime

While there are a number of shows loosely based on English history of the Middle Ages, BBC Two’s The Hollow Crown portrays this period from a more accurate and authentic angle, honing in on major events like the Wars of the Roses. The show draws from the captivating works of Shakespeare’s second tetralogy, which includes plays such as The Life and Death of King Richard II.

The authentic set pieces, tremendous acting by Benedict Cumberbatch, Judi Dench, and others, and the rich source material offer a solid foundation for this action-tinged drama. This only gets more gripping as the show progresses and the turbulent period of medieval Britain escalates into chaos and uncertainty.

6 The Last Kingdom (2015–2022) – 8.4

Available To Stream On Netflix

While there are plenty of shows that focus on the late Middle Ages, The Last Kingdom revolves around the even more violent and cutthroat era of 9th century England. As it dates back to a time of instability, where Britain is fractured into various (often warring) kingdoms – drama, strife, and outright conflict are guaranteed.

Fans of Vikings should enjoy this one in particular, as it also shows the further destabilizing factor of the Northmen raiders becoming emboldened and mounting assaults on the island. This sets the stage for some intense and epic battle scenes rarely seen on television. A plethora of enticing narratives and rich characters help flesh out this epic historical show.

5 Robin Of Sherwood (1984–1986) – 8.4

Available To Stream On Hoopla

It’s tough to find a more iconic blend of history and mythology than the legendary Robin Hood; a figure who’s seen no shortage of adaptations over the years and decades. One of the lesser-known, but nonetheless stronger examples of this folklore hero come in the form of the British TV series, Robin of Sherwood, by Richard Carpenter.

While it now seems like a mere distant blip on the radar, running from 1984 to 1986, this drama quietly developed a cult following thanks to its gripping portrayal which blends realism with imaginative mythology, enhanced by an engrossing atmosphere.

4 Vikings (2013–2022) – 8.5

Available To Stream On Amazon Prime

Some areas of history don’t even need to be decorated with many fictional or fantastical elements to be entertaining. Such is the case with this epic Michael Hirst portrayal of 9th-century Scandinavian society, Vikings. That’s not to say creative liberties aren’t taken, yet the grandiosity and fun plots of this action-drama do largely draw from real Viking events and cultural traits.

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The show distills this tale down to a rather simple premise of raiders and explorers seeking a more prosperous new life with new lands. At the same time, viewers will have a whirlwind of conflict, chaos, and skirmishes, both within the Viking tribes as well as abroad. This sets the stage for plenty of drama, imaginative plots, and thrilling action sequences as the series follows Ragnar Lothbrok and the company’s hard-fought rise to glory.

3 Quentin Durward (1971) – 8.7

Despite its brief 7-episode run and the cinematic limitations as a result of the dated ’70s production, this French-German swashbuckling tale is nonetheless a rich and entertaining watch.

The show, based on a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, follows a Scottish adventurer by the name of Quentin, who finds himself in the midst of a feud that wipes out his entire clan. As some can imagine, the drama and stakes only escalate from there. The series’ downtrodden protagonist must find his way in this hostile environment while he heads to France to rendezvous with his only living relative and reach the French court of Louis XI.

2 Six Flying Dragons (2015–2016) – 8.9

While there are quite a few glimpses into the wondrous and often dark events of the Middle Ages in Europe, this South Korean epic from 2015 demonstrates that the East is similarly rife with thrilling tales of heroism and political strife.

Six Flying Dragons merges real and fictional characters along with settings and premises loosely based on real events. Specifically, it portrays the founding of the Joseon Dynasty in the 14th century, where Neo-Confucianism began to reside over Buddhism, and a cascade of change elsewhere resided over this society, shown through the eyes of Prince Lee Bang Won.

1 Game Of Thrones (2011–2019) – 9.2

Available To Stream HBO Max

Although it ended with a fairly mixed reception, the Benioff and Weiss TV adaptation of George R. R. Martin’s epics still reigns as one of the best medieval TV shows due to its clear historical influences.

Thanks to its three-dimensional characters, terrific writing, and lavish fantasy settings, Game of Thrones shines as a rich, enjoyable action drama. Most episodes are chock-full of thrills, chills, and emotional drama, shifting from one memorable character and distinct setting to another.

NEXT: The 18 Best Medieval Movies Of All Time, According To IMDb

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