Meghan Markle latest news – Prince Harry WARNED he’ll ‘run out of allies’ if he keeps ‘hurting Royal Family’ in public

PRINCE Harry is at risk of “running out of allies” if he continued to hurt the Royal Family with his public outbursts, an expert has said.

Royal editor Russell Meyers said: “The Prince of Wales is caught between a rock and a hard place on how to deal with his son after so many recent and often hurtful outbursts towards the rest of his family.

“For while Prince Charles, according to those close to him, still “loves and cares deeply” for Prince Harry, there is a certain unease at how frequently and with such ease he seems to wade into his family’s affairs.

“The family he upped sticks and left behind, if you recall. The latest souring of relations between father and son seems to stem from Harry attempting to claim he raised “concerns” about a Saudi tycoon at the centre of a probe into sizable donations to Charles’s charity. This is at odds with Charles, or any of his closest advisors, who appear to have no knowledge of Harry ever mentioning anything of the sort.

“The Harry that presents himself in public, or through his vastly expensive lawyers, is quite different from the one who still engages with his father. The danger is he will run out of a number of already dwindling allies in his own family if he doesn’t see the hurt he is causing to others who have maintained a dignified silence.”

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  • Charles’ pal has his say

    Charles’ pal said Harry’s reference to the Mahfouz payments was “more damaging than the swipe at Charles’s parenting skills”.

    “This was a challenge to the way he conducts his business which is far more damaging to the future King,” they said.

    The friend added Charles and Harry have “barely spoken since the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral” eight months ago.

    And they said: “These constant barbs about his father from America could be very damaging to his reign.

    “Attempts have been made to clear the air but they have barely spoken since the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral.”

  • Multi-millionaire Prince Harry branded ‘Mr Nonsense’ 

    PRINCE Harry was mocked for talking nonsense after telling anyone unhappy at work to quit.

    The duke, who gave up royal duties to live in an £11million mansion, said walking out can be a joy.

    Royal commentator Angela Levin blasted: “Harry is utterly out of touch. Not everyone has £30million tucked away in the bank.

    “I wonder if he’d give the same advice to people whose mental health is made worse by their marriage. Be quiet H please.”

    Paul Smith, 35, a bricklayer from London, told The Sun: “It’s all right for him to say this when he’s got his family’s millions to fall back on.

    “For the rest of us who have families to support, it’s just not possible. We’re all fighting to pay bills, the mortgage and all the other stuff.

    “He’s talking utter nonsense.”

  • Christmas delivery

    Prince William and Kate Middleton WILL send Christmas gifts to Archie and Lilibet despite their rift with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, an expert has claimed.

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are expected to spend the festive season in California while Prince William and Kate Middleton attend Christmas at Sandringham with The Queen.

    Speaking to Ok! magazine, royal expert Katie Nicholl said the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge still want to keep their Christmas traditions going.

    When asked if they would be sending Archie and Lilibet presents, Katie said: “Yes, of course.

    “They give gifts to the whole family and that includes all their nieces and nephews.”

  • Harry didn’t think this one through

    PRINCE Harry has said that quitting your job can bring “joy” and should be “celebrated” – nearly two years after abandoning life as a working royal.

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex chose to step down as members of the Royal Family in January 2020 and have begun carving out a new life in the US.

    But now Harry, 37, claims that the rise in job resignations during the coronavirus pandemic isn’t “all bad” and he is pleased that people are putting their mental health and happiness first.

    He was speaking as chief impact officer for professional coaching and mental health firm BetterUp – one of many ventures since leaving the royals.

    Talking at their event he said: “I’ve actually discovered recently, courtesy of a chat with Adam Grant, that a lot of the job resignations you mention aren’t all bad. In fact, it is a sign that with self-awareness comes the need for change.

    “Many people around the world have been stuck in jobs that didn’t bring them joy, and now they’re putting their mental health and happiness first. This is something to be celebrated.

    “While on the surface it looks like these last couple of years brought all these issues to the foreground, the reality is these struggles and issues have been brewing for quite some time We’re just at the beginning of the mental health awakening.”

  • Joanna Lumley on meeting the Queen (continued…)

    Despite having met members of the royal family multiple times, when asked if she could think of appropriate things to say when she encountered the Queen she said “never”.

    She added: “I went to one of the lunches at Buckingham Palace and for some extraordinary reason I… she said ‘tell me what you’re doing nowadays’ and (I) said I’m very concerned about legalising drugs.”

    “I mean what happened to me, as if she would care, she had no interest in it.

    “Anyways she let me babble on for a little bit because she is very good at listening to people, she’s very good at listening.”

  • Joanna Lumley was ‘terrified’ when she first met Queen

     Joanna Lumley has admitted she felt “absolutely terrified” and turned “rather dim” when she first met the Queen.

    The Ab Fab star, 75, confessed she babbled to Her Majesty about fears over legalising drugs. She said the Queen listened politely but “had no interest in it”.

    She told BBC One’s The Andrew Marr Show: “Even when people say ‘what an honour, you’ll love it, she’s so friendly’, you’re absolutely terrified.

    “It’s almost like an electric shock because somebody so familiar is suddenly in front of you.

    “The Queen is suddenly a different dimension, a different size.”

    Plugging her new book A Queen for All Seasons, Joanna added: “People always say ‘her eyes are so blue, so stunning’.

    “And so you have that shock and you immediately start being rather dim and rather babbly.”

  • Queen snubbed Christmas photo, book claims

    New book “Brothers And Wives: Inside The Private Lives of William, Kate, Harry, and Meghan” claims the Queen had an aide move a portrait of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Archie off camera before she recorded her 2019 Christmas broadcast.

    The framed photo was initially on a desk alongside other family images, including photos of William and Kate, Prince Charles and Camilla, the Queen’s father George VI and the Duke of Edinburgh.

    The monarch is claimed to have pointed at the framed image and said: “That one, I suppose we don’t need that one.”

    It is suggested that the Queen snubbed Harry and Meghan because they had chosen to spend Christmas in Canada with Meghan’s mum Doria Ragland.

  • Prince Harry accused of making father look foolish 

    PRINCE Harry was last night accused of making his father look foolish as he tried to distance himself from a cash for honours scandal.

    The Duke of Sussex released a statement yesterday insisting he cut ties with a controversial Saudi billionaire at the centre of Prince Charles’ honours probe because of “concerns over his motives”.

    Harry, 37, reportedly took a £50,000 charity donation in 2013 from Mahfouz Marei Mubarak bin Mahfouz — who hinted that he would give millions more.

    The relationship cleared the way for Mahfouz to meet his father, 73.

    The billionaire went on to donate more than £1.5million to Charles’ charities before controversially being made a CBE in 2016.

    The awarding of the honour is now the focus of a police investigation, which sparked the resignation of Charles’ top aide, Michael Fawcett.

  • Harry never liked Fawcett, expert claims

    Angela Levin, Prince Harry’s biographer, said: “He doesn’t mention Charles by name in his statement but it’s a clear case of one-upmanship.

    “Harry looks for any occasion to whack his father and criticise him. It’s sad.”
    Others have suggested Harry’s statement is instead aimed at Charles’s ex-aide.

    Ingrid Seward, editor-in- chief of Majesty magazine, said: “He might personally be feeling that his father is an idiot — but he would never say it. If anyone, he would lay the blame on Michael Fawcett.

    “Harry never liked Fawcett. The way he fawned over their father, he found it distasteful.”

  • Met Police won’t open investigation in to cash for honours claim

    The Metropolitan Police said that officers will not open an investigation into the prince’s former most trusted aide, Michael Fawcett, over cash for honours claims.

    Dame Cressida Dick said the Met had made “initial inquiries” after receiving a letter from Ex-Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker asking the commissioner to launch a criminal probe into Mr Fawcett.

    However, after reviewing the relevant legislation, the force had decided not to open an investigation.

    Mr Fawcett resigned in November amid claims he promised to help secure a knighthood and British citizenship for Saudi billionaire Mahfouz Marei Mubarak bin Mahfouz – a donor to the Prince’s foundation.

  • Charles hosts hedgelaying event at Highgrove estate

    The Prince of Wales presented awards at the National Hedgelaying Society’s Patron’s Day event at his Highgrove estate in Gloucestershire.

    Around 50 hedgelayers took part in the competition at the prince’s private residence on Saturday.

    Charles, who is the society’s patron, hosted the hedgelayers at a reception before handing out the awards.

    The Prince spoke of his teenage “horror” at watching miles of hedgerows being dug up “in the name of agricultural progress”.

    “I don’t need to tell you of the destruction that has been wrought over our hedgerows over the last 60 years,” he told the assembled hedgelayers.

    “As a teenager I watched in horror as miles and miles of such a wonderful part of the British landscape was grubbed up in the name of agricultural progress.

    “Hedges which had stood for hundreds of years – even thousands – disappeared in an instant and now our hedgerows are under a new threat of disease with ash dieback threatening to destroy the vast majority.”

  • Royal family love spending time outside walking

    The Queen still takes her beloved corgis for a stroll as Prince William revealed his “whole family” loves walking – but failed to mention to his brother Harry.

    In a heartfelt tweet, the Duke of Cambridge told of his family’s fondness for walking alongside a snap of him standing outside St Mary Magdalene Church, Sandringham.

    The 39-year-old wrote of the monarch, 95, still enjoying walks, as well as about his father Prince Charles and kids Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis – yet didn’t include Harry amid their ongoing rift.

    Wills shared the message as he says he hopes to “inspire a few other people to get active and take some extra time for their own mental health” by talking about some of his “stories and favorite songs” on an episode of Apple’s Time to Walk podcast.

    He tweeted: “My whole family have a passion for walking – whether it’s my Grandmother still taking her corgis out at 95; my father embarking on lengthy rambles over the summer in Scotland; or my own children making their first appearance at our annual walk to church on Christmas at Sandringham.”

  • Christmas lights switch on

    The Duchess of Cornwall has switched on the Christmas tree lights as she visited Royal Trinity Hospice to celebrate its 130th anniversary.

    Camilla met nurses, doctors, patients and their families as she toured the hospice in Clapham, south London.

    Children from nearby St Mary’s RC Primary School sang carols around the modern Christmas tree structure.

    Camilla’s switching on of the lights marked the launch of the centre’s Christmas appeal, which aims to raise millions of pounds missed in fundraising due to the coronavirus pandemic.

    The duchess told staff: “You are all marvellous. We owe you such gratitude for constantly going above and beyond.

    “It is a very special place here and you are all wonderful.”

  • “Running out of allies”

    PRINCE Harry is at risk of “running out of allies” if he continued to hurt the Royal Family with his public outbursts, an expert has said.

    Royal editor Russell Meyers said: “The Prince of Wales is caught between a rock and a hard place on how to deal with his son after so many recent and often hurtful outbursts towards the rest of his family.

    “For while Prince Charles, according to those close to him, still “loves and cares deeply” for Prince Harry, there is a certain unease at how frequently and with such ease he seems to wade into his family’s affairs.

    “The family he upped sticks and left behind, if you recall. The latest souring of relations between father and son seems to stem from Harry attempting to claim he raised “concerns” about a Saudi tycoon at the centre of a probe into sizable donations to Charles’s charity. This is at odds with Charles, or any of his closest advisors, who appear to have no knowledge of Harry ever mentioning anything of the sort.

    “The Harry that presents himself in public, or through his vastly expensive lawyers, is quite different from the one who still engages with his father. The danger is he will run out of a number of already dwindling allies in his own family if he doesn’t see the hurt he is causing to others who have maintained a dignified silence.”

  • Meghan snubbed by Queen

    The Duchess of Cambridge hosted the Together at Christmas carol concert at Westminister Abbey on Wednesday and was seen wearing a pair of sapphire and diamond earrings that were lent to her by the Queen.

    Royal expert Daniela Elser highlighted that this is the second time Kate has worn jewellery belonging to the Queen, stating that she believes the earrings have been permanently lent to her.

    However, Meghan has only ever been lent the Queen’s wedding tiara, which royal fans believe means Kate is more trusted.

    Speaking on News Au, Ms Elser said: “While the former actress might own pieces which had belonged personally to Diana, Princess of Wales, getting to frock up in some enormous sparklers from the royal trove was a perk she never enjoyed.”

  • Andrew has always denied claims

    According to reports, Prince Andrew hosted Epstein’s entourage, including a model in her 20s.

    Also released were pictures showing Maxwell giving Epstein a creepy foot massage.

    Earlier this year the Prince was pictured at Balmoral as US lawyers were trying to serve sex abuse lawsuit papers on him.

    Prince Andrew has always denied the claims.

  • Queen used as example

    Yesterday Labour leader Keir Starmer criticised the Prime Minister for not abiding by the rules and used the Queen as an example of someone who did – even on one of the most difficult days of her life.

    “Her Majesty the Queen sat alone when she marked the passing of the man she’d been married to for 73 years,” he told the Commons.

    “Leadership, sacrifice – that’s what gives leaders the moral authority to lead.

    “Does the Prime Minister think he has the moral authority to lead and to ask the British people to stick to the rules?”

  • Andrew spotted looking anxious

    Andrew looks anxious as Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking trial continues.

    The Duke of York, 61, was horseriding near Windsor Castle yesterday.

    The US court has seen a pic of paedo Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell at the Queen’s Balmoral estate.

    The snap shows the pair lounging on a bench on the deck of a log cabin on the grounds of the royal home.

  • Queen may appear in public for first time since early autumn

    THE Queen is set to “have her family round for a Christmas gathering” and host a pre-festive season party, it’s been reported.

    Her Majesty, 95, may appear in public for the first time since early autumn as she enjoys Christmas by celebrating with her close family.

    According to the Daily Mail, Her Maj has been given the go-ahead by doctors to throw her annual private pre-festive season party.

    Extended family members will all be given an invite to the party – which hasn’t been held since 2019.

    It’s set to be held at Windsor Castle, not Buckingham Palace – where it’s been hosted for decades by the monarch.

    And after the pre-festive season party, the Queen is set to move her court to Sandringham Estate in Norfolk for Christmas.

    But before she leaves, she will record her annual Christmas message to be broadcast on December 25 for the nation to watch.

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