Queen Elizabeth news – ‘Impatient’ Philip threatened to ‘throw her out of car’ as she ‘yelped’ at him for driving fast

PRINCE Philip threatened to throw Queen ‘out of a car’ after ‘yelping’ at him for driving too fast.

A friend and biographer, to the Duke of Edinburgh, Gyles Brandreth has told how the Monarch’s late husband was known to ‘drive fast’.

Mr Brandreth told the BBC Today Programme: “I have been in a car with him and I have to say he drives really well, but he can drive fast. 

“When he was younger he was a dynamo, he did everything fast.  

“He was a dynamo and he could be impatient. His cousin Countess Mountbatten told me that her father, Lord Mountbatten, was once driving with the Queen and Prince Philip through Cowdrey Park and Prince Philip was going too fast according to Lord Mountbatten.”

The royal biographer continued to say: “The Queen was sort of yelping and drawing in her breath and flinching as he drove so fast. 

“And Prince Philip turned to her and said, ‘Look, if you do that once more I will put you out of the car’.

“And when the hair-raising journey came to an end Lord Mountbatten asked the Queen why she hadn’t protested, saying ‘You’re the Queen’.

“But the Queen said, ‘Oh you heard what he said and he meant it.’”

Read our Royal Family live blog below for the latest updates…

  • Prince William got ‘almighty’ telling off from Queen

    Prince William recalled an incident that happened when he and his cousins Zara Tindall and her younger brother, Peter Phillips, were youngsters that got him into deep water with the Queen.

    William recalled the moment in an interview with Sky News for a documentary to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday almost six years ago.

    He explained how he and his other cousins got into trouble after riding a quad bike at Balmoral.

    William said: “We were chasing Zara around who was on a go-cart, and Peter and I managed to herd Zara into a lamppost.

    “And the lamppost came down and nearly squashed her, and I remember my grandmother being the first person out at Balmoral running across the lawn in her kilt.

    “(She) came charging over and gave us the most almighty b******ing, and that sort of stuck in my mind from that moment on.”

  • Philip ‘threatened to throw Queen out of a car’ once

    PRINCE Philip threatened to throw Queen ‘out of a car’ after ‘yelping’ at him for driving too fast.

    A friend and biographer, to the Duke of Edinburgh, Gyles Brandreth has told how the Monarch’s late husband was known to ‘drive fast’.

    Mr Brandreth told the BBC Today Programme: “I have been in a car with him and I have to say he drives really well, but he can drive fast. 

    “When he was younger he was a dynamo, he did everything fast.  

    “He was a dynamo and he could be impatient. His cousin Countess Mountbatten told me that her father, Lord Mountbatten, was once driving with the Queen and Prince Philip through Cowdrey Park and Prince Philip was going too fast according to Lord Mountbatten.”

    The royal biographer continued to say: “The Queen was sort of yelping and drawing in her breath and flinching as he drove so fast. 

    “And Prince Philip turned to her and said, ‘Look, if you do that once more I will put you out of the car’.

    “And when the hair-raising journey came to an end Lord Mountbatten asked the Queen why she hadn’t protested, saying ‘You’re the Queen’.

    “But the Queen said, ‘Oh you heard what he said and he meant it.’”

  • Kate Middleton snubs Meghan Markle

    Kate Middleton revealed a list of her favourite children’s books, but did not include Meghan Markle’s story The Bench, missing an opportunity to extend an olive branch to her.

    The Duchess of Cambridge picked five titles for the Reading Room, a literacy project set up by her husband’s stepmother, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

    Kate’s choices included Charlotte’s Web, which she described as “loved in our house for obvious reasons”, which is a reference to her and Prince William’s daughter Princess Charlotte.
    Kate however, failed to include even mention Meghan’s story, which was inspired by Prince Harry’s relationship with their son Archie.

    The five children’s books recommended by Kate for the Reading Room were:

    • Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White
    • The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark, by Jill Tomlinson
    • Stig of the Dump, by Clive King
    • The Katie Morag series, by Mairi Hedderwick
    • Feelings, by Libby Walden
  • Countess of Wessex celebrates anniversary of Parenting Special Children

    Yesterday, Sophie, The Countess of Wessex attended the celebration of the 15th anniversary of Parenting Special Children.

    There, she heard about the charity’s invaluable work, and was even challenged to a game of Uno.

  • Kate Middleton’s change of style signals change

    Kate Middleton has recently changed up her style choices and a royal author claims there is a good reason as to why.

    Despite strict dress code protocols, the Duchess of Cambridge has been spotted wearing trousers to a number of royal engagements.

    Royal expert Jennie Bond spoke to OK! Magazine about the reasons for her wardrobe update, saying: “Kate is a practical princess and increasingly wears trousers to reflect that she’s ready for business, whether that be kneeling down with kids or sliding down a slide.

    “She wants to appear approachable, one of the people, not an untouchable figure in the prim dress.”

  • Kate urged to stop ‘trying to be someone else’

    Kate Middleton has been urged to “stick to being herself” after a royal author compared her to other royal women.

    Royal biographer Angela Levin tweeted about the similarities between the royal women and claimed the Duchess of Cambridge doesn’t need to copy anyone else.

    She wrote: “I think Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge should stick to being herself. She doesn’t need to try to be someone else including Diana. She’s great as she is.”

  • Outrage as Gavin Williamson is KNIGHTED

    GAVIN Williamson has been slammed after getting a “reward for failure” after he was handed a knighthood just six months after being booted out of the Cabinet.

    Downing Street revealed that the former education secretary was made a ‘Sir’ just months after being sacked in the wake of the exams fiasco.

    Millions of pupils were marked down by a mutant algorithm during Covid, prompting a chaotic u-turn.

    Critics lashed out at the news of his knighthood, saying it was an insult to kids who struggled throughout the pandemic.

    Labour’s Wes Streeting said his gong was “shameless” and a “reward for failure”.

    Shadow Education chief Bridget Phillipson raged: “Gavin Williamson left children to go hungry, created two years of complete chaos over exams and failed to get laptops out to kids struggling to learn during lockdowns. His record is astonishing and disgraceful.

    “This shows utter contempt for the challenges children and education staff have faced during the pandemic.”

    Lib Dem Munira Wilson hit out: “The only award Gavin Williamson should be given is the one for worst education secretary in history.”

  • Good morning, Milica Cosic with you today bringing you the latest news on The Queen and Royal Family.

  • Camilla reveals Kate Middleton’s favourite books on World Book Day

    Camilla and The Duchess of Cambridge have revealed their list of top books to celebrate world book day.

    Kate has contributed her favourite children’s books as this goes hand in hand with her interest in early years development.

    Some of the most famous books on the list include: Stig Of The Dump, Charlotte’s Web, Feelings and The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark.

    Last month, Kate appeared on CBeebies and read The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark as a Bedtime Story.

  • Mike Tindall reveals his daughter has a special talent

    Ex-England pro Mike Tindall revealed that his daughter Mia also has a talent for rugby.

    Mike Tindall spoke about his daughter on his podcast ‘The Good, The Bad and The Rugby’. He said: “It’s always hard to get Mia to go, she’s like ‘I don’t like it’ and then you get there, and she’s off.

    “Mia scored a couple… it was an eight-all thriller in the first game and then a nine-all thriller in the second.”

    He continued: “It’s funny how much she’s changed over the last, sort of, this year, since they’ve been back, figuring out how to avoid people because before they’d just all be really bunched in. Now they’re getting more, where they run across but then they’re all stepping back, and people are just falling around.”

  • Royal attends newly refurbished Reading Centre

    The Countess of Wessex went to visit the newly refurbished Reading Centre to meet children.

    To mark world book day the Countess met with some avid readers and some very special dogs.

    The Royal family tweeted saying how wonderful it was to see how guide dogs make world book day accesible for everyone.

  • Wales is a special place for the Cambridges

    Wales holds a special place in Kate and William’s hearts after living in Anglesey for several years before moving to Kensington Palace.

    Both have spoken fondly about their “immensely special” first home, describing it as “beautiful”.

    Wills said after moving out in 2013: “This island has been our first home together, and it will always be an immensely special place for us both.

    “Catherine and I look forward to returning again and again over the coming years with our family.

    “I know that I speak for Catherine when I say that I have never in my life known somewhere as beautiful and as welcoming as Anglesey.”

  • Prince William gives rare insight into relationship with Kate

    PRINCE William has given a rare insight into his relationship with Kate Middleton with a sweet comment.

    The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge braved the cold weather in Wales on Tuesday as they enjoyed a walkabout in Abergavenny to mark St David’s Day.

    Chatting to well-wishers, the royal dad-of-three was heard making a sweet comment about his wife, admitting she was most susceptible to the cold.

    “[Kate] has the coldest hands ever,” William was heard telling fans, “They say, ‘Cold hands, warm heart.’”

    The royal couple visited Pant Farm, which has been providing milk to a local cheese producer for nearly 20 years.

  • Prince William gives rare insight into relationship with Kate

    PRINCE William has given a rare insight into his relationship with Kate Middleton with a sweet comment.

    The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge braved the cold weather in Wales on Tuesday as they enjoyed a walkabout in Abergavenny to mark St David’s Day.

    Chatting to well-wishers, the royal dad-of-three was heard making a sweet comment about his wife, admitting she was most susceptible to the cold.

    “[Kate] has the coldest hands ever,” William was heard telling fans, “They say, ‘Cold hands, warm heart.’”

    The royal couple visited Pant Farm, which has been providing milk to a local cheese producer for nearly 20 years.

  • Kate’s bizarre ancestry claim

    During Kate and Williams trip to Wales the Duchess sent ancestry experts into a frenzy with a bizarre goat farmer claim.

    The Duchess of Cambridge spoke out on a visit to Wales for the Feast of St David, patron saint.

    During her visit to a goat farm in Llanvetherine, Kate told onlookers: “I was looking into my ancestry and there was someone who was a rare goat farmer.”

    She added that the relative was alive “just after the First World War”.

    The claim sent lineage investigators into a frenzy but they were unable to find the relative Kate was referring to.

  • William and Kate praise kids

    William and Kate have praised the children they met at the Hwb in Wales. 

    Taking to Twitter the couple said: “These young people had fountains of knowledge!

    “Educating us on everything from how many heritage sites there are here in Wales to the importance of the program.

    “It’s clear that the Hwb and Blaenavon World Heritage partnership really gets to the heart of the needs of young people.”

  • Prince George sides with William in family rivalry

    Prince William discussed his rugby rivalry with wife Kate Middleton during one of their engagements in Wales on Tuesday.

    The Duke of Cambridge claimed to have won over his eldest son Prince George on Saturday as the family watched the English and Welsh Six Nations match.

    While speaking with farmers Gary and Jess Yeomans at Pant Farm on Tuesday, Prince William spoke about the rugby rivalry by referring to Kate’s decision to wear a red scarf for the engagement.

    He said: “She’s wearing a Welsh scarf today though.

    “It’s a good family rivalry.”

    Mr Yeomans then told him: “George is going to have to come on your side.”

    To which the Duke replied: “Don’t worry, he’s already there.”

    Prince William has been the patron of the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) since 2016.

    Earlier this year, Kate was appointed patron of the Rugby Football League (RFL) and Rugby Football Union (RFU).

  • Harry ‘can’t face the family’

    Prince Harry ‘to miss’ Queen’s Jubilee as he ‘can’t face the family’, claims a royal expert.

    According to royal biographer, Tom Bower, he says Prince Harry ‘set to miss’ Queen’s Platinum Jubilee because he ‘can’t face’ Royal Family.

    Writing for Closer magazine, Mr Bower said: “I think Harry won’t come back because he knows he cannot face his family, and be pleasant with them, knowing what he’s written about them in that book.

    “That book will have a lot of casualties and cause a lot of hurt. It will really deliver, as Harry knows it has to, to justify the money he’s been paid to do it.

    “How can Harry come back and pretend it’s all fine? The worst of what he will say is yet to come.”

  • Camilla’s donation to Ukraine refugee appeal

    The Duchess of Cornwall made a “substantial” donation to the Mail’s refugee appeal last night.

    She had an emotional meeting with British-based Ukrainians about the humanitarian crisis – a 70,000-strong community.

    She told the wife of the country’s ambassador: “We are praying for you.”

    The Duchess has now made a private contribution to the Mail’s refugee appeal, with the total raised now in excess of £2.5million just four days after the campaign launched.

    Her spokesman said last night: “No one could fail to be moved by the appalling scenes of Ukrainians fleeing their homes and the duchess wanted to help in whatever way she could.”

  • Thanks for reading

    Joe Gamp here, signing off for the evening.

    Thanks for reading our rolling live coverage of the Royal Family.

    Milica Cosic will be back at 6am.

  • In pictures: Charles is greeted by fans in Winchester

    Prince Charles is handed a bouquet of daffodils as he meets members of the public upon arrival for his visit to Winchester.

    He visited the Hampshire-based city to view the recently unveiled

    He had been due to visit on February 10 but after testing positive for Covid-19 postponed his trip at the last minute while crowds were waiting to see him.

    “I’m so sorry for the other week,” he told dignitaries.

    A 750-strong crowd had gathered opposite the Licoricia statue to see the prince, many waving Ukrainian flags handed out by Hampshire County Council, which also flew the besieged country’s flag from its headquarters.

    statue of Licoricia of Winchester and to officially open the Arc.

    NINTCHDBPICT000716092594Credit: Getty
  • Charles spoke of the ‘truly terrible aggression’ of Russia

    Charles had visited the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral on Wednesday with the Duchess of Cornwall and spoke about the “truly terrible aggression” of President Vladimir Putin’s regime.

    In Winchester, the prince, 73, spoke to leading members of Britain’s Jewish community who helped raise money for the statue and talked about the work that World Jewish Relief, a charity he supports as patron, was doing to help humanitarian aid reach the people of Ukraine.

    Charles said: “I am very proud to be patron of World Jewish Relief. They are doing wonderful things.”

    Maggie Carver, chair of a trust set up to create the statue, said the idea had been to celebrate tolerance and combat the sort of prejudice that forced Jews to convert to Christianity or leave England at the end of the 13th century.

    She said: “We can be very grateful nowadays that minorities do not face such intolerance.

    “However, with attacks against Jews in our country at a record high and with war raging on European soil, this message is as relevant today as it was then.”

  • Charles greeted by sea of fans waving Ukrainian flags in Winchester

    The Prince of Wales was greeted by a sea of Ukrainian flags during a visit to Winchester where he praised a charity providing relief to victims of Russian aggression.

    The heir to the throne travelled to the city to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and to see a statue of Licoricia, a 13th century Jewish moneylender killed in the city during a period of antisemitism.

    He had been due to visit on February 10 but after testing positive for Covid-19 postponed his trip at the last minute while crowds were waiting to see him.

    “I’m so sorry for the other week,” he told dignitaries.

    A 750-strong crowd had gathered opposite the Licoricia statue to see the prince, many waving Ukrainian flags handed out by Hampshire County Council, which also flew the besieged country’s flag from its headquarters.

    A county council spokeswoman said: “We had a vigil for Ukraine in the city on Tuesday. There’s been a very strong community reaction to the situation.”

  • What is the Queen’s health like at present?

    The Queen has a string of high-profile events coming up which she is due to attend, including the Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey on March 14, and then the Duke of Edinburgh’s memorial service, also at the abbey, on March 29.

    The nation’s longest-reigning monarch, who is believed to have been triple vaccinated, had just returned to something approaching normal duties after a health scare last autumn, when she contracted the virus.

    In the autumn she pulled out of attending the Cop26 climate change summit, the Festival of Remembrance and then the Remembrance Sunday Cenotaph service due to a sprained back. She also missed the Church of England’s General Synod.

    The Queen now regularly uses a walking stick and has been pictured looking frailer recently.

    Alongside her virtual events, the Queen has been carrying out light duties during her recovery, which sees her working from red boxes containing State papers which have to be read and, where necessary, approved and signed.

  • The Queen has welcomed two new High Commissioners to the UK as she held her second virtual audience of the week following a bout of Covid.

    Wearing a floral day dress, the head of state spoke to the diplomats in Buckingham Palace from her Windsor Castle home via a video link.

    The 95-year-old monarch has been holding virtual events for almost two years, after taking part in her first official video conference call in 2020 as the pandemic took hold.

    During the audience, Vishnu Dhanpaul, who was joined by his wife, presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Commission as High Commissioner for Trinidad and Tobago.

    The same ceremony took place when Thomas Bisika, also joined by his wife, was received by the Queen as he formally took up his post as Malawi’s High Commissioner.

    On Tuesday, the Prince of Wales said the Queen was “a lot better now” after she tested positive for the virus on February 20.

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