Remnant 2 Crossplay Actively Being Worked on, Why Players Can’t Share Campaign Progress and More Answered

Those hoping to see Remnant 2 crossplay be available in the future, you’ll be glad to know that Gunfire Games is “actively” working on it, though there are issues with different platforms that’s causing the delay.

This was revealed by Gunfire Games chief and Remnant 2 Director David James in a recently held Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything). In the Q&a chat, James also explained why players can’t share their friends’ campaign progress and loads more. Read on for the Q&A below, which we’ve distilled to only include pertinent questions.

Remnant 2 Crossplay and Other Details Answered in Q&A:

Q: Is crossplay something you guys are looking to implement in the future?

A:Yes, we are looking at it. There are issues with the different platforms and what they require in order to allow crossplay, but it is being actively worked on.

Q: Are there plans to improve PS5 performance? I get 0.25-.5 second freezes when picking up relics. I get similar freezes during battles with glowing red enemies. I’ve lowered my PS5 to 1080 on balanced mode. Performance mode has horrible screen tearing.

A:The freeze when picking up certain items definitely needs to be looked at. And to answer your question in general, yes. We are looking at performance improvements that will help all platforms. And yeah, Performance mode doesn’t have any type of vsync. I suggest Balanced, which is basically Performance mode with Vsync.

Q: Any chance of changing how the difficulties work in the future? Instead of simply dialing up health/damage/armor numbers, maybe increasing mob density, adding more elites, roaming aberrations, etc?

A: We have some plans for difficulty, but I can’t really talk about much right now.

Q: I know there’s a plethora of things the team is working on. Is the dev team aware of and working the bug where Cass is out of the map in Ward 13?

A: We have a fix for it, should be in the next patch.

Q: Will the PS5 update adress the trophies for amount of weapons traits and melee weapons owned? I’ve gone through 2 characters and even when playing only solo offline on the second one these didn’t unlock for me

A: We fixed the underlying issue with the trophy/achievement system. But this patch won’t fix the actual trophies. We actually can’t retroactively give trophies on PS5, but we will do something in a subsequent patch where if you just pick up one more weapon (or trait), for instance, it will award the trophy. In short, we will do our best to make people whole.

Q: Is it a design choice to not have a push to sprint option? It’s kinda difficult to get used to toggle sprint as i’ve always used hold to sprint. It’s even gotten me killed multiple times in hectic moments as i accidentaly toggle to walk when i wanted to sprint few steps.

A: This is on our QoL list.

Q: When playing solo and 2 player, the fps and performance of the game is fine. As soon as the 3rd player joins, performance and fps tanks. I have a midrange pc and am playing at all low settings with ultra performance DLSS and my fps regularly will dip to 40. Is performance still being looked at and why does the 3rd player make such a dramatic difference?

A: Hmmm… I’d guess in that case it might be a CPU bottleneck. But to answer your question, performance is still being looked at and will continue to being looked at.

Q: Why the decision to kneecap the trait progression system? I somewhat listed out why i thought it was a pretty bad move here and I am sincerely hoping to know if there is any wrong logic I made perhaps?

A: I think there is a valid argument that in R1 traits were a nice way to just grind up your power over time. We aren’t deaf to that complaint. I think for R2 we had a different idea in mind for traits, and that’s what we built for. There is still some work on balance and making more of the traits viable in a build, but the idea of a fixed number of points and tweaking a build is what we were going for.

All that said, we do plan to add mechanics that allow for more long term grinding up your player’s power. We never really designed the traits for this in R1, it just sort of ended up that way. So I will say that for whatever we do, we will be designing it from the ground up with that in mind and it will be more meaningful that way.

Hope that helps.

Q: One of the few criticisms that’s been repeated across the board is that the main story falls rather flat to the world’s adventures and individual plot lines. Would future dlc attempt to hone in on making the main earth more interesting like in rem1, or would the team be willing to reapproach the storyline in minor ways with an update to add more journals or ward13 personal missions?

A:I think that’s a valid complaint. The “Main Story” in Remnant has always been sort of a bootstrap for the individual world stories. That said, I would love the opportunity to expand on what’s happening on Earth. For one thing, where the heck did Ford go? What’s he up to?

Q: Is there any future plans on improving latency in co-op? countless times have me and my friends dodged skills in fights that shouldn’t hit but do and when doing the same fight in solo, get hit a lot less… almost impossible to think 1s ahead of yourself to dodge roll some mechanics :/. Thank you

A: This is something I want our team to look at for sure.

Q: Devs, please please please don’t pander to the DR complainers by trivialising Apocalypse. You said it right. It isn’t meant to be doable by everyone. If you make DR what everyone is asking it to be, it will be. Please stick to your vision.

A: I assure you we won’t trivialize Apocalypse. However, we do want to make sure there are multiple types of viable builds so I’m sure there will be some tweaks along the way.

Q: Given that Remnant 1 only had 2 dlcs and rem2 is getting 3 within the year, are their hopes/rough ideas of continuing to support the sequel with more dlc in the future, or would a new project (cough rem 3) be in the focus instead?

A: We definitely want to support Remnant 2 for as long as makes sense.

Q: Just wanted to ask since read in another comment that you’re a fan of Terraria: Was the Summoner Archetype and the method of how you acquire it inspired by Terraria in any capacity? We have floating purple orbs that you have to collect during blood moons, an alter that you need to craft this stuff at, all on a world that is corrupted (and red). Although I know summons were present in FtA, Terraria also had its own summoner class.

A: It’s not one of the more obvious influences, but Terraria had a big influence on the game. I’m not sure about the summoner specifically, but for me it’s one of my all time favorite games.

Q: Just curious, but is there a way to locate the Archon armor set within The Labyrinth? Thus far each archetype has had their respective set in their location (ie the Academic in Losomn, the Engineer in N’Erud) since as of right now, at least on console, you can’t purchase from Whispers?

A: This will roll out on console when those patches get rolled out.

Q:Have you guys made any progress with the performance issues? Game seem to be really fun but I cannot play it properly. The fps jumps between 30 and 90 really fast and it’s impossible to time dodges. Im on Win11, Ryzen 3900x, 3080, 32gb of ram. Running it at 1440p. Changing settings does nothing and The latest patch made no difference.

Also, have you tried Baldurs Gate 3?

A: We are working on performance along with a lot of other things. With a 3080 you shouldn’t see those sorts of performance swings. I would maybe check to see if your GPU is being throttled. I know on my laptop I had similar issues where it would go from 30 to 60 fps and it was because the GPU clock speed was being throttled.

Q:I just want to say I love the game, the intricacy of the secrets continues to astound me. I’m having a blast playing except when I go to ward 13 and a character acts like they never met me and ask me the same questions over and over before they let me browse their wares. I hope or request that is added to QOL features in the future to fix repetitive conversations.

A: We will definitely be fixing this.

Q: Please fix up DR. Game was fun two days ago, after patch it is significantly less fun to play. It’s not fair that thousands of people were able to get apoc rewards and then you suddenly block it off from the rest of us. I feel like I’m being punished for enjoying the game for longer before finishing apoc off. Won’t make the same mistake next time, rushing content is the way.

A: The DR on one of the traits was broken and that’s really the only thing we changed. However, I definitely understand the frustration. DR is something we will be looking at once we get everything sorted (it’s still not displaying correctly in the UI). But the math for DR is working as we intended it currently. BUT… we will be looking at defense based builds to make sure people have the options needed to explore these types of builds.

Q: I’ve seen some posts on here regarding some concerns about audio/constant noises in the game. A good example with this is the Rune Pistol is constantly making a warbling sound regardless of if it’s stowed or drawn. Many players, including myself, find this to be rather irritating because the constant noise while in menus or waiting around can get very annoying, but I don’t mind it when the weapon is drawn, because I think the weapon is extremely cool.

My question is, is the Rune Pistol making noise when stowed actually even intended behaviour? I would REALLY like if this was fixed at some point, as it’s definitely one of my favorite weapons, but the sound can get on our nerves… Lol.

I understand this is not a huge priority compared to other issues, but it would make a big difference for me.

A: This is most likely a bug.

Q: Love your game, been having a blast! Can you explain why my friends and I can’t share campaign progress? It’s a bit frustrating to complete content and not get credit unless I’m the host.

A: Because of the way each world is randomized, this isn’t really possible. I say jump into your friends game and see all the different stuff they have in their world.

Q: Sorry if this been asked before, but what happened to the PS5 invite thingy ? Is it working now ?

A: This is actually a good question. I think it just got buried. For the foreseeable future we plan to just support joining friend games from the join menu. All your friends should show up on that menu by priority (they even have a convenient friend icon in the latest patch). You can also join your friends from the friends list in the main menu. The invite feature is something we will have to continue to work on as Sony has some requirements that don’t jive really well with our matchmaking solution. But I would hope that being able to see and join your friend games at will should suffice for most cases.

Q: Has the launch of Rem 2 been more successful than you anticipated? Rem 2 boasted over 110k people playing on Steam at its peak, a little more than double Rem 1 peak! And that’s just Steam. Massive achievement to say the least!

A: It’s been great to see so many people enjoying the game. I can honestly say we had no idea how well it would do. We had hoped better than Remnant 1, but that’s about as far as we got.

Q: Will you guys improve the “matchmaking” at least to avoid matching players with > 300-500ms ?

A: This is something we will look into.

Q: Will you fix the performance dips on PS5 performance mode?

A: We are working on performance for all platforms.

Q: Any thoughts from the team on the highly-requested additions of a compass and map marking? Not sure what kind of development or coding that would require, but it would be a huge QoL blessing for multiplayer and general ease of navigation.

A: I’ll make a full confession. Because of the way the world is randomly generated, there is no consistent “North” which is why we’ve never included an indicator. I guess we could just have an ambiguous “up” to every map perhaps?

Q: Where do I-frames start and end during the dodge? Also! Can we name the dog? Bestest boy/girl deserves a name!

A: They start on the first frame, and generally last for around 10 frames (don’t quote me on that 10 frames though, because it’s been awhile since I dug around in that stuff)

Q: I would like to have some clarification on the purpose of the Ford within the campaign in Remnant 2.

From what we know so far the guy was the founder of Ward 13 and that he left his mark in other dimentions like Yaesha. Apart from that wihtout the knowledge of previous game we don’t know much about him which feels wierd considering that it feels like game puts heavy emphasis on this character. He simply powers the crystals and… Disappears. So thats why I wanted to ask, do you have anything in plans for this character? Can we expect to get an extention on his lore in future DLCs or perhaps another sequel?

A: I would say that Ford’s fate is probably a big dangling question in the storyline and leave it at that.

Q: Huge fan of the game, but don’t think it deserves the Steam Deck verification. Even playing at 400p, all low graphics, performance upscaled, I get between 15 and 25 fps on some bosses or high enemy density zones. All the upscaling makes the image super blurry and full of artifacts. I know the game was designed for more powerful systems, but are there plans to improve performance on Deck?

A: We patches some performance improvements in the last patch, and have more planned. These should definitely increase Steam Deck performance..

We’re still waiting for the game’s first post-launch patch, and once it’s live, we’ll let our readers know ASAP.

Source: Reddit

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