Meghan Markle latest news – Prince Harry & Meg ‘may not get full £18m Spotify payment’ after making just ONE podcast

MEGHAN & Harry may not get their full fee from Spotify after the couple made just ONE 35 minute podcast since signing with the giant in December 2020.

Media lawyer Ian Penman, who specialises in music streaming contracts, has suggested the Duke and Duchess’ podcasts are likely to have been less popular than Spotify expected.

He told “It would not be an unfair assumption that perhaps their popularity was not as great as maybe they or indeed Spotify initially felt.

“I think you could draw a conclusion that if [Spotify] haven’t exercised the option on the next episode of the podcast, then maybe they did not have the popularity that either Meghan and Harry expected or indeed Spotify anticipated.”

But he also claims the streaming ginat wouldn’t have paid the cpontract fee up front, adding: He said: “It’s famously the case in music deals, this goes back decades, that when people talk about a large deal, like Robbie Williams signing a deal for £15m or something, it does not mean he gets £15m on day one.

“So the problem you have here, I would imagine, is that when they talk about an £18m Spotify podcast deal, it probably means that they have signed their first product, in this case a podcast – they then have many, many options for further products. All those options are in Spotify’s favour. Make no mistake, they’re not in Meghan and Harry’s favour.”

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  • Prince Harry ‘could host The Late Late Show’

    PRINCE Harry could host The Late Late Show in a one night only appearance to promote his controversial memoir, a royal expert has claimed.

    The tell-all memoir which will examine the “highs and lows” of his extraordinary life is set to be released next year.

    Royal commentator Neil Sean has claimed that the Prince is considering taking over from “The Late Late Show” host James Corden to “sell his book”.

    Mr Sean told The Express: “One of the ideas that they’re floating around over at CBS is the fact that Prince Harry, for one night only, could simply take over The Late Late Show which is hosted by James Corden.

    “When you think about it does make perfect sense simply because they’re good chums and, of course, it would be a great way for Prince Harry to sell that book directly to the American public. 

    “They could film some sort of skits and jokes, the type of thing that happens on these late-night shows.”

  • Pals say Windsor Castle suspect was ‘odd’

    THE teenager suspected of scaling Windsor Castle armed with a crossbow on Christmas Day has been described by old school friends as “odd”.

    One former pal said Chail was an oddball who tried to make others laugh with inappropriate jokes in the classroom.

    They told the Daily Mail: “He was always a bit odd and quiet most of the time.”

    Another old mate, who did not want to be named, said: “He seemed like a normal lad really.

    “Nothing to distinguish him from anything else. There was one big incident with him getting in a fight with someone but that was back when he was 13.”

    Jaswant Singh Chail, 19, was sectioned under the Mental Health Act, shortly after chilling footage showed a masked man threatening to kill the Queen, 95.

  • Meg & Harry could become ‘world’s richest personal brand’

    Meghan and Harry could could become the “world’s richest personal brand”, according to an expert.

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex may have stepped down as senior royals, but that doesn’t seem to have hindered their ability to rake in the cash.

    Between them, they have job in banking and at a Silicon Valley startup., multimillion dollar partnerships with Netflix, Spotify and Apple, investments in vegan coffee, a children’s book and an upcoming memoir, and well-paid public speaking gigs.

    Andrew Bloch, branding expert and founder of Frank PR, told Fabulous: “I would estimate their combined net worth is circa £250million.”

  • ‘A game with no rules’

    Meghan claimed it was a victory “not just for me, but for anyone who has ever felt scared to stand up for what’s right”.

    She added: “From day one, I have treated this lawsuit as an important measure of right versus wrong.

    “The defendant has treated it as a game with no rules.

    “The longer they dragged it out, the more they could twist facts and manipulate the public (even during the appeal itself), making a straightforward case extraordinarily convoluted in order to generate more headlines and sell more newspapers – a model that rewards chaos above truth.”

  • Meghan Markle could receive more than £1.5MILLION

    MEGHAN Markle could receive more than £1.5million after winning her three-year High Court privacy battle.

    The Mail on Sunday has acknowledged the Duchess of Sussex won her copyright claim against the newspaper’s publisher for printing extracts of a letter she wrote to her estranged dad – and have agreed to pay “financial remedies”.

    Her team said her legal costs were estimated to be £1.5m – demanding half was paid within 14 days – but Lord Justice Warby ordered the Mail on Sunday to pay £450,000 in costs, with the possibility of more to be paid in the future.

  • The Royal Mint on the new coins

    Clare Maclennan, from The Royal Mint, said: “Each year, the Royal Mint unveils a series of commemorative coins to celebrate key milestones that helped shape Britain.

    “This year’s Annual Set is particularly special with a new 50 pence, £5 crown and special platinum set in celebration of Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

    “As the Original Maker of UK coins, the Royal Mint has been trusted to strike coins for Her Majesty throughout an historic 70 years on the throne and celebrated royal milestones such as previous Jubilees on commemorative crown pieces.

    “The Platinum Jubilee celebration is a spectacular first for the British monarchy and for UK coins, and it is fitting that this historic anniversary has been celebrated on 50 pence – which is Britain’s most loved, collectable coin.”

  • The new Platinum Jubilee 50p and £5 coins

    THE Royal Mint has unveiled its first two coins celebrating the Queen’s upcoming Platinum Jubilee.

    A 50p is the only one of its kind to salute a royal event while a £5 coin follows a tradition of marking jubilees on crown pieces.

  • Rewind to the bombshell interview

    In what some have dubbed the TV event of 2021, Meghan and Harry gave an exclusive, tell-all interview to Oprah Winfrey.

    The couple sparked royal uproar after accusing an unnamed senior member of the Firm of racism and suggesting other family members were jealous of Meghan.

    They also told Kate was the one who had made Meghan cry during a row over bridesmaid dresses, and Harry felt “trapped within the system” like his brother and dad.

    Their other bombshell claims included being cut off financially after Megxit and how the Duchess of Sussex had contemplated suicide while pregnant.

  • A look back at Meghan’s appearance on Ellen

    In her second major TV appearance, Meghan joined US TV host Ellen DeGeneres on the sofa for her self-titled show.

    The duchess made several surprising revelations, and also took part in a cringeworthy prank which saw her imitate a cat before drinking milk from a baby bottle.

    In other toe-curling clips, she giggled at her own royal title, told a hot sauce seller “mummy wants some heat, and referred to Harry as her “boo”.

    She followed in the footsteps of only a handful of royals to appear on TV, including Princess Diana and Prince Andrew.

  • Did the intruder get close to the Queen?

    The Queen was having breakfast at the time and was informed of the break-in   along with other members of the Royal Family present at the Castle.

    The Queen, 95, was in her private apartments where she was preparing for her first Christmas Day without late husband Prince Philip. 

    As many as 20 family members were inside the castle.

    They were thought to include  Mike and Zara Tindall, Prince Edward and wife Sophie, Princess Beatrice and Eugenie and their children.

    This meant the castle was already on high alert as so many royals were in one place at the same time.

    It remained unclear how and when the intruder made his way to Windsor Castle from his home in Southampton, Hants.

  • Palace prowler brands masked crossbow teen ‘disgusting’

    The petty crook — who came face-to-face with Her Majesty in her bedroom in 1982 — insisted that the 95-year-old monarch’s security needed to be boosted.

     Jaswant Singh Chail made the threat in a video released before the 19-year-old was held by armed police at Windsor Castle on Christmas Day.

    Fagan, now 71, said: “It’s absolutely disgusting. The Queen is just a little old lady these days. She has given her everything for this country and to threaten to kill her is totally out of order.

    “Why would someone even think of doing something like that? It’s a disgrace. He’s probably been brainwashed by what he’s read online.

    “There is a big difference between what I did and what he planned to do.

    “I wanted to have a chat and tell her what was wrong with the country. He wanted to kill her.

     “Her security clearly still isn’t good enough. They are lucky he didn’t get as close as I did.”

  • The locations for Sussexes Xmas card

    The gorgeous family photo was taken during the summer at the pair’s home in California.

    It’s understood the digital personal holiday card was sent to friends and family.

    The Christmas card snap is the first glimpse the world has had of little Lilibet after the Sussexes welcomed the tot into the world earlier this year.

    Alongside the family snaps, Meghan and Harry donated funds to multiple charities – including Paid Leave For All and Human First Coalition.

  • A difficult Xmas for the Queen

    In her Christmas broadcast, the Queen also celebrated her love for her late husband Prince Philip, who passed away on April 9, 2021.

    This Christmas is the first for 73 years she won’t be spending with Prince Philip.

    She made an emotional speech about how she misses his “mischievous twinkle” and his ability to “squeeze fun out of any situation”.

    The monarch fondly recalled his sense of fun but also said she was “proud beyond words” of his achievements.

    The Queen said her late husband was an “early champion of taking seriously our stewardship of the environment”.

  • Hidden signs in Meghan & Harry’s Christmas card 

    THESE are the five hidden signs in Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Christmas card.

    • ‘Happy Holidays’
    • Harry’s bare feet
    • Matching denim
    • ‘Diana’s’ bracelet
    • Wedding photographer

    Read the article in full here.

  • Kate & William’s ‘concern’ for safety

    The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have reportedly been left upset after Scotland Yard instigated a reorganisation of their security arrangements.

    The Daily Mail reports: “Protection officers occupy very unique positions with MRFs [members of the Royal Family]. They are with them 24 hours a day and it understandably takes a long time to build up a good relationship of confidence and trust.

    “Several very well-liked and respected officers have been moved on from their roles, not through any fault of their own. It’s simply because of this desire to shake things up a bit, sometimes for the sake of it, it seems. Everyone is unhappy about it, not least some of the principals [royals].”

    It comes after the Queen faced a security scare when a man bearing what police termed “an offensive weapon” was arrested on the grounds of Windsor Castle on Christmas morning. 

  • Queen’s Xmas speech tops ratings chart

    According to overnight rating figures, this year’s Queen’s Christmas speech topped the Christmas Day viewing charts.

    Her Majesty’s emotional address to the nation was the most-watched broadcast on December 25, drawing an audience of 8.96 million people.

    The speech aired on the 25 December at 3pm on BBC One, ITV and Sky News.

  • Harry & Meghan mourn ‘beloved icon’ Desmond Tutu

    PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle last night hailed Archbishop Desmond Tutu as an “icon” who was “beloved around the world”.

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex who had met the activist back in 2019, shared a statement for his passing.

    The statement reads: “Archbishop Tutu will be remembered for his optimism, his moral clarity and his joyful spirit.

    “He was an icon for racial justice and beloved across the world.

    “It was only two years ago that he held our son, Archie, while we were in South Africa- ”Arch and the Arch” he had joked, his infectious laughter ringing through the room, relaxing anyone in his presence.

    “He remained a friend and will be sorely missed by all.”

    Harry and Meghan had met the Archbishop and his daughter, Thandeka Tutu-Gxashe in September 2019 during a visit to South Africa.

  • Harry could appear on a US chat show

    According to a royal expert, Prince Harry could appear on a popular US chat show to promote his memoirs next year.

    Royal expert Neil Sean said promotion could see the prince take over from James Corden on The Late Late Show. 

    Neil went on to claim that publishers Penguin Random House are likely to expect “a lot of media attention” to promote the memoirs.

    They are due to be released at the end of 2022.

    However, royal fans are upset at this and have accused Prince Harry of trying to upstage the Queen in her Platinum Jubilee year, with one royal fan saying: “They cannot upstage Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. They’re not relevant anymore.”

  • Prince Harry & Meghan Markle’s “isolated world”

    Taking a look back at October of this year, a royal expert warned the couple have built an “isolated world” for themselves and are “desperate to control the narrative”.

    A biographer who is currently writing a book about Meghan claims they are “alienating their families”.

    Biographer Tom Bower told Closer magazine : “Harry and Meghan have totally isolated themselves. They seem to think they will be stronger by cutting people out, but they’re really just alienating their families. I think it’s very sad for them both and their children.”

  • ‘Big things are coming’ for Meg & Harry

    Spotify previously said “big things are coming” and urged listeners to “stay tuned”.

    One source said recently: “Spotify were delighted when they signed the couple, but the lack of content has mystified them.

    “Particularly as they seem to have no problem producing content for other platforms.”

    Despite this, it is understood the couple were not paid their full £18million fee from Spotify up front.

  • Neighbours on the shock of the intruder

    Neighbours yesterday spoke of their shock about the suspect’s arrest and described how a flurry of police arrived at their private housing estate on Christmas Day.

    One neighbour said: “There was a big commotion with all the police around and it caused some concern, especially as it was Christmas Day.

    “The family keep themselves to themselves, like the rest of the estate, but we know there’s a teenage lad who lives there with his mum and dad.

    “The police didn’t leave the estate until late at night. Everyone was wondering what  was going on.

    “We saw the Windsor story in the news but never  thought our road would be at the centre of it.”

  • Prince Harry to ‘take over’ from James Corden

    According to one royal commentator, Prince Harry could take over from James Corden on ‘The Late Late Show’ to promote his book.

    Neil Sean claims the Duke of Sussex will host the show to “sell his book” next year. 

    Mr Sean said it could be “for one night only” but would make “perfect sense”

  • Calls to step up Queen’s security

    Calls for Royal security to be stepped up are being made, after a new video emerged allegedly showing the crossbow-carrying intruder who broke into Windsor Castle.

    A video has emerged of a masked man, holding a crossbow, threatened to “assassinate the Queen”.

    Royal correspondent Angela Levin commented on the video on Twitter, urging for security measures to be stepped up to protect the monarch.

    She said the story itself of a break-in was “horrendous” and that the message in the video was “chilling”.

  • Dad of Windsor Castle suspect speaks

    Chilling footage shows the masked man threatening to “assassinate the Queen” just minutes before police swooped on him on Christmas Day.

    The dad of a teen suspected of scaling Windsor Castle armed with a crossbow today said “something’s gone horribly wrong” with his son.

    His father, Jasbir Singh Chail, told MailOnline: “Something’s gone horribly wrong with our son and we are trying to figure out what.

    “We’ve not had a chance to speak to him but are trying to get him the help he needs.

    “From our perspective, we are going through a difficult time. We are trying to resolve this issue and it’s not easy.”

    Jasbir’s son, who allegedly grew up in a £500,000 semi-detached house located on a private estate, is believed to have sent the video of him posing with a crossbow to his friends on Snapchat 24 minutes before armed officers pounced on him on Christmas morning.

  • Charlie Brooker’s Death to 2021 slammed for mocking Prince Phillips death

    The mockumentary is the second instalment from writer and satirist Charlie, 50, and co-writer Annabel Jones.

    The programme takes a tongue in cheek look at the past year, which featured the doom and gloom of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and turmoil within the Royal Family.

    After showing a couple of clips from the chat, a voiceover then said: “After the interview, Prince Philip withdraws from public life permanently, by dying.

    “Millions watched the funeral of his Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke Of Deadinburgh.”

    Prince Phillip passed away in June aged 99, leaving the Queen and the rest of the Royal Family devastated.

    With this in mind, viewers were horrified by the moment and took to Twitter to vent.

    One wrote alongside two crying emojis: “They are wrong for this one #DeathTo2021,”

    Another added: “#DeathTo2021 is terribly brilliant and chaotic, the Prince Phillip gag was maybe a step too far, though.”

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