Prince Harry will crawl ‘back to London’ after his marriage to Meg ‘ends bad’ blasts Trump

DONALD Trump has predicted Prince Harry & Meghan’s marriage will ‘end bad’ – and that the ‘whipped’ Duke will crawl back to London.

The ex-President blasted the couple’s high-profile relationship during a sit down with Piers Morgan in his exclusive TalkTV interview.

During the interview, Mr Trump told Piers that he’s “not a fan of Meghan, and I wasn’t from the beginning”.

He continued: “Poor Harry is being led around by his nose. And I think he’s an embarrassment.

“And I think when she spoke badly of the Royal Family, but in particular the Queen you know, I met the Queen. It was supposed to be for 20 minutes.”

And later on in the explosive interview, the Republican continued: “So I want to know what’s going to happen when Harry decides he’s had enough of being bossed around. Or maybe when she decides that she likes some other guy better. I want to know what’s going to happen when it ends, okay.”

Piers then asked: “You think it’s gonna end?”, to which Trump replied: “I do”.

He added: “I’ve been a very good predictor, as you know. I predicted almost everything. It’ll end and it’ll end bad. And I wonder if Harry’s gonna go back on his hands and knees back into the beautiful city of London and say, please. You know, I think Harry has been led down a path.”

Read our Meghan Markle live blog below for the latest news…

  • Real reason ‘Harry fears Queen needs ‘protection’ is down to ANDREW’

    PRINCE Andrew is the reason Harry fears the Queen needs protection, Buckingham Palace aides reportedly believe.

    The Duke of Sussex, 37, was furious at seeing his disgraced uncle walking by Her Majesty’s side at Prince Philip’s memorial, it was claimed. 

    Harry told NBC on Wednesday how he wants to “protect” the Queen by ensuring she has the “right people” around her.

    A Palace source told the Mirror: “Those images of Prince Andrew escorting the Queen to Westminster Abbey may have upset Harry, which is now believed to be one of the reasons he made such an astonishing remark.

    “Harry is familiar with the Queen’s aides and there is no animosity at all.

    “The Palace were aware he might do an interview, but no one was expecting those sorts of comments.

    “He seemed to be implying he had concerns over the Queen’s safety.

    “There is a feeling this may be linked to Andrew who has grown quite close to his mother in recent months.”

  • Meghan planning to move into politics

    A royal expert has claimed that Meghan Markle is once again looking to move into politics.

    The speculation comes after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently hired PR, Miranda Barbot, who worked for former US President Barack Obama.

    Daily Mail Diary Editor Richard Eden has claimed that insiders close to the couple said the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are making moves in an increasingly political direction.

    One insider said: “There are shades of the Clintons or even the Kennedys. It would not be a huge shock now if Meghan went into politics.”

    On Twitter, Mr Eden said: “Is this another sign that Meghan is plotting a move into politics?”

  • A royal expert has claimed that Prince Harry is believed to have hit out at some of the Queen’s closest aides who helped draft his Megxit terms, during his interview with NBC’s Today.

    One source told The Sun: “The protection comment is perceived to refer to the way he thinks the Queen is ill-advised by those around her, particularly during the Megxit Sandringham Summit.”

    And royal commentator Ingrid Seward said: “It’s totally aimed at the advisers around the Queen that Harry dislikes and he feels contributed to his downfall.

    “Megxit is done as far as British people are concerned and Harry really needs to move on.”

  • PRINCE Harry has shown he is still bitter over Megxit by taking a fresh swipe at Palace “vipers” who drew up the deal.

    His latest barb about wanting to protect the Queen was aimed at her closest advisers.

    A source said: “The protection comment is perceived to refer to the way he thinks the Queen is ill-advised by those around her, particularly during the Megxit Sandringham Summit.”

    Harry, 37, was accused of a “betrayal of trust” after telling US TV about a private chat with his gran during a recent UK visit.

  • Harry’s MI6 aid

    PRINCE Harry turned to therapists at intelligence agency M16 for mental health help, it is claimed.

    The Duke of Sussex was persuaded to get help by ex-lover Cressida Bonas — who took advice from MI6 to find the right person for him.

    After their two-year relationship broke down in 2014, Harry wrote to her, saying: “Thank you for helping me to address my demons and seek help.”

    The claims are made by Tina Brown in her book, The Palace Papers.

  • Prince Harry was ‘sad to be back’ in UK

    A body language expert has analysed Prince Harry’s interview on the American show Today, where he spoke about his recent visit to see the Queen.

    Expert Darren Stanton told GB News: “I think he’s quite torn between being over there and the UK.

    “He’s feeling genuine sadness at not being in the thick of it.”

    He added: “The eyebrows basically come together and the mouth drips and also when people tend to go like that with the lips that is almost like a self-reassurance gesture.”

  • Prince Harry ‘blindsided and insulted’ the Queen

    PRINCE Harry left William seething by blindsiding and insulting the Queen when he quit royal life, an expert claimed.

    The Duke of Sussex’s list of demands for a part-time, commercial-royal future was seen as disrespectful to Her Majesty, Robert Jobson added.

    A source close to William told Mr Jobson: “That was it for William.

    “He felt they’d blindsided the Queen in such an insulting and disrespectful way.”

    The Duke of Cambridge was also said to be infuriated by the couple’s Oprah Winfrey interview, in which Harry claimed his brother and dad were trapped within the monarchy.

    A senior figure said: “William was furious.

    “He thought it was not only bad manners, but frankly bloody rude to make those claims on his behalf, with no authority, and made worse because it was total nonsense.”

    Friends added that William thought his brother had “totally lost the plot”.

  • Harry and Meghan not a part of their US community

    According to a royal expert, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have left some members of their Montecito community questioning who they are and have yet to really become “part of the community”.

    The royal couple moved to the area during the summer of 2020.

    British journalist Richard Mineards told The Times: “Harry and Meghan haven’t become part of the community, and I think a lot of people are bristling about that really.

    “It’s such a lovely place to go out and they’ve been a no-show.

    “There is this big question of, ‘Where are they?'”

  • Meghan and Harry could turn off Netflix viewers

    A royal brand expert has said that the content Prince Harry and Meghan are creating for Netflix ‘lacks originality;, as viewers will likely already be familiar with the events before the documentary is released.

    Professor Cele Otnes, a marketing expert specialising in how the Royal Family brands itself, she was “perplexed” by the filming of well-reported events to be rehashed in new documentaries.

    She said: “I’m perplexed why we are seeing the events in real life (e.g, at the Invictus ceremonies last year), and why there is any ‘content value’ to seeing these edited again in Netflix shows.

    “For example, we often don’t view the fights or content on the Kardashian programs prior to them airing; we only hear about them.

    “I’m not sure how much inherent value Harry and Meghan are bringing to Netflix; there is some discussion that they are in fact contributing to the disinterest in, and market devaluation, of Netflix.”

  • Harry’s aides ‘drawing up plans for Duke to attend Jubilee celebrations’

    PRINCE Harry’s aides are said to be “drawing up plans” for him to attend the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June.

    The Duke may reach a “resolution” with the Met Police over his security row so that he can join his family for Her Majesty’s special milestone, it’s understood.

    It comes after Harry sensationally snubbed the Queen AGAIN as he revealed he doesn’t know if he’ll make her Jubilee in a bombshell new interview.

    The Duke of Sussex gushed about his “special relationship” with his grandmother but refused to say whether he will return to the UK to celebrate her 70 years on the throne.

    When asked whether he will return to the UK to mark the Platinum Jubilee, Harry told NBC: “I don’t know if I’ll come. There are lots of issues with security and everything else.

    “That’s what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to do everything to make sure my kids can meet her.”

    Read more here.

  • Thank you for reading my coverage this evening. Joe Gamp will be on the blogs from 8am tomorrow.

  • Prince William thought Harry had ‘lost the plot’

    PRINCE William thought Prince Harry had ‘totally lost the plot’ after coming out with ‘total nonsense’ claims, an expert claimed.

    The Duke of Cambridge was said to be infuriated by the couple’s Oprah Winfrey interview, in which Harry claimed his brother and dad were trapped within the monarchy.

    A senior figure said: “William was furious.

    “He thought it was not only bad manners, but frankly bloody rude to make those claims on his behalf, with no authority, and made worse because it was total nonsense.”

    Friends added that William thought his brother had “totally lost the plot”.

  • Real reason ‘Harry fears Queen needs ‘protection’ is down to ANDREW’

    PRINCE Andrew is the reason Harry fears the Queen needs protection, Buckingham Palace aides reportedly believe.

    The Duke of Sussex, 37, was furious at seeing his disgraced uncle walking by Her Majesty’s side at Prince Philip’s memorial, it was claimed. 

    Harry told NBC on Wednesday how he wants to “protect” the Queen by ensuring she has the “right people” around her.

    A Palace source told the Mirror: “Those images of Prince Andrew escorting the Queen to Westminster Abbey may have upset Harry, which is now believed to be one of the reasons he made such an astonishing remark.

    “Harry is familiar with the Queen’s aides and there is no animosity at all.

    “The Palace were aware he might do an interview, but no one was expecting those sorts of comments.

    “He seemed to be implying he had concerns over the Queen’s safety.

    “There is a feeling this may be linked to Andrew who has grown quite close to his mother in recent months.”

  • Meghan planning to move into politics

    A royal expert has claimed that Meghan Markle is once again looking to move into politics.

    The speculation comes after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently hired PR, Miranda Barbot, who worked for former US President Barack Obama.

    Daily Mail Diary Editor Richard Eden has claimed that insiders close to the couple said the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are making moves in an increasingly political direction.

    One insider said: “There are shades of the Clintons or even the Kennedys. It would not be a huge shock now if Meghan went into politics.”

    On Twitter, Mr Eden said: “Is this another sign that Meghan is plotting a move into politics?”

  • A royal expert has claimed that Prince Harry is believed to have hit out at some of the Queen’s closest aides who helped draft his Megxit terms, during his interview with NBC’s Today.

    One source told The Sun: “The protection comment is perceived to refer to the way he thinks the Queen is ill-advised by those around her, particularly during the Megxit Sandringham Summit.”

    And royal commentator Ingrid Seward said: “It’s totally aimed at the advisers around the Queen that Harry dislikes and he feels contributed to his downfall.

    “Megxit is done as far as British people are concerned and Harry really needs to move on.”

  • Queen has a ‘soft spot’ for Harry

    A royal expert has claimed that the Queen has a “soft spot” for Prince Harry, and is “still devoted to him” despite Megxit.

    Robert Hardman, author of the new biography ‘Queen of Our Times’, told the Washington Post: “I think she’s sad about it, but I don’t think it’s all-consuming.

    “She’s still very fond of Harry.

    “There’s the family stuff and the business stuff, and the business stuff is non negotiable.

    “You can’t do this, Harry. I’m sorry. It’s just the way it is.

    “And her officials will tell his officials that, and those conversations will happen at arm’s length.”

    He added: “But he’s still devoted to her, and she’s still devoted to him.

    “They still talk. I’m told he talks to her more often than he talks to anyone else in the family.

    “He’s still quite cheeky and can get away with things that others possibly can’t. She’s got a soft spot for him.”

  • Harry’s MI6 aid

    PRINCE Harry turned to therapists at intelligence agency M16 for mental health help, it is claimed.

    The Duke of Sussex was persuaded to get help by ex-lover Cressida Bonas — who took advice from MI6 to find the right person for him.

    After their two-year relationship broke down in 2014, Harry wrote to her, saying: “Thank you for helping me to address my demons and seek help.”

    The claims are made by Tina Brown in her book, The Palace Papers.

  • PRINCE Harry has shown he is still bitter over Megxit by taking a fresh swipe at Palace “vipers” who drew up the deal.

    His latest barb about wanting to protect the Queen was aimed at her closest advisers.

    A source said: “The protection comment is perceived to refer to the way he thinks the Queen is ill-advised by those around her, particularly during the Megxit Sandringham Summit.”

    Harry, 37, was accused of a “betrayal of trust” after telling US TV about a private chat with his gran during a recent UK visit.

  • Meghan and Harry could turn off Netflix viewers

    A royal brand expert has said that the content Prince Harry and Meghan are creating for Netflix ‘lacks originality;, as viewers will likely already be familiar with the events before the documentary is released.

    Professor Cele Otnes, a marketing expert specialising in how the Royal Family brands itself, she was “perplexed” by the filming of well-reported events to be rehashed in new documentaries.

    She said: “I’m perplexed why we are seeing the events in real life (e.g, at the Invictus ceremonies last year), and why there is any ‘content value’ to seeing these edited again in Netflix shows.

    “For example, we often don’t view the fights or content on the Kardashian programs prior to them airing; we only hear about them.

    “I’m not sure how much inherent value Harry and Meghan are bringing to Netflix; there is some discussion that they are in fact contributing to the disinterest in, and market devaluation, of Netflix.” 

  • Prince Harry ‘blindsided and insulted’ the Queen

    PRINCE Harry left William seething by blindsiding and insulting the Queen when he quit royal life, an expert claimed.

    The Duke of Sussex’s list of demands for a part-time, commercial-royal future was seen as disrespectful to Her Majesty, Robert Jobson added.

    A source close to William told Mr Jobson: “That was it for William.

    “He felt they’d blindsided the Queen in such an insulting and disrespectful way.”

    The Duke of Cambridge was also said to be infuriated by the couple’s Oprah Winfrey interview, in which Harry claimed his brother and dad were trapped within the monarchy.

    A senior figure said: “William was furious.

    “He thought it was not only bad manners, but frankly bloody rude to make those claims on his behalf, with no authority, and made worse because it was total nonsense.”

    Friends added that William thought his brother had “totally lost the plot”.

  • Harry and Meghan not a part of their US community

    According to a royal expert, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have left some members of their Montecito community questioning who they are and have yet to really become “part of the community”.

    The royal couple moved to the area during the summer of 2020.

    British journalist Richard Mineards told The Times: “Harry and Meghan haven’t become part of the community, and I think a lot of people are bristling about that really.

    “It’s such a lovely place to go out and they’ve been a no-show.

    “There is this big question of, ‘Where are they?'”

  • Prince Harry was ‘sad to be back’ in UK

    A body language expert has analysed Prince Harry’s interview on the American show Today, where he spoke about his recent visit to see the Queen.

    Expert Darren Stanton told GB News: “I think he’s quite torn between being over there and the UK.

    “He’s feeling genuine sadness at not being in the thick of it.”

    He added: “The eyebrows basically come together and the mouth drips and also when people tend to go like that with the lips that is almost like a self-reassurance gesture.”

  • Afternoon, Milica Cosic now taking over the blog. I’ll be with you until 10pm tonight.

  • Harry’s aides ‘drawing up plans for Duke to attend Jubilee celebrations’

    PRINCE Harry’s aides are said to be “drawing up plans” for him to attend the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June.

    The Duke may reach a “resolution” with the Met Police over his security row so that he can join his family for Her Majesty’s special milestone, it’s understood.

    It comes after Harry sensationally snubbed the Queen AGAIN as he revealed he doesn’t know if he’ll make her Jubilee in a bombshell new interview.

    The Duke of Sussex gushed about his “special relationship” with his grandmother but refused to say whether he will return to the UK to celebrate her 70 years on the throne.

    When asked whether he will return to the UK to mark the Platinum Jubilee, Harry told NBC: “I don’t know if I’ll come. There are lots of issues with security and everything else.

    “That’s what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to do everything to make sure my kids can meet her.”

    Read more here.

  • Prince Andrew LUNGED at me,  says ex-royal aide

    A FORMER royal aide has told how Prince Andrew “lunged” at her as she wore a T-shirt with a saucy slogan.

    Nicola Palmer, 21 at the time, said: “He looked at my chest. I remember him staring, grinning. I turned and ran upstairs.”

    Nicola was a live-in PA at the Duke of York’s former £15million mansion.

    Both the Prince and ex-wife Sarah Ferguson were out — but Andrew, 42 at the time, returned early to Sunninghill Park, Berks.

    She recalled him twice asking her to explain the cheeky slogan across her chest.

    You have to think of me without my pants,” he lurched towards her and she ran off down a corridor.

source site-15

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