Queen Elizabeth Jubilee news – I’m a royal super fan and have dedicated FIVE rooms of my house to Her Majesty

ONE ROYAL super-fan has taken her obsession with the Queen to new levels and has dedicated five rooms of her semi detached house in Wembley, North West London to the monarch.

Margaret Tyler’s, 78, obsession with royal memorabilia started over 40 years when she bought a dish with an image of the Queen from a fair.

And since then, the retired bed and breakfast owner has spent thousands of pounds on her hobby.

Ms Tyler also has a room dedicated to Princess Diana, including a carpet from the Grand Lanesborough Hotel on Hyde Park Corner in Central London where the Prince and Princess of Wales hosted a party for their staff in 1995.

She told the Mirror: “Charles and Diana walked on this carpet that’s now in my home, which is a strange feeling.

“One of my friends was working at the hotel when it was being refurbished and bought it for me.

Despite her huge collection, Ms Tyler insists she would notice if something was out of place.

She said: “I can’t bear the wrong cup being in the wrong section.

“They all have their own sections. It takes me a long time to dust every room, though. 

“By the time I finish it’s time to start all over again.”

Ms Tyler has met the Queen four times as well as Diana, the Queen Mother, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Read our Royal Family blog below for the latest updates…

  • Royal Family ‘united’ against Andrew being in spotlight

    It has been claimed by a source that the Royal Family are “united” against Prince Andrew being in the spotlight – but with one exception.

    A royal source told The Mirror: “Andrew is doing all he can to make amends for the shame he brought on his family for being involved in such a scandal.

    “He wants to make it up to the Queen which is why he is doing all he can to see her as much as possible.

    “The rest of the family, apart from Her Majesty, are united in feeling that he should stay out of the limelight and keep quiet having left such a stain on the family.”

  • All the Platinum Jubilee events The Queen is attending

    Lots of celebrations have been planned for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, including a national pudding competition, a pageant along the Mall, a four-day bank holiday and performances in Windsor Castle.

    It is yet to be confirmed which events the Queen will be attending.

    In early May, a Buckingham Palace spokesperson said that the Queen’s attendance at the Platinum Jubilee celebrations may not be confirmed “until the day itself”.

    Speaking ahead of the celebration to the Independent, the spokesperson explained: “The Queen is looking forward to the weekend and will be taking part in the celebrations but her presence will not be confirmed until much nearer the time or even on the day itself.”

    However, the monarch is currently expected to attend a series of events held across the four-day bank holiday weekend including:

  • Harry & Meg expected to JOIN Queen at St Paul’s Cathedral

    PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle are expected to join the Queen for a service of thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral next week.

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will reportedly attend the Jubilee event alongside other members of the Royal Family on Friday June 3.

    According to the Telegraph the Queen’s participation during the service of thanksgiving is unlikely to be confirmed until the day.

    It is, however, said to be one of the Jubilee events she is particularly keen to attend.

    Palace aides are reportedly working on plans to ensure the monarch, who battles with mobility issues, can easily access the cathedral – as she will be unable to walk up the many steps to its main entrance.

    They are also said to be considering how best she can arrive in comfort and without being photographed if necessary.

    Members of the Royal family are expected to arrive at St Paul’s from 11am.

    The service will include bible readings, anthems, prayers and hymns to express thanks for the Queen’s 70 years on the throne.

  • How to live stream The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee parade

    The Platinum Jubilee will be televised across the four day bank holiday weekend.

    The celebrations will begin on Thursday, June 2, 2022, and continue over the weekend until Sunday, June 5. 

    June 2 has replaced the usual May Day bank holiday across the UK, with June 3 an extra day’s bank holiday.

    BBC One will broadcast the Platinum Party at the Palace live.

    Those away from a TV can also tune into Radio 2 to listen to the live performances.

  • Queen tipped to make SECOND Jubilee balcony appearance

    A royal historian has tipped that the Queen could make a second balcony appearance during the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

    Royal expert Hugo Vickers predicts the monarch, 96, will make a second balcony appearance after the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday, June 5 – which is the finale of the extravaganza.

    Mr Vickers told 9Honey: “I suspect – I could be wrong, but I’m not always wrong – after the pageant… [the Queen will] almost certainly come out on the balcony and I wouldn’t be surprised if that isn’t a very, very small group indeed – it could possibly even just be Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince George.

    “So you see the Queen with her next three successors.”

  • Kate & William’s relationship wasn’t expected to last, Royal expert says

    A leading biographer has claimed that Kate Middleton and Prince William’s relationship was not expected to last by people within the Royal Family.

    According to royal author Andrew Morton, there was little expectations of the relationship between the royal couple.

    He said: “In the beginning, nobody in the Royal Household expected for a second that the university romance with Catherine and William would continue for any time after they graduated, like most college romances which disintegrate under the intense scrutiny of jobs and geography.”

    Speaking about Kate’s personality, Mr Morton added the Queen “was impressed she adored and loved William for himself, not for his titles.”

  • How can I live stream the Platinum Jubilee events?

    The Platinum Jubilee will be televised across the four day bank holiday weekend.

    The celebrations will begin on Thursday, June 2, 2022, and continue over the weekend until Sunday, June 5. 

    June 2 has replaced the usual May Day bank holiday across the UK, with June 3 an extra day’s bank holiday.

    BBC One will broadcast the Platinum Party at the Palace live.

    Those away from a TV can also tune into Radio 2 to listen to the live performances.

  • Charles meets Ukrainians at refugee centre in Romania

    The Prince of Wales has travelled to Romania and met Ukrainians who have fled their homeland to escape the war with Russia.

    Charles was joined by distant relative Margareta, head of the Romanian royal family, for the unannounced trip to a donation centre for refugees in the capital Bucharest.

    More than a million Ukrainians have crossed the border into Romania since the Russian invasion in February.

    The prince’s tour of the Romexpo donation centre is the latest in a series of events he has attended to show solidarity with the plight of Ukraine and its people.

    He has been a regular visitor to Romania over the past 20 years and set up the Prince of Wales Foundation Romania to support the development of farming, traditional skills and the preservation of historic buildings through training.

    During Wednesday’s visit he chatted to volunteers supporting the refugees, alongside Margareta, Romania’s queen, who is known formally as the Custodian of the Romanian Crown.

  • Queen tipped to make SECOND Jubilee balcony appearance

    A royal historian has tipped that the Queen could make a second balcony appearance during the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

    Royal expert Hugo Vickers predicts the monarch, 96, will make a second balcony appearance after the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday, June 5 – which is the finale of the extravaganza.

    Mr Vickers told 9Honey: “I suspect – I could be wrong, but I’m not always wrong – after the pageant… [the Queen will] almost certainly come out on the balcony and I wouldn’t be surprised if that isn’t a very, very small group indeed – it could possibly even just be Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince George.

    “So you see the Queen with her next three successors.”

  • Royal Family’s favourite games to play with each other

    With the Jubilee celebrations in full swing, the team at SudokuCraze can reveal the Royal family’s favourite games to play in their spare time, from Charades to table tennis.

    The Queen – It has been widely reported that Queen Elizabeth II is incredibly fond ‘The Name Game’ in which players must write the names of famous people or characters on a post-it note to place on another players forehead. 

    William and Kate – During an interview with Radio Marsden, Prince William revealed that there are two popular board games in the Cambridge household – Monopoly and Risk. 

    Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis – Prince William revealed in January 2022 during a trip to the BAFTA headquarters that his children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis all “definitely like gaming, they’re fascinated by that.

    Meghan Markle – Meghan Markle is apparently highly talented at Charades as a result of her acting skills.

    Prince Harry – Prince Harry has had a famous love for polo from a young age. 

    Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall – Whilst the royals all partake in different sports and games during engagements, the Duchess of Cornwall has been known to try her hand at table tennis and ping pong on numerous occasions.

  • PM must make rail strikes illegal to save the Platinum Jubilee

    This is a comment piece.

    THE Marxist union dinosaurs are shredding the last remnants of any public support by targeting the Jubilee for rail strikes.

    These RMT wreckers are hard-Left throwbacks who fantasise about reliving the bleak 1970s, that industrial dark age of overwhelming union power.

    There is no justification for the mayhem they are plotting — just the usual gripes about their already generous wages and a groundless suspicion of job cuts.

    It’s really about trying to topple a Tory Government so that Labour will hand them a seat at the table.

    The RMT aims to bring the country “to a standstill”.

    It simply should not have such power. Let this be its last gasp.

    Read the article in full here.

  • Queen welcomed ‘commoners’ marrying into Family after Sarah Ferguson ‘disaster’

    A royal expert has claimed that The Queen welcomes “commoners” into the Royal Family following the “disastrous” relationship between Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson.

    Camilla Tominey told the 2011 documentary ‘William & Kate: Into the Future’: “The Queen particularly is quite in favour of someone — rather unattractively termed a commoner — marrying the members of the Royal Family because she sees middle-class girls with a good university education as a better bet than perhaps the kind of aristocratic primadonnas that might have been singled out for princes in the days gone by. 

    “Her experience with people who are less common — say Fergie, who was a commoner of sorts but yet she was the daughter of an army officer and so she probably was from the higher echelons than somebody like Kate Middleton — they’ve gone disastrously wrong.”

  • Thomas Markle left unable to speak after suffering ‘major’ stroke

    Thomas Markle Sr has been left unable to speak after suffering a “major stroke” that saw him rushed to hospital wearing an oxygen mask.

    The dad of Duchess of Sussex Meghan was wheeled to an ambulance on a trolley.

    He was then ferried across the Mexican border for treatment in San Diego, California.

    The 77-year-old was said to have lost his speech following the emergency, which sources said followed a health scare last week.

    The stroke was so serious he could only communicate by scrawling down messages on a piece of paper, friends said.

    Meghan’s half-brother Thomas Jr, 55, was with their father when he fell ill in the Mexican beach resort of Rosario, where he lives.

    The stricken dad’s daughter Samantha, 57, was understood to be flying from Florida last night to be by his side.

    In a statement, she said: “My father is recovering in hospital. We ask for privacy for the family, for his health and wellbeing. He just needs peace and rest. Godspeed. We are praying.”

  • Harry & Meg REUNITE with Royal Family – but only in wax

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have rejoined the royal family at Madame Tussauds to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

    Waxwork figures of the main family members have received a black tie makeover in preparation for the event marking the monarch’s 70-year reign on June 5.

    The reunion at the London attraction brings the Sussexes back together publicly with the family for the first time since their move to the US in 2020.

    Meghan’s waxwork has been dressed in a red, caped Safiyaa gown, which she wore on one of her last royal engagements at the Mountbatten Festival of Music at the Royal Albert Hall in London in March 2020.

  • Inside Prince Andrew’s lavish life

    PRINCE Andrew’s lavish lifestyle saw him spending nearly £500,000 a year travelling across the world heading to parties and exotic trips.

    The Duke of York would then allegedly return from his luxurious trips laden with expensive gifts following meetings with his shady pals.

    Entitled Andrew would only fly in a private jet with an entourage of staff, tasked to cater to his every whim, including his personal pedicurist, and a valet armed with an ironing board.

    The Duke once defended his glamorous habit as a “little tiny spot in the ocean by comparison to many people”.

    Andrew spent a total of £465,000 on flights and £154,000 on food and hotels during his travels, according to the book.

    And elsewhere, it was reported during a 2012 trip to India, Andrew spent thousands by hiring an £80,000 private jet, a £10,000-a-night suite that included a gold room.

    His extravagant lifestyle has previously raised questions as his official annual income is believed to be a Royal Navy pension of just under £20,000.

    It is believed he no longer receives his annual £249,000 handout from the Sovereign Grant.

  • Kate & William’s relationship wasn’t expected to last, Royal expert says

    A leading biographer has claimed that Kate Middleton and Prince William’s relationship was not expected to last by people within the Royal Family.

    According to royal author Andrew Morton, there was little expectations of the relationship between the royal couple.

    He said: “In the beginning, nobody in the Royal Household expected for a second that the university romance with Catherine and William would continue for any time after they graduated, like most college romances which disintegrate under the intense scrutiny of jobs and geography.”

    Speaking about Kate’s personality, Mr Morton added the Queen “was impressed she adored and loved William for himself, not for his titles.”

  • Anne & Sophie could be ‘overshadowed’ at Jubilee

    A royal expert has claimed that Princess Anne and Sophie Wessex risk being overshadowed at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next month.

    Speaking to The Telegraph, Camilla Tominey said: “You can include the Sussexes but you don’t want there to be some sort of Harry and Meghan sideshow going on when the main event must be the Queen.

    “Equally there will be other members of the Royal Family who are still doing the daily grind who will resent being overshadowed by Harry and Meghan even if they don’t admit it.”

    She added: “You’re not going to want to have the likes of Princess Anne and the Earl and Countess of Wessex for instance who day in day out plant trees, unveil plaques and go to the opening of royal envelopes only to have the media completely focus on Harry and Meghan who aren’t playing a role at all in the so-called family firm.”

  • How can I live stream the Platinum Jubilee events?

    The Platinum Jubilee will be televised across the four day bank holiday weekend.

    The celebrations will begin on Thursday, June 2, 2022, and continue over the weekend until Sunday, June 5. 

    June 2 has replaced the usual May Day bank holiday across the UK, with June 3 an extra day’s bank holiday.

    BBC One will broadcast the Platinum Party at the Palace live.

    Those away from a TV can also tune into Radio 2 to listen to the live performances.

  • Kate Middleton in HYSTERICS as she’s mistaken for Prince William’s assistant

    Kate Middleton has been labelled the “most down-to earth” royal after she was mistaken for Prince William’s assistant, leaving her in hysterics.

    During her visit to the Shire Hall Care Home in Cardiff in August 2021 The Duchess of Cambridge was with her husband when the comment was made by one of the residents.

    Joan Drew-Smith, 87, pointed out the future Queen of England and asked William: “Is that your assistant?”

    To which Kate replied with a laugh as she turned to the Duke: “Well, I am your assistant.

    “I have been for a long time!”

    The couple were visiting the care home in person after entertaining the residents virtually with a bingo game during the first lockdown.

  • Royal expert calls on Andrew to pull out of Jubilee event

    The disgraced prince is set to appear alongside the Queen for Garter Day.

    However, many believe his controversial appearance could overshadow the event.

    Katie Nicholls said: “The dignified and actually, the respectful thing to do for the Queen and the Royal Family is to bow out gracefully, as gracefully as he possibly can.

    “This has been a spectacular fall for Andrew who doesn’t have his titles, doesn’t have his honorary titles, doesn’t represent the Queen, doesn’t carry out official duties.

    “I think it’s very difficult then to reconcile seeing him on a public stage.”

  • Meghan should ‘give some comfort and reassurance’ to her father after suspected stroke, royal expert says

    Royal expert and author Tom Bower, has implored the Duchess of Sussex to visit her father in this difficult time.

    Speaking to Good Morning Britain, the biographer said: “What we do know, it that Meghan has always said that she is a very compassionate person. 

    “And if compassion was at all necessary right now, it would mean that she would go to her father’s bedside – about two and a half hours drive south from where she lives – and give him some comfort and reassurance.” 

  • Charles meets Ukrainians at refugee centre in Romania

    The Prince of Wales has travelled to Romania and met Ukrainians who have fled their homeland to escape the war with Russia.

    Charles was joined by distant relative Margareta, head of the Romanian royal family, for the unannounced trip to a donation centre for refugees in the capital Bucharest.

    More than a million Ukrainians have crossed the border into Romania since the Russian invasion in February.

    The prince’s tour of the Romexpo donation centre is the latest in a series of events he has attended to show solidarity with the plight of Ukraine and its people.

    He has been a regular visitor to Romania over the past 20 years and set up the Prince of Wales Foundation Romania to support the development of farming, traditional skills and the preservation of historic buildings through training.

    During Wednesday’s visit he chatted to volunteers supporting the refugees, alongside Margareta, Romania’s queen, who is known formally as the Custodian of the Romanian Crown.

  • Queen tipped to make SECOND Jubilee balcony appearance

    A royal historian has tipped that the Queen could make a second balcony appearance during the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

    Royal expert Hugo Vickers predicts the monarch, 96, will make a second balcony appearance after the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday, June 5 – which is the finale of the extravaganza.

    Mr Vickers told 9Honey: “I suspect – I could be wrong, but I’m not always wrong – after the pageant… [the Queen will] almost certainly come out on the balcony and I wouldn’t be surprised if that isn’t a very, very small group indeed – it could possibly even just be Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince George.

    “So you see the Queen with her next three successors.”

  • PM must make rail strikes illegal to save the Platinum Jubilee

    This is a comment piece.

    THE Marxist union dinosaurs are shredding the last remnants of any public support by targeting the Jubilee for rail strikes.

    These RMT wreckers are hard-Left throwbacks who fantasise about reliving the bleak 1970s, that industrial dark age of overwhelming union power.

    There is no justification for the mayhem they are plotting — just the usual gripes about their already generous wages and a groundless suspicion of job cuts.

    It’s really about trying to topple a Tory Government so that Labour will hand them a seat at the table.

    The RMT aims to bring the country “to a standstill”.

    It simply should not have such power. Let this be its last gasp.

    Read the article in full here.

  • Royal Family’s favourite games to play with each other

    With the Jubilee celebrations in full swing, the team at SudokuCraze can reveal the Royal family’s favourite games to play in their spare time, from Charades to table tennis.

    The Queen – It has been widely reported that Queen Elizabeth II is incredibly fond ‘The Name Game’ in which players must write the names of famous people or characters on a post-it note to place on another players forehead. 

    William and Kate – During an interview with Radio Marsden, Prince William revealed that there are two popular board games in the Cambridge household – Monopoly and Risk. 

    Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis – Prince William revealed in January 2022 during a trip to the BAFTA headquarters that his children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis all “definitely like gaming, they’re fascinated by that.

    Meghan Markle – Meghan Markle is apparently highly talented at Charades as a result of her acting skills.

    Prince Harry – Prince Harry has had a famous love for polo from a young age. 

    Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall – Whilst the royals all partake in different sports and games during engagements, the Duchess of Cornwall has been known to try her hand at table tennis and ping pong on numerous occasions.

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